Table of Contents - Volume 5 Number 1

A Practical Approach to Implement Education Technologies in New Universities

Pages : 01-08

Mohammed Kafaji

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The integration of educational technologies to support operational models for modern universities is playing an increasing and crucial role in developing university visions and educational strategy. This is particularly true for newly established universities and educational organizations. In this paper, the author presents a scenario-based conceptual framework to relate technology with classroom learning and at the same time maintaining alignment with the organizational strategy. The approach is used to discuss the practical aspects of implementing and managing educational technologies. As a case-study, a modern private not-for-profit university in Saudi Arabia was used to illustrate the applicability of this approach. In order to evaluate the stage at which the university is operating, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used. Usage of these models in a coordinated manor helped the university to evaluate current state and ‘visualize’ future options. This in turn,helped to consolidate the views of key stakeholders and facilitate effective decision making. The whole approach was useful to maintaintwo-way alignment with the formal university strategy, with particular emphasis on the operational and logistical perspectives rather than financial.

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Pattern Generation of Digital Images Using two Dimensional Cellular Automata, Nine Neighborhood Model

Pages : 09-13

Fasel Qadir*, M. A. Peer , K.A. Khan

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Creating algorithmic approach for generating patterns of digital images is important and difficult task. Researchers face with many challenges in developing tiling algorithms such as providing simple and applicable algorithm to describe complex patterns. This paper used cellular automata with nine neighbourhood model to generate patterns of digital images. The proposed approach leads to accurate and scalable algorithm for generating patterns of digital images. The results of implemented algorithms demonstrate our approach with a variety of patterns.

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The Effects of Social Networking on Nigerian Universities Research Works (A Case Study of University of Abuja)

Pages : 15-22

Okike Benjamin

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Social Networking is a structure made up of individuals or organizations referred to as nodes and is connected by one or more specific types of interdependencies. Such interdependencies may include: friendships, kinships, sexual relationships, belief relationships, knowledge, etc. Knowledge is a discovery or invention made by an individual or group. When this knowledge is propagated so that others may learn it, then that may lead to scientific knowledge which is the subject of this study. It is strongly believed that social networking sites are made possible due to the existence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The study intends to investigate the effects of social networking on scientific knowledge from research works in Nigerian Universities with University of Abuja as the case study. The choice of the case study is because only University of Abuja has fairly equal representations of students from every nook and cranny of the Nigeria nation. The study deployed the administration of questionnaires to collect data from students and staff who are involved in social networking as well as research works. These data are analyzed to arrive at a conclusion. 

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Challenges and Benfits of Cloud Computing

Pages : 23-29

Azeem Haider¹ and Ashwani Kumar²

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Today organisations are performing most of the work through computers and internet. Online application multiplies the business of the organisation with automatic work. Cloud provides the solution of nonstop working of the systems and application around the world and around the clock. Organisations choose cloud as because it is very helpful in fast deployment of the application, secure access and without much more costing on computing environment. No doubt challenges associated with this new buzz. Customer can choose the model according to their requirement and according to their budget.

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FPGA-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion Techniques

Pages : 31-40

M.A. Mohamed1 and B.M. El-Den2

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Image fusion is a process which combines the data from two or more source images from the same scene to generate one single image containing more precise details of the scene than any of the source images. Among many image fusion methods like averaging, principle component analysis and various types of Pyramid Transforms, Discrete cosine transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform special frequency and ANN and they are the most common approaches. In this paper multi-focus image is used as a case study. This paper addresses these issues in image fusion: Fused two images by different techniques which present in this research, Quality assessment of fused images with above methods, Comparison of different techniques to determine the best approach and Implement the best technique by using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). First a brief review of these techniques is presented and then each fusion method is performed on various images. In addition experimental results are quantitatively evaluated by calculation of root mean square error, entropy; mutual information, standard deviation and peak signal to noise ratio measures for fused images and a comparison is accomplished between these methods. Then we chose the best techniques to implement them by FPGA.

