Table of Contents - Volume 4 Number 1

Detecting Faces According to their Pose

Pages : 01-09

Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh1,2*,Javad Khalatbari1, B.Somayeh Mousavi3 and Saeedeh Motamed1,4

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Human face detection is one of the vital techniques in computer vision. It plays so important role in a wide variety of applications such as surveillance systems, video tracking applications and image database management. In this paper a new method to detect faces with different pose in colour images, is proposed. Skin colour, lip position, face shape information and statistical texture properties are the key parameters for developing fussy rule based classifiers to extract face candidate from an image. The algorithm consist of two main parts: detecting frontal face system and detecting profile face system. In first step, skin regions are identified in HSI colour space, using fuzzy system, applying distance of each pixel colour to skin colour cluster as input and producing a skin-likelihood image in output. The regions owning the most likelihood of belonging to skin are labelled and enter the frontal face detecting part . To extract frontal face regions ,fuzzy rule based system is used, applying face and lip position, lip area data and face shape. The detected faces are removed and remain areas are tested by the profile face finding algorithm. This algorithm utilizes statistical texture properties of ear to verify profile face detection. By this system, 98%, 90% and 83.33% detection rates are achieved, respectively for frontal, near frontal and profile faces.

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Different Methods for Statistical Face Representation – Review

Pages : 11-28

T. Syed Akheel¹, S.A.K. Jilani² and K. Kanthamma²

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Face is an important biometric feature for personal identification. Human beings easily detect and identify faces in a scene but it is very challenging for an automated system to achieve such objectives. Hence there is need to have reliable identification method for interacting users .In this paper we discuss past research on biometric face feature extraction and recognition of static images. We will present implementation outline of these methods along with their comparative measures and result analysis.

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CIODD : Cluster Identification and Outlier Detection in Distributed Data

Pages : 29-39

Eena Gilhotra¹ and Saroj Hiranwal²

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Clustering has become an increasingly important task in modern application domains such as marketing and purchasing assistance, multimedia, molecular biology etc. The goal of clustering is to decompose or partition a data set into groups such that both the intra-group similarity and the intergroup dissimilarity are maximized. In many applications, the size of the data that needs to be clustered is much more than what can be processed at a single site. Further, the data to be clustered could be inherently distributed. The increasing demand to scale up to these massive data sets which are inherently distributed over networks with limited bandwidth and computational resources has led to methods for parallel and distributed data clustering. In this thesis, we present CIODD, a cohesive framework for cluster identification and outlier detection for distributed data. The core idea is to generate independent local models and combine the local models at a central server to obtain global clusters. A feedback loop is then provided from the central site to the local sites to complete and refine the global clusters obtained. Our experimental results show the efficiency and accuracy of the CIODD approach. 

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Basic Graphs Terminologies, Their Representation and Applications

Pages : 41-49

Vaibhav Shukla and Somnath Ghosh

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In the present study, general graph terminologies are explained with their representation and application in wide fields like operational research, genetics, physics and chemistry. Basically in the study of graph theory we can represent the relationship between various objects in very simple and convenient way in the form of picture.

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Advanced Algorithmic Approach for IP Lookup (Ipv6)

Pages : 51-58

Pankaj Gupta, Deepak Jain, Nikhil Anthony, Pranav Gupta, Harsh Bhojwani and Uma Nagaraj

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Internet address lookup is a challenging problem because of increasing routing table sizes, increased traffic, higher speed links, and the migration to 128 bit IPv6 addresses. IP routing lookup requires computing the best matching prefix, for which standard solutions like hashing were believed to be inapplicable. The best existing solution we know of, BSD radix tries, scales badly as IP moves to 128 bit addresses. This paper presents a novel algorithm “Distributed memory organization” for lookup of 128 bit IPv6 addresses and “Asymmetric Linear search” on hash tables organized by prefix lengths. Our scheme scales very well when traffic on routers is unevenly distributed and in genera it requires only 3-4 lookups, independent of the address bits and table size. Thus it scales very well for IPv4 and IPv6 under such network conditions. Using the proposed techniques a router can achieve a much higher packet forwarding rate and throughput.

