Table of Contents - Volume 14 Number 1,2,3

Classification of Lumber Spine Disc Herniation Using Machine Learning Methods

Pages : 01-10

Tan Xin Hui Nicole, Humaira Nisar* and Sim Kar Wei

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In the medical field computer-aided diagnosis systems (CADs) are an active area of research as CADs serve to aid medical professionals in simplifying the diagnosis of a patients condition. In this paper we propose a machine learning based method for classifying lumbar disc herniation.  The automation of herniated disc diagnosis decreases the enormous weight on radiologists who need to analyse several cases every day manually. Automation will also help to decrease inter and intra rater variability. Hence his work focuses on the classification of lumber disc herniation based on sagittal view Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs). The dataset used in this work comprises of 32 images from 32 patients of which 10 patients are healthy while 22 of them have herniated discs. This data is processed through various image processing techniques to obtain three sets of features: the binary image; shape, height and width measurements of discs; and full attribute images. The proposed approach consists of four stages: region extraction, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The classification process is performed through support vector machines (SVMs) and K-nearest neighbor (KNNs) of which the KNN with k=5 produced the best results with 78.6% accuracy, F1 score of 66.7%, precision and recall rate of 60% and 75% respectively.

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A Novel Protocol for Data Transmission Between Device-to-Device Communications in IEEE 802.11 Standards

Pages : 11-16

Itfaq Ahmad Mir1 and Anwaar Ahmad Wani2

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Designed for multiple device-to-device clusters (D2DC) multicast communications is proposed in this research which is an efficient resource allocation scheme. To maximize the sum effective throughput the transmit power and the channel are apportioned to D2DC. Given that the nature of administration is rationed for cellular communications at a specific degree. Our examination details a channel assignment conspire utilizing fractional data of gadget areas. For this situation, we acquire the disturbance likelihood and viable throughput of D2DC communications incomparative outline. This process is carried by increasing the cluster size, code words and subcarriers. we proposed the algorithm here is a sensible channel allocation (CA) conspire utilizing partial information of device locations (CA-PIL). Consequently planned methodology can naturally lessen the measure of required framework overhead contrasted and the Channel Allocation (CA) conspire utilizing full information of device locations (CA-FIL).The forthcoming CA-PIL strategy accomplishes the close ideal aggregate Effective Throughput got by CA-FIL when an enormous number of D2D devices work in the clusters.

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A Cybersecurity Culture Framework for grassroots levels in Zimbabwe

Pages : 17-34

Gabriel Kabanda1 and Tinashe Chingoriwo2

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Cybersecurity is a combination of technologies, processes and operations that are designed to protect information systems, computers, devices, programs, data and networks from internal or external threats, harm, damage, attacks or unauthorized access1.The research was purposed to develop a cybersecurity culture framework which ensures that grassroot users of cyberspace are secured from cyber threats. Literature review showed that in Zimbabwe, no research had attempted to come up with a cybersecurity culture framework for grassroot users of cyberspace.The research was guided by the interpretivist paradigm and employed a qualitative methodology. A descriptive research design was used to answer the research questions and unstructured interviews were done to ascertain the cybersecurity needs and challenges of grassroot users of cyberspace. A cybersecurity culture framework was then crafted based on the research findings. The researchers recommended that Zimbabwe should have a cybersecurity vision and strategy that cascades to the grassroot users of cyberspace. Furthermore, the education curricula should be revised so that it incorporates cybersecurity courses at primary and secondary school level .This will then ensure that ICT adoption is matched with cyber hygiene and responsible use of cyberspace.

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ICT in Agriculture: Creating SMART Farmers

Pages : 35-40

Aparana Sharma

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Agriculture is the backbone of any country and India is blessed to have agriculture as the main occupation of a large population. The varied geographical terrain of India provides an opportunity for yearlong production of crops. With the onset of technical revolution in all the areas of life, all over the world, agriculture is not untouched. The developments in ICT has revolutionized agricultural operations many folds. Be it the meteorological information, soil health, seed health, fertilizer application or even the insect attack on the crops, all are being regulated by the ICT applications in one form or other. Our today’s farmer is well informed about the use of new technologies in agriculture and is very efficiently utilizing the information in an intelligent way. All these are irrespective of the region, season, crop, place or the location. The use of Information Technology has made our farmers SMART, i.e., they are Self Monitoring, Analyzing and Reporting through the use of adequate Technology. The use of proper IT tools has given both the scientists and farmers a suitable platform to interact more frequently and on time. The scientists are using ICT tools to reach the farmers on their fields and our farmers has brought their knowledge to the labs for further growth and development in the field of agriculture. The present paper is a review on the current ICT applications which is making our farmers SMARTER and self reliant. There are many initiatives of government and private organizations to bring our farmers closer to the technologies developed for their benefit. The current paper is an attempt to visualize the efforts made by scientists and technologists in the field of information and Technology for the benefit of farmers and towards the end it conceptualizes the application of ICT and its use by our farmers.

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Role of Librarian in Electronic Libraries

Pages : 41-45

Shinde Mahadu Manoharrao1 Madhav Raghunathrao Patiland Munjewar Subhadra Amrat2*

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The term information electronic library it’s need and importance and takes a stock of some notable efforts being made to initiate information electronic library activities in different parts the world.

The aim of electronic library is to explorer and to collect useful knowledge over above faster coping. Search and to distribute. So present paper discuses in electronic library services. It’s meaning, feature, feature, roll of librarians, services of e-libraries, advantages, disadvantages, and objective etc..

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Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Computing

Pages : 46-51

Waqas Hasan

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Cloud computing provides multiple services to users through the internet and these services include cloud storage, applications, servers, security and large network access. Virtual Machine allows the user to emulate multiple operating systems on a single computer; with the help of virtual machine migration users can transfer operating system instances from one computer to multiple computer machines. In this paper we will be discussing VM migration in cloud and also I will explain the whole procedure of VM migration. The two methods through which we can perform VM migration are Live VM migration and NON-live VM migration.VM migration also helps in managing the loads of the multiple machines and with VM we can save power consumption. People have written about cloud computing and virtual machines in previous studies, but in this research, we'll speak about virtual machine migration in cloud computing, as well as the techniques that are used in the VM migration process. I have used table to show the differences between VM migration techniques.

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