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Using Open Source Application in Education Technology

Froilan D. Mobo

Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, National Highway, San Narciso, 2205 Zambales, Philippines.

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Mobo F. D. Using Open Source Application in Education Technology. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;11(3).

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Mobo F. D. Using Open Source Application in Education Technology. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;11(3) .Available from:

Technology is very important in our day-to-day education because one of its benefits of technology when it comes to educating our teachers is the use of software applications such as OPEN Source Impress, Writer and Calc besides free it’s easy to download it on the Internet for free and without payment. The use of Open Source Software in Education Technology is a great thing as using Impress which can be used in making a simple presentation

The education community have been rapidly influenced by changing technology and we are simply surrounded by technology everywhere. It affects our life in many ways like socializing, playing online games, and most importantly learning. Technology comes in many forms and there is a number of software that can be used to support the curriculum like open source application. It can make activities easier for students. It came from any form including the internet. Awareness of using open software among teachers and students is certainly far thab few years ago.

Using open source application is easy and its also free to download on the internet. The use of open software in education technologu is a great thing as using Impress which can be used ib making simple presentations. We mostly think of technology as laptop, computers, cellphones and tablets but it is more than that. Using technology has a great impact to the learners and the teachers as well. Without technology we cannot easily adopt in the rapid change in our society. We are becoming more independent on it. With the continuing advances, learners are able to get improve in the different educational opportunities. Students can easily access the information and it is very convenient for them because its just one click away and the information needed is already there. There are specific literacy skills that learners can learn by hsing open source teachnology. The traditional system of learning is already losing due to innovations. However, in our new education system, learning becomes easy and very beneficial for teachers and learners.2

In our new Philippine education system, technology plays a very important role. Teachers and learners can all benefit from it. It helps school curriculum by sharing, connceting and highlighting information that we need to know. Teachnology is very important in our everyday lives especially inside the four corners of our classroom. One of its benefits when it comes to educating our learners is the use of software applications such as open source Impress. Learners like to be interactive and learning through technology is already part of their lifestyle.

Teacher comes up in creative ways to teach their students in different ways to learn new ideas and concept. It is very helpful for a teacher in using these tools. Teachers used different motivations such as multedia presentation to catch the attention and interest of their learners.

According to Reisinger, open source application lessen the teachers and students in their workloads. It czan easily download and open source application and already increase its demand of usage as of today because wvwn smartphones and tablet can easily access the internet.1

According to David Goodrum, director of academic technology and information services in Oregob State University in campus technology, digital education generates new learning opportunities as learners engage in onlines and digital environment and as teachers change education methods and strategies through personalized instructions,new collaboration models and wide innovative learning strategies3

Open source technology is not meant to replace teachers. Rather, the idea is to create a wide learning environment and open doors to new experiences that leads to innovations. It convert the classrooms into approach which is more collaborative learning environment.4


  1. Pros & Cons of Technology in the Classroom in 2018. (2018, July 16). Retrieved from
  2. Brok, E. (n.d.). Lobbying for open source and Linux in schools. Retrieved from
  3. David Goodrum. (2018). Retrieved from
  4. Red Hat. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

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