Table of Contents - Volume 2 Number 2

Rule-Based Metadata Extraction for Heterogeneous References

Pages : 101-111

Bolanle Ojokoh

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References form an essential part of electronic scholarly publications. Accurate and automatic reference metadata generation provides scalability, interoperability and usability for digital libraries and their collections. This paper deals with automatic metadata extraction from the references of general digital documents using rule-based approach. It encompasses automatic extraction of metadata from book and journal references. The system consists of four major components: a means of providing reference input (by uploading the file or providing the set of references in the window provided by the browser), the text converter for converting documents into standard text format, the parser for automatically extracting metadata such as reference style, author, title, journal, volume, number (issue), year, and page information and author, title, publisher, place of publication, year and pages information from book and journal references of the converted documents using pre-defined regular expressions, and the browser for displaying the results. The experimental results show that the proposed framework can be used to extract metadata from different reference styles of book and journal references effectively.

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Modularizing the Cross Cutting Concerns Through Aspect-Oriented Programming

Pages : 113-118

Syed Imtiyaz Hassan¹ and S.A.M. Rizvi²

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No one process, technique, language, or platform is good for all situations. Object oriented is not an exception. There are many situations, which the traditional Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) can’t deal and implement as it should be. One of them is cross-cutting concerns like logging or security that affects multiple implementation modules. Using object-oriented techniques cross-cutting concerns are difficult to map in a single class and hence they are scattered throughout the code. Due to scattering resulting systems are harder to design, understand, implement, and evolve. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is one of the ideas that can be used to modularize the crosscutting concerns better than previous methodologies. The present paper discusses the problems caused by crosscutting concerns and then shows how AOP can solve the said problem with the help of a sample code implemented in AspectJ. This paper also demonstrates how one can use Eclipse IDE to implement AOP.

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Hiding the Text Into 24-Bit BMP Images Using XOR Operation With the Use of MSB

Pages : 119-121

Ch. N. Manisha¹* and Mandava V. Basaveswara Rao²

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Hiding the text process using for Steganography and Invisible watermarking techniques. This process is widely used in images because of more number of redundant bits and hard to detect. In this paper hiding the text using XOR with the help of Most Significant Bits of the image.

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A New Green Approach to 2,3–Dihydro-1H-1,5 –Benzodiazepines

Pages : 123-125

Asieh Yahyazadeh¹*, Jafar Abbasi², Farshid Salimi and Mohamad Saeed Daneshmandi³

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Reaction of some diamines and ketones in the presence of catalytic amount of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid leads to the formation of 2,3–dihydro -1H-1,5-benzodiazepines in good yields. It seems that dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid has two roles: first it acts as a surfactant to dissolve starting materials in water, and second it acts as an acidic catalyst to activate carbonyl groups.

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Overview of the Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications in Operational Hydrological Forecasting Systems

Pages : 127-132

Jitendra P. Dave¹ and Divyakant T. Meva²

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Damage due to flooding has increase in many countries in the last years, and due to the global climate change, which is now recognized as a real threat, an increase in the occurrence of flooding events and especially of flash flooding events is likely to continue into the future. In those conditions and because building new flood defences structures for defending vulnerable areas has serious financial implications, the timely forecasting of floods is becoming more important for flood defence and in general for water management purposes. The complexity of natural systems and of hydrological processes that influence river levels evolutions make the traditional modelling approaches, based on mirroring natural processes with physically based equations very difficult. Despite the fact that in the last decades the Operational Hydrological Forecasting Systems were significantly developed, becoming more and more complex systems, ingesting and processing in real time a great amount of data from automated hydrometrical and meteorological stations networks and high resolution grided data from radars and satellites, together with the use of distributed hydrological models, the warning and forecasts improvements are not very significant, in many cases the performance of the new physically based distributed models being comparable with the “older” conceptual lumped models. The paper presents an overview of some alternative and complementary modelling approaches, artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic systems, possible applications for the improvements of the Operational Hydrological Forecasting Systems, and presenting also some example of rainfall-runoff modelling implementations.

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Shape Optimization of Pedestals Using Artificial Neural Network

Pages : 133-139

Sangeeta Yadav¹, K. K. Pathak² and Rajesh Shrivastava³

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In this study, shape optimisation of steel pedestals are attempted using neural network. Considering different geometrical parameters, finite element analyses of pedestals are carried out. Using these results, a back propagation neural network is trained. Successfully trained networks is further used for shape optimisation of newer problems. Thus optimised pedestals are further validated with finite element analyses counterparts and found to be in close match. 