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Implementing Power Saving Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks Using IEEE 802.16e

Pages : 59-66

Pranali D. Tembhurne¹, R.K. Krishna² and Ashish Jaiswal³

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IEEE 802.16e is the latest broadband wireless access standard designed to support mobility. IEEE 802.16e (MAC + PHY) is an emerging standard for mobile wireless broadband access systems. In any mobile networks, power saving is one of the most important features for the extension of devices’ lifetime. To enhance the power efficiency of broadband wireless sensor networks based on battery power, power saving strategies based on cross-layer design is proposed for IEEE 802.16e sleepmode operation. In this paper first we implement the MAC layer & PHY layer. MAC layer with its features are implemented. Second we use the modulation techniques (BPSK, QPSK & 16QAM) with OFDM physical layer to reduce the packet loss. Also analyzing the throughput & delay with time.

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Construction of High Performance Stream Ciphers for Text Web Browsers Using Adders

Pages : 67-74

Raj Kumar and V.K. Saraswat

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There are several security measures to protect the sensitive, confidential and secretive data over the internet. One of the basic mechanism is to apply a secret code of encryption. The basic problem with encryption has been speed, the reliability of mechanism and the compatibility with different web browsers. We have several encryption algorithms like RSA, IDEA, TEA and DES. These algorithms are developed by different people and written in many forms i.e. in different programming languages. Here we are proposing a model of stream cipher based on encryption techniques with digital adder’s operation. The text is translated into hex code using some secret key (say password). The secret key is only shared by sender and receivers. So only authorized personnel can access the data sent. Our model proposes to use n-bit serial adder to encrypt data with fast speed and high reliability. The encrypted data are converted into hexadecimal to enhance the compatibility of the proposed mechanism with different machines and platforms. We have performed an analytical analysis to determine the best working algorithms for text web browser.

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Securing the Information Network

Pages : 75-82

Rashmi Agrawal

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In this paper, actually we will present a technique of secure data transmission through hiding of data in image file by replacing it’s one of the LSB bit. The watermarked bit embedded into image sample to increases the robustness against noise hence by combining cryptography and steganography we will increases the security of data.

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Energy Efficient Cluster Based Partial Multihop Algorithm for Hetrogeneous (CPMH) WSN

Pages : 83-90

M. Vasim Babu

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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in wireless sensor networks. One of the major issues in wireless sensor network is developing an energy-efficient routing protocol. The challenge lies in efficiently providing acceptable accuracy while conforming to the many constraints of WSNs. Energy limited is one main bottle-neck for wireless sensor networks. Due to unreasonable cluster head electing and intensive energy consumption of cluster head in clustering algorithm, I propose cluster based partial multihop algorithm for heterogeneous WSN, Which aimed to optimize cluster head voting and balance energy consumption of cluster head. I also propose a hierarchical tree routing method that reduces the distance of cluster-head to the base station.

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Amalgam Version of Itinerant Augmented Reality

Pages : 91-98

Akhil Khare, Shashank Sharma and Sonali Goyal

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Augmented reality is a powerful user interface technology that augments the user’s environment with computer generated entities In this venture we investigate building indoor location based applications for a mobile augmented reality system. Augmented reality is a natural interface to visualize special information such as position or direction of locations and objects for location based applications that process and present information based on the user’s position in the real world. To enable such applications we construct an indoor tracking system that covers a substantial part of a building. It is based on visual tracking of fiducial markers enhanced with an inertial sensor for fast rotational updates This is especially problematic for mobile augmented reality systems, which ideally require extremely precise position tracking for the user’s head, but which may not always be able to achieve the necessary level of accuracy. While it is possible to ignore variable positional accuracy in an augmented reality user interface, this can make for a confusing system; for example, when accuracy is low, virtual objects that are nominally registered with real ones may be too far off to be of use. Our system uses inferencing and path planning to guide users toward targets that they choose.