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An Overview of Character Recognition Systems

Pages : 41-47

K.B. Geetha

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Character recognition is the processing by machine of text based input patterns to produce some meaningful output. Character recognition lies at the core of the discipline of pattern recognition where the aim is to represent a sequence of characters taken from alphabets. The advancements in pattern recognition has accelerated recently due to the many emerging applications which are not only challenging, but also computationally more demanding, such as Character Recognition, Document Classification, Computer Vision, Data mining, Shape recognition and Biometric Authentication etc. The area of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is becoming an integral part of document scanners and is used in many applications like postal processing, script recognition, banking security. Where OCR is a part of the character recognition. The research in this area has been ongoing for over half a century and the outcomes have been astounding with successful recognition rates for printed characters 99%, with significant improvements in performance for handwritten cursive character recognition where recognition rates have exceeded the 90%. Nowadays, many organizations are depending on OCR systems to eliminate the human interactions for better performance and efficiency. Because of this, it is necessary to know about the character recognition system. This paper helps to beginners, by presenting an overview of the character recognition system and its functional components.

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Virtual Machines No Longer Considered Harmful

Pages : 49-54

S. Minhaj Ali, Roohi Ali and Sana Iqbal

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Many scholars would agree that, had it not been for multicast applications, the investigation of RAID might never have occurred. In fact, few physicists would disagree with the visualization of model checking, which embodies the extensive principles of theory [24]. In order to address this issue, we examine how Moore's Law can be applied to the deployment of simulated annealing.

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A Fault Tolerant Power Constraint AODV Protocol for MANET

Pages : 55-61

K.Vanaja¹ and R. Umarani²

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The rapid development in the wireless technology, enormous availability of mobile devices make the people expectation of their communication with each other without any interruption. Mobile Adhoc Network is a collection of mobile devices which communicate with each other without any infrastructure. The communication networks suffer due to frequent changes in topology because of mobility and scalability. The main objective of this protocol is to resoleve this issue by proposing an enhanced reliable,fault tolerant routing protocol for MANET based on the reactive routing protocol AODV, and is called Fault Tolerant Power Constraint Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (FTPC-AODV). The proposed FTPC-AODV deals with how the mechanism adapt to topology changes due to mobility induced link break by building back up paths between the source and destination by considering battery power as a constraint. If the primary path fails, it automatically switches to the backup path and improves the data transfer rate. The protocol is implemented using Network Simulator (NS-2) and simulation results are analyzed based on the quantitative metrics. The derived results shows that the performance of Adhoc Newtork significantly improved by means of good packet delivery ratio, through put and reduced packet loss, and delay.

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A Review of Architecture for Providing Knowledge as a Service (Kaas), A New Paradigm on Academic Cloud

Pages : 63-67

Bhawana Mathur

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Knowledge plays vital role in every stage of learning and research .The academic cloud providing education services to students ,teachers and researchers can further be equipped to provide knowledge as a service to the users for their knowledge enhancement and problem solutions. This is feasible through development and embedding of knowledge database and extracting relevant knowledge from the academic cloud system .This paper proposes an architecture that uses a new paradigm KaaS on cloud environment . The architecture takes care of insertion of data ,conversion of data into knowledge , knowledge extraction and providing various services. It also incorporates the requirement to pay polices for the knowledge services used. In this paper, we will review what the cloud computing infrastructure will provide in the educational arena, especially in the universities where the use of computers are more intensive and what can be done to increase the benefits of common applications for students and teachers.

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An Overview of Data Mining

Pages : 69-73

H.B. Basanth Kumar 

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Organizations in the world wide generate huge amount of data which is mostly unorganized. This unorganized data requires some processing to generate meaningful and useful information. In order to organize the huge amount of data, we implement the database management system concept such as SQL Server. Structured Queury Language (SQL) is a query language used to retrieve and manipulate the data that are stored in relational database management systems. However, use of SQL is not always adequate to meet the end user requirements of sophisticated information from unorganized data bank. This paper describes the concepts of data mining, its process, techniques and some of its applications. 

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Automatic Bone Marrow White Blood Cell Classfication Using Morphological Granulometric Feature of Nucleus

Pages : 75-85

Shraddha Shivhare and Rajesh Shrivastava

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The differential counting of white blood cell provides invaluable information to doctors for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. manually counting of white blood cell is a tiresome, time-consuming and susceptible to error procedure due to the tedious nature of this process, an automatic system is preferable. in this automatic process, segmentation and classification of white blood cell are the most important stages. An automatic segmentation technique for microscopic bone marrow white blood cell images is proposed in this paper. The segmentation technique segments each cell image into three regions, i.e., nucleus, cytoplasm, and background. In this paper, we investigate whether information about the nucleus alone is adequate to classify white blood cells. This is important because segmentation of nucleus is much easier than the segmentation of the entire cell, especially in the bone marrow where the white blood cell density is very high. Even though the boundaries between cell classes are not well-defined and there are classification variations among experts, we achieve a promising classification performance using neural networks with fivefold cross validation in which Bayes’ classifiers and artificial neural networks are applied as classifiers.The classification performances are evaluated by two evaluation measures: traditional and classwise classificationrates. we compare our results with other classifiers and previously proposed nucleus-based features. The results showthat the features using nucleus alone can be utilized to achieve aclassification rate of 77% on the test sets. Moreover, the classification performance is better in the class wise sense when the a priori information is suppressed in both the classifiers.