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Data Allocation in a Mobile Computing Network with Minimized Response Time and Communication Cost

Pages : 141-144

Shaheen Ayyub and Sanjeev Jain

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In this paper, we devise data allocation algorithms that can utilize the knowledge of user moving patterns for proper global data allocation in a mobile computing system. By employing the data allocation algorithms devised, the occurrences of costly remote accesses can be minimized and the performance of a mobile computing system is thus improved. The issue we addressed here is to allocate right data at right location while minimizing communication cost and response time of the network.

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Application of SPSS Software in Preparing Correlation Matrix

Pages : 145-151

Vibha Agrawal¹ and Nilofar Iqbal²

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A number of studies have already been carried out for the physic-chemical analysis of paper mill effluents which are generally using wood and non-wood (bamboo, baggage etc.) as fibrous raw material for paper manufacturing process. This study deals with a paper mill which is using cotton comber and cotton linter as raw material for paper manufacturing. Effluents generated in the paper mill at different stages were sampled and analyzed. The degree of relationship between the variables under consideration is measured through the correlation analysis. The effect of correlation is to reduce the range of uncertainty. The prediction based on correlation analysis is likely to be more valuable and near to reality.

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Identifying a Generic N-Tier Architecture Framework for Web-Based Applications

Pages : 153-161

Y. Prasanth, V. Gowthami Uttam, G. Anusha and G.Sindhu Priya

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N-Tier architecture is becoming increasingly important because of its scalability, availability and flexibility. There are different frameworks for testing tools which perform performance, load, stress, navigation, regression testing etc. The better framework should be in such a way that it should perform all the testing mechanism. For that purpose we are studying three of the testing tools Win Runner, LoadRunner and QTP which performs different testing mechanisms having several features. This paper proposes a framework which performs all the testing mechanisms

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CFD Analysis of Slot Jet Impingement Cooling on Concave Surface

Pages : 161-163

R.E. Shelke¹* and L.B. Bhuyar²

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2 dimensional CFD simulation of slot jet impingement cooling on concave surface is reported using Ansys FLUENT Post software at specified geometry and boundary conditions. Realizable k-ª model has been used for resolving the turbulence.It has been observed that the results obtained from CFD model are in good agreement with that of the experimental results.

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Analyzing Service Integration Between UMTS and WLAN Network

Pages : 165-171

Kamaljit I. Lakhtaria

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Much of interest has been involved in integrating UMTS and WLAN networks in order to take full advantage of the two. In such an integrated network, UMTS subscribers can access to UMTS services through 3G or WLAN access networks. This is highly desirable because network operators will use WLAN hotspots to increase network coverage, while offering subscribers with high-speed connections to 3G networks. To achieve this goal, a mechanism for service continuity between UMTS and WLAN is required. 3GPP has defined architecture for WLAN access to 3GPP system, but intersystem handover has not been yet investigated. Based on this architecture, this paper proposes a solution for seamless handover between UMTS and WLAN. Results obtained from the implementation of the proposed mechanism on our experimental system are also described.

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Emerging Information Communication Technologies to Modernize College Libraries

Pages : 173-176

Vipul Bansal

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This paper is based on application of Information communication technology in library services to meet the user’s requirement in present scenario and importance of information communication technologies in modern library system. Use of information communication technology in college libraries provides instant and easy access to information that leads towards the modernization of college library services.

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An SCDFT Aspect of Renormalized Phonon- Induced HTSC in Doped HTSCD Mg1-Xalxb2

Pages : 177-180

M.C. Shah, Abdul Gaffar Lone, Irshad Ahmad Mir, Tanveer Ahmad Wani and Tara Prasad

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The electronic and superconducting state characterization of high phase transition temperature (Tc) superconducting (HTSC) diboride (HTSCD) pure MgB2 and doped Mg1-xAlx B2 has been made with renormalization effects in multiband configuration with non-linear, anharmonic E2 g optical phonon induced HTSC by employing the first principles calculations within density functional theory (DFT) for SC (SCDFT) in low temperature lattice dynamics.

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