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Framework for Threshold Based Centralized Load Balancing Policy for Heterogeneous Systems

Pages : 99-105

Archana B. Saxena and Deepti Sharma

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We propose threshold based centralized load balancing policy for heterogeneous systems, where all incoming jobs are acknowledged by central server and completed with the help of workstations. All the activities (Load distribution & Load sharing) within system are regulated with the help of a central server by maintaining Capability matrix and Load matrix. We present details how threshold based Load balancing is implemented in anticipated system. A node is assigned a relative load threshold on the basis of their operational capability. Overloaded (Load > Threshold) and under loaded (Load < threshold) nodes can route load balancing through central server. We intend to do a simulation study to compare the propose scheme with conventional Load balancing scheme to show that projected scheme will increase system throughput and condense execution time. The computer simulation is based on time, sender and receiver initiative load balancing scheme, and is tested for a number of decision thresholds. We hope our result will match our expectation.

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A Hybrid Multi-Agent Routing Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization for MANET

Pages : 123-128

V. K. Saraswat and Amit Singhal

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There are many routing algorithms are presented for Mobile Ad hoc Network such as Destination sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) which is known as proactive routing algorithm based on routing table, due to continuously updating routing tables, it consumes large portion of network capacity. Another is Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) is known as reactive algorithm. In this algorithm, when path breaks, it needs a new route discovery, this cause a route discovery latency, therefore these are not suitable for real time communication. With the inspiration by Swarm Intelligence (SI), we borrowed idea from ant colony and Ant Colony Optimization framework and proposed an Enhanced hybrid routing algorithm which can improve the performance in MANET. The hybrid quality of the algorithm makes it suitable for the entire environment in comparison with reactive and proactive protocols. The introduced routing algorithm is highly adaptive, efficient and scalable. The main aim of this algorithm to reduce the end-to-end delay in the context of pause time and mobility on packet received. We refer to this algorithm as the “Ant Colony based Multi Agent Routing Algorithm (ACMRA).

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A Comprehensive Study of Technologies and Trends Used in Latest Mobile Computing Environment

Pages : 115-121

Vaibhav Shukla and Som Nath Ghosh

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The present study discussed about all the basic components of mobile devices which are being used in the development of mobile phones. The author focused on client server architecture and mobile computing. Various types of operating systems which are used very frequently in the mobile devices are Window CE and Symbian OS, these are the two very frequently used operating systems which we used in the mobile devices.

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Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring A Patient Having Hole in the Heart Continuously Using Zigbee

Pages : 123-128

P. Ramanathan¹ and Pradip Manjrekar²

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In this research paper, we presented the wireless Sensor network (WSN)for monitoring a patient having hole in the heart continuously using ZIGBEE The output of biosensor has to be transmitted via Zigbee and the same has to be sent to the remote wireless monitor for observing the condition of the patient having hole in the heart and for the same proper medical treatment should be given to him/ her without surgery using alternative medicine to cure hole in the heart. The remote wireless monitor is constructed of Zigbee and personal computer (PC). The measured signal has to be sent to the PC, which can be data collection. When the measured signals over the standard value, the personal computer sends Global system for Mobile communication (GSM) short message to the care taker. Although Bluetooth is better than Zigbee for transmission rate, but Zigbee has lower power consumption. Hence, Zigbee is generally used for 24 hours monitor of communication transmission system. The first procedure of the system that we use the biosensor to measure Heart rate and blood pressure from human body using Zigbee the measured signal sends to the PC via the RS-232 serial port communication interface. We can send the signal to remote PC or PDA from the internet. In particular, when measured signals over the standard value, the personal computer will send GSM short message to absent care taker’s mobile phone. 

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A Concept of File Deletion and Restoration as A Threat to Commit Cyber Crime

Pages : 129-134

Anisha Kumar

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Information Technology solutions have paved a way to a new world of internet, business networking and e-banking, budding as a solution to reduce costs, change the sophisticated economic affairs to more easier, speedy, efficient, and time saving method of transactions. Internet has emerged as a blessing for the present pace of life but at the same time also resulted in various threats to the consumers and other institutions which results in committing cyber crime. Despite the increase in government compliance requirements and the proliferation of security tools, companies continue to underestimate the threat from phishing, data loss, and other cyber vulnerabilities. This paper contributes an understanding of the effects of negative use of Information technology, as how a simple technological aspect of file deletion can result in cyber crime. A few aspects to trace the deleted information with restoring software is also mentioned in this paper.

