Table of Contents - Volume 3 Number 2

The EVAS Model: Solving E-Voting Problems in Nigeria

Pages : 219-226

O.S. Ogunseye¹, O. Folorunso¹, J.O. Okesola² and J.R. Woodward³

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E-voting is said to have a lot of loop holes. Solving these problems first starts with their definition as either technical or procedural. In this paper we look at the problem from the procedure perspective and we identify some issues that previous models do not cater for. The model we proposed allows for high-level monitoring of the balloting process and takes advantage of the semantic search process to ensure security of the e-voting procedures through over-the-board authentication . The model also solves the old problem of recounting of the ballots/votes.

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Mining Intelligent E-Voting Data: A Framework

Pages : 237-239

Julius O. Okesola¹, Oluwafemi S. Ogunseye², Kazeem I. Rufai¹ and Olusegun Folorunso²

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Retraction of: Mining Intelligent E-Voting Data: A Framework,  by Julius O. Okesola, Oluwafemi S. Ogunseye, Kazeem I. Rufai and Olusegun Folorunso² as the article is retracted due to an oversight by our staff.

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Living of Student in the Internet Age

Pages : 233-244

K.K. Dwivedi*, Mayaram Atal, Ashish Rastogi, H.C. Katariya and R.K. Shrivastava

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The goal of this study is to learn about the impact of internet on the routine life of college students and the impact of that use on their further lives. For obtaining the results the researchers have used these three approaches. Firstly survey is randomly conducted on college students at a wide range in last two years at Govt. and private colleges and universities. Second approach is to observe 17 different educational institutions of Madhya Pradesh. At last additional material is based on the findings of surveys.

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Study of Assembly Line Scheduling, an Application of Dynamic Programming

Pages : 245-254

Sanjukta Mohanty1 and Prafulla K. Behera2

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This papers describes the design and implementation of an optimized base scheduling algorithm for multiple assembly lines (i = 1,2,…..,n) to solve manufactureing problems in a factory. The scheduling goal is to delivery products just in time in case of rush order comes in and when the customer wants the product to be manufactured as quickly as possible. If the demand of the product is high, then to increase the production rate in few time, the multiple assembly line scheduling technique can be applied. 

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Logical Study of Passwords

Pages : 255-259

Mushtaq Ahmad Rather and Tariq Ahamad Ahanger

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Over the years security experts in the field of Information Technology have had a tough time in making passwords secure. This paper studies and takes a careful look at this issue from the angle of logical and cognitive science. We have studied the process of passwords to rank its strengths and weