Table of Contents - Volume 12 Number 2

Towards financial valuation in data-driven companies

Pages : 28-33

M. Eugenia Pérez-Pons1*, Alfonso González-Briones1,2, and Juan M. Corchado1,2,3,4

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The following work presents a methodology of determining the economic value of the data owned by a company in a given time period. The ability to determine the value of data at any point of its lifecycle, would make it possible to study the added value that data gives to a company in the long term. Not only external data should be considered but also the impact that the internal data can have on company revenues. The project focuses on data-driven companies, which are different to the data-oriented ones, as explained below. Since some studies affirm that data-driven companies are more profitable, the indirect costs of using those data must be allocated somewhere to understand their financial value14 and to present a possible alternative for measuring the financial impact of data on the revenue of companies.

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An Edge Computing Tutorial

Pages : 34-38

Inés Sittón-Candanedo1* and Juan Manuel Corchado1,2,3,4

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Edge Computing (EC) is an emerging technology that has made it possible to process the large volume of data generated by devices connected to the Internet, through the Internet of objects (IO). The article provides an introduction to EC and its definition. The integration of EC in those contexts would imply an optimisation of the processes that are normally executed in a cloud computing environment, bringing considerable advantages. The main contribution of EC is a better pre-processing of the data collected through devices before they are sent to a central server or the cloud.

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Justifying IT Investment: Extension of a Model using a Case Study from Jordan

Pages : 39-49

Emad Abu-Shanab1, Qais Hammouri2*, Mai Tarik Al-Sebae3

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Investing in information technology is a requirement for enterprises to sustain their competitive advantage in a market that is described as changing and global. IT is a very important resource for enterprises to improve their organizational performance, but requires some justification for its costs and burdens. This study utilized an existing model and applied it on a case in Jordan by analyzing and exploring the implications of investing in IT projects. The case used is the Japan Tobacco International, where a survey was used to collect response from JTI personnel and the documents available on their portal. Two models are proposed to improve our understanding of topic and set the stage for future research. The detailed results of this study are reported with conclusions at the end.

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A Review on Cyber Security and the Fifth Generation Cyberattacks

Pages : 50-56

A. Saravanan1*, S. Sathya Bama2

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Cyber attacks have become quite common in this internet era. The cybercrimes are getting increased every year and the intensity of damage is also increasing. providing security against cyber-attacks becomes the most significant in this digital world. However, ensuring cyber security is an extremely intricate task as requires domain knowledge about the attacks and capability of analysing the possibility of threats. The main challenge of cybersecurity is the evolving nature of the attacks. This paper presents the significance of cyber security along with the various risks that are in the current digital era. The analysis made for cyber-attacks and their statistics shows the intensity of the attacks. Various cybersecurity threats are presented along with the machine learning algorithms that can be applied to cyber attacks detection. The need for the fifth generation cybersecurity architecture is discussed.

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Controlling the Speed of Conveyor Belt using Python – Raspberry Pi 3B+

Pages : 57-64

M. Kamalakannan*, K. Devadharshini

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In food processing industry, there arises a need to control a conveyor belt. currently industries are very necessary to use material handling system for to move materials from one place to another place continuously and to minimize operations time. Stepper Motor is suitable for controlling conveyor because of its high accuracy positioning over a short distance and provide high torque even at low speeds and it is also offer very low vibration and a wide range of features. This paper is focused on controlling the speed of the conveyor belt through the speed of stepper motor using the micro processor namely, Raspberry Pi 3B+’s (RP 3B+) GPIOs (General Purpose Input Output) and it can be generate sequence of control signals on the GPIO pins of RP 3B+. Interfacing the stepper motor with RP 3B+ using python programming language. The method is explained with the results of changing the weights the speed level is reduced through time variation on the conveyor belt and the model of working Conveyor belt with Stepper motor controlled by python and RP 3B+ with Easy Driver(A3967).

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