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Secure Watermarking Technique for Emerging Clouds

Pages : 141-146

R. Vinoth and S. Sivasankar

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Trust and security have prevented businesses from fully accepting cloud platforms. To protect clouds, providers must first secure virtualized datacenter resources, uphold user privacy, and preserve data integrity. It is suggested using a trust-overlay network over multiple data centers to implement a reputation system for establishing trust between service providers and data owners. Data coloring and software watermarking techniques protect shared data objects and massively distributed software modules. These techniques Safeguard multi-way authentications, enable single sign-on in the cloud, and tighten access control for sensitive data in both public and private clouds.

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Modeling for Prediction of Characteristic Deflection of Flexible Pavements- Comparison of Models Based on Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression Analysis

Pages : 147-152

Suneet Kaur¹, V.S. Ubboveja² and Alka Agarwal3

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Pavement surface deflection of a highway is a primary factor for evaluating the pavement strength of a flexible pavement. Benkelman Beam Deflection (BBD) technique is widely used in the country for evaluating the structural capacity of an existing flexible pavement as also for estimation and design of overlays for strengthening of a weak pavement. The field test for measuring the surface deflection is expensive and time consuming, and alternate modeling methods to estimate surface deflection of a pavement, therefore, would result in substantial savings in time and money in the preparation of detailed project reports for the large highway rehabilitation and strengthening projects being undertaken in the country. An attempt has been made in this paper to compare the results obtained from the models based on Multivariate Regression analysis and Artificial Neural Network to predict reasonably accurate characteristic deflection of flexible pavements. Data used for building the model was collected from field tests conducted by various entities in the state of Madhya Pradesh engaged in the rehabilitation and strengthening of highways in the State passing through extensive black cotton soil areas. 

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Using TINI Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

Pages : 153-158

Sagar Shankarrao Shillewar

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This application note shows how to use Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) networking with the Tiny Inter Net Interfaces (TINI) runtime environment for dial-up networking. Includes detailed configuration of Windows® 2000 dial-up client software.

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A Compression Method for PML Document Based on Internet of Things

Pages : 159-164

Jamal Mohammad Aqib

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In this paper we present a compression method for PML (Physical Markup Language) document based on Huffman Algorithm. The algorithm and Java code pieces are presented. And the test result shows the compression method has good compression ratio for the PML document. The Physical Markup Language (PML) is designed to be a general, standard means for describing the physical world including human and machines. How to save the PML document in internet server efficiently will become more and more important.

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Speech Enhancement Using Neural Network

Pages : 165-169

Syed Minhaj Ali¹ and Bhavna Gupta²

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This paper describes a neural network speech enhancement system using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network and trained using the back propagation algorithm (BPA). Speech enhancement is generally refers to map noisy speech into cleaner speech. Noisy speech signals are obtained by adding random noise to the clean signals .Speech enhancement is then performed on the noisy signals by using the ADALINE. Here we show that neural nets can be used to significantly boost recognition accuracy, without retraining the speech recognizer.

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Consumer Awareness to Protect Internet Users – A Scenario

Pages : 171-175

P. Srinivas

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This Paper focuses on the “encouragement” approach which communication has taken. This is because in order for QoS initiatives to be meaningful to consumers the information must keep pace with changing technological and market developments. The communication providers are best placed to provide the relevant QoS indicators in a timely fashion. However, the ability to provide meaningful data does not necessarily mean that communication providers will be willing to provide it without regulatory intervention. As competition increases, there are clear incentives for providers with a high quality of service to produce and promote timely and accessible QoS information for consumers. Conversely there is no economic incentive for those providers offering a low quality of service to do the same. The trends are likely to affect both the type and quality of the services offered in the market. For example, with some routine Internet activities such as web browsing and email all that is normally required is sufficient bandwidth. The IP-protocol should not as rule experience any difficulty with delay, jitter etc. However as consumers demand more interactive functions such as conversations and video-conferencing, a low level of end-to-end delay and jitter, low packet loss, and a guaranteed bandwidth are all needed to ensure standards are maintained.