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The Effect of Web 2.0 on the Teaching and Learning Processes in a Developing Country’s Universities

Pages : 87-92

B. Okike

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Teaching and learning in all aspects of education have taken a dramatic change all over the world today due to the advent of the Internet. Before the Internet came into existence, teaching and learning have always been carried out within classroom environments. But with the Internet, teaching and learning may take place outside the classroom environments. The Internet has made e-learning a reality because students may receive their lectures through the Internet irrespective of geographic locations. Ideally, distance learning programmes are meant for people who are engaged in some full-time jobs. These people may not easily leave their jobs for full-time programmes. Often times, distance learning programmes are online in nature, hence they are usually referred to e-learning. E-learning is one directional in nature and is usually teacher-centered. In other words, the learners are passively involved in the learning process, and as such cannot make contributions to the learning process in which they are directly involved. The learning process in web 2.0 is participatory, hence both the teacher and the learner may engage in dialogue through a web application. This makes the learning process an active one. This study will examine the effect of web 2.0 on the teaching and learning processes of a developing country such as Nigeria’s universities with emphasis on University of Abuja. In the study, questionnaires are to be randomly distributed to teachers and students of University of Abuja to ascertain the effect of web 2.0 in the teaching and learning processes within the university.Data to be collected will be analyzed in other to find the effect of web 2.0 in the teaching and learning processes in the university.

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A Review of Peer-to-Peer Networking on the Internet

Pages : 93-98

C.R. Rachana

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Peer-to-Peer is a model of communication where every node in the network acts alike. It is as opposed to the Client-Server model, where one node provides services and other nodes use the services. Peer-to-peer computing takes advantage of existing desktop computing power and networking connectivity, allowing economical clients to leverage their collective power to benefit the entire enterprise.Peer-to-peer computing has been envisaged to solve computing scenarios which require spatial distribution of computation, spatial distribution of content, real-time collaboration, scalability or fault-tolerance at reduced costs. All these factors have influenced the emergence of stronger computing-capable peer-to-peer systems. Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems enable computers to share information and other resources with their networked peers in large-scale distributed computing environments. The resulting overlay networks are inherently decentralized, self-organizing, and self-coordinating. Well-designed P2P systems should be adaptive to peer arrivals and departures, resilient to failures, tolerant to network performance variations, and scalable to huge numbers of peers (tens of thousands to millions). As P2P research becomes more mature, new challenges emerge to support complex and heterogeneous decentralized environments for sharing and managing data, resources, and knowledge with highly dynamic and unpredictable usage patterns. Peer-to-peer computing has been successful in attracting more peers due to its rich contents, fast response time and trust worthy environment. The enormous applications available on the internet are further strengthened with the application of peer-to-peer computing. This paper intends to review the background, challenges and future of P2P Networking.

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Literature Review on Information and Communication Technologyin Education

Pages : 99-106

Pallavi M. Dessai¹ and R.V. Kulkarni²

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Education is one of the main keys to economic development and improvements in human welfare. ICTs stand for information and communication technologies. Globalization and technological change—processes that have accelerated over the past fifteen years—have created a new global economy “powered by technology, fuelled by information and driven by knowledge.” Information and communication technologies (ICTs)—which include radio and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internet—have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. The main purpose of ICT in Education means implementing of ICT Equipments and Tools in Teaching-Learning process as a media and methodology.

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The Effect of Unstable Models on Robotics

Pages : 115-119

S. Minhaj Ali, Sana Iqbal and Roohi Ali

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Biologists agree that pervasive theory is an interesting new topic in the field of networking, and system administrators concur. In fact, fact that such a claim at first glance seems perverse; it is derived from known results. few information theorists would disagree with the emulation of redblack trees. Despite the Moke, our new application for SCSI disks is the solution to all of these challenges.