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A Comprehensive Study to Reduce Traffic Accidents Using Fuzzy Logic Approach

Pages : 177-181

Somnath Ghosh

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In recent years, many people died or injured because of traffic accidents all over the world. When statistics are investigated India is the most dangerous country in terms of number of traffic accidents among Asian countries. However, we agree that this rate is higher in India since many traffic accidents are not recorded, for example single vehicle accidents or some accidents without injury or fatality. In this study, using fuzzy logic method; which has increasing usage area in Intelligent Transportation Systems, a model is developed which would obtain to prevent the vehicle pursuit distance automatically. Using velocity of vehicle and pursuit distance that can be measured with a sensor on vehicle a model has been established to brake.

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Software Evaluation for Developing Software Reliability and Metrics

Pages : 183-187

Sri Pammi Srinivas

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The Dissertation presents a study and Implementation of different software metrics. We find that there are specific metrics for different stages of the software development cycle. The Metrics in this dissertation as a literature study is Metrics for Software Requirements, Metrics for Design Level. The Software Metrics covered in this Dissertation are Object-Oriented Design Metrics, Metrics for Coding Level, Metrics for Testing Level, Building cost estimation model and Software Reliability Models. Reliability metric was one of the first early prediction models to be used. The late prediction models mostly consist of the Software Reliability growth models. Jelinski and Moranda’s model developed one of the earliest reliability models. Musa Basic Execution Time Model postulated that software reliability theory should be based on execution time, which is the actual processor time utilized in executing the program, rather than on calendar time.

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Enhancing Data Security by Using Crypto-Steganography in Image

Pages : 189-193

Ajay Gadicha¹, V.T. Ingole² and Amit Manikrao³

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In this paper, actually we will present a technique of secure data transmission through hiding of data in image file by replacing it’s one of the LSB bit. The watermarked bit embedded into image sample to increases the robustness against noise hence by combining cryptography and steganography we will increases the security of data.

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Hybrid Multi Resolution Method of Image Fusion for Medical Image Processing

Pages : 195-199

P. Selvaperumal

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Image fusion is a process of combining multiple input images of the same scene into a single fused image, which preserves relevant information and also retains the important features from each of the original images and makes it more suitable for human and machine perception. The reason for going onto image fusion is that, in the medical image processing, different sources of images produce complementary information and so one has to fuse all the sources of images to get more details required for the diagnosis of the patients. In this method the raw data is the MR scan image of a patient’s brain which is observed at different angles or resolutions. The images possess both different as well as common information with respect to each other. Thus when these images are fused together the redundant images are neglected and the complementary images are added thereby producing an accurate diagnosis with a single image.

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Design and Analysis of New Software Conformance Testing: NA Mutation Testing

Pages : 201-204

Naveen Tyagi¹ and Ashish Chaturvedi²

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Software conformance testing is the process of evaluating the accuracy of an implementation built to the requirements of a functional specification. Tedious conformance testing of software is not practical because variable input values and variable sequencing of inputs results in so many possible combinations of tests. Mutation testing is a technique for unit testing software that, although powerful, but computationally expensive. Recent engineering advances have given us techniques and algorithms for significantly reducing the cost of mutation testing. This paper demonstrates NA (Naveen-Ashish) Mutation to design a system that will approximate mutation.

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Feasibility and Importance of Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN)

Pages : 205-208

Tariq Ahamad

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In modern world of technology wireless users are much more sophisticated telecommunications users than they were few years ago. They are longer satisfied with just completing a clear call, today’s subscribers demand innovative ways to use the wireless phone. They want multiple services that allow them to handle or select incoming calls in a variety of ways. Wireless intelligent network is developed to drive intelligent network capabilities such as service independence, separation of basic switching functions from service and Application functions and independence of applications from lower-level communication details into wireless networks. The primary weapon for empowering providers to deliver distinctive services with enhanced flexibility is wireless intelligent networks (wins).