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Design Artifact’s, Design Principles, Problems, Goals and Importance

Pages : 121-130

Ved Prakash Agnihotri

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Designing human computer interaction interface is an important and a complex task, but it could be simplified by decomposing task into subcomponents and maintaining relationships among those subcomponents. Task decomposition is a structured approach, applicable in both Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) fields depending on specific processes and design artifacts. Using artifacts applications could be made for analysis and design by making the hand draw sketches to provide high level of logical design based on user requirements, usage scenarios and essential use cases. To design hand draw sketches there are some strategies to be followed i.e., planning, sequential work flow, and level of details. In this research paper I am presenting design artifacts, goals, principles, guidelines and currently faced problems to human computer interaction design community. Moreover in the end concluded with assessed observations in case study.

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Knowledge Penetration Process: A Step by Step Approach

Pages : 131-134

Anupam Bhatia1 and R.K. Chauhan2

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In this paper we have presented the detailed model of Knowledge Penetration Process. Knowledge Penetration Process (KPP) is improved and modified KDD. The major modification in KPP over KDD is the usage of intermediate results, auxiliary data, auxiliary statistics and auxiliary tuples.

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Analysis of Imaging Artifacts in MR Brain Images

Pages : 135-141

K. Somasundaram and P. Kalavathi

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MRI brain images are widely used in medical applications for research, diagnosis, treatment, surgical planning and image guided surgeries. These MR brain images are often corrupted with various imaging artifacts and may affect the performance of brain image processing techniques. In this paper, we listed and identified the causes of the common imaging artifacts in MR brain images.

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An Intelligent Prototype for the Characterization of Myocardial Infarction Blood And Analysis on the Efficacy of Streptokinase Using Spectral Data

Pages : 143-148

S. Djodilatchoumy

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Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, is the interruption of blood supply to part of the heart, causing heart cells to die. This is most commonly due to occlusion (blockage) of a coronary artery following the rupture of a vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque, which is an unstable collection of lipids and white blood cells in the wall of an artery. The resulting ischemia and oxygen shortage if left untreated for a sufficient period of time can cause damage or death (infarction) of heart muscle tissue (myocardium). Streptokinase (SK), a protein secreted by several species of streptococci can bind and activate human plasminogen. SK is used as an effective and inexpensive clot-dissolving medication in some cases of MI (heart attack) and pulmonary embolism. Though investigations on characterisation of MI blood and analysis on the efficacy of the drug Streptokinase have been done by many, not much work is done on automation of this investigation. The goal of this study is to train the prototype (Neural Network [NN]) to identify whether the given blood sample is MI blood or not and also to examine prospectively the effect of Streptokinase in MI patients using the prototype which is already trained to identify the MI blood.

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A Framework for Managing Verb Phrase Effective and Easy English-Hindi Machine Translation

Pages : 149-154

Vivek Dubey and H.R. Sharma

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Automatic Machine Translations from one to another language have been the subject of great attention of computational linguistics for many years. In English- Hindi Machine Translation, verb tuning is a vital operation. Present paper is an approach to describe easy English-Hindi verb phrase mapping. This work results satisfactory in Machine Translation over type of English sentences. It is observed that carefully analysis of tense, mood and aspect of English sentences leads to proper translation in Hindi through the efficient use of verb phrase mapping.

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Using Conceptual Analysis in Java Environment for the X-Ray View on a Class

Pages : 155-159

Zaheer Aslam, Mohammad Kamran Khan, Shahzad Rizwan, Fawad Ali Khan, Zahid Haroon and Noor Zaman

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Modularity is one of the very vital Methods in Software Engineering and a requirement for every reliable Software. As the design space of Software is normally pretty large, it is important to offer automatic way to assist modularizing it. An automatic way for Software Modularization is Object Oriented Concept Analysis (OOCA). X-Ray view of the Class is one of the features of this Object Oriented Concept Analysis. We will utilize this design in a Java Environment.

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Providing Security to Wireless Packet Networks by Using Optimized Security Method

Pages : 107-114

N. Paparayudu, G. Suresh Kumar and J. Srikanth

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Now-a-days technology is growing very fast, due to rapid development of the technology in computer arena, communication through network become a habit to the users. Communication through network is happen using two channels i.e., by connection oriented and connection less. At present users prefer wireless networks for communication and transferring data due to its flexibility. So in this paper we are focusing on wireless networking, as it is not reliable we are proposing an optimized security technique to provide security to the communication on wireless. In this paper we mainly focus on packet scheduling which plays the vital role in the transmission of data over wireless networks. We are using optimized security technique to secure the packets at initial level itself while scheduling the packets.

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