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Cyber Crime Effecting E-Commerce Technology

Pages : 209-212

N. Leena

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The early struggles with the internet was finding a way to safely buy and sell goods or transfer funds using computer and telecommunication networks. The goal was to enable e-commerce by providing a safe, convenient and immediate payment system on the internet. But internet is notorious for giving its users a feeling of anonymity. The inadequate security results in major damage. Now a days a number of critical transactions are carried out by computer systems over networks. There is an internet security threat - cyber crime which enables ecommerce transaction face significant financial and information losses. 

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The Influence of Pseudorandom Communication on Complexity Theory

Pages : 213-216

Roohi Ali¹ and Sana Iqbal²

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This paper is concerned with The visualization of 802.11 mesh networks is a technical grand challenge. Given the current status of introspective communication, security experts famously desire the simulation of linked lists. In our research, we use stochastic archetypes to confirm that Internet QoS and 802.11 mesh networks are mostly incompatible.

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An Initiation of Dynamic Programming to Solve the Graphical As Well As Network Problems for the Minimum Path Between Nodes

Pages : 225-227

Manish Jain, Adarsh Srivastava, Anand Kumar Dixit and Somnath Ghosh

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Dynamic programming is a useful technique for making a sequence of interrelated decisions. It provides a step wise procedure for finding the optimal combination of decisions. Dynamic programming provides a useful way to find out the minimum distance between the two nodes within the network.The multistage decision policy with recursive approach will provides an efficient way while using Dynamic programming. In multistage decision process the problem is divided into several parts called as sub problems and then each sub problem will be solved individually and the final result will be obtained by combining the results of all the sub problems.

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Analysis of Framework on Evaluation of Qualitative Models of Software Development System

Pages : 229-236

Ashish Rastogi

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As we know that the Software market is growing very fast. The main purpose of the most software producers is produce the software of very high Quality. Software quality is a multi-dimensional content which is easily distinguishable and measurable. Although the Quality of the software is dependent on Functional and Non Functional Requirement of the user. To determine this content more exact, the qualitative models have been presented in which different aspects of this matter are investigated. But the existences of different models and using different expressions have made the comprehension of this content a little hard. In this research paper we try to introduce models and their analytical comparison, determine software qualification and its qualitative characteristics more clearly.

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A New Approach for Palmprint Matching Using Statistical Parameters

Pages : 237-239

Kanusu Srinivas Rao¹ and Ratnakumari Challa²

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Intelligent e-voting data has been shown to pose a lot of benefit to e-voting especially in the area of security and recounting. After the election and balloting processes, valuable knowledge can still be extracted from this data. This work provides a framework model as roadmap for developers to follow in future development of such a system. The Perl based sample tested showed optimum performance and hence proves the viability of the methodology.

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Reliability Through Simulation: Goals and Limitations

Pages : 135-140

S.M.K. Quadri and Aasia Quyoum

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Software Reliability is an important component of software quality. A number of software reliability models have been proposed since 1970s, but there is no single model that can be used in all the situations. To reduce the risk, it is better to experiment with the model of the system rather than with the system itself. Simulation, offers an attractive alternative to analytical models as it describes a system being characterized in terms of its artifacts, events, interrelationships and interactions in such a way that one may perform experiments on the model, rather than on the system itself. Simulation strives for achieving its goals but it does have certain limitations. This research paper focuses on the goals and limitations of using simulation in software reliability.

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Reconstruction of A Binary Search Tree from Its Preorder Tree Traversal With The Unique Non-Recursive Approach

Pages : 217-219

Manoj C. Lohani, Upendra S. Aswal and Ramesh S. Rawat

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This paper presents a new approach of reconstruction of Binary search tree using its Pre order tree-traversal only. There are many approaches given with the help of combination of two- tree traversals. But, in this paper we have not used any other combination of tree traversals to reconstruct the Binary search tree. Our work shows the implementation of this algorithm in C language. Our algorithm is found to be very simple and faster than other non recursive algorithms due to its unique implementation. Due to this reason the time and space complexities are significantly reduced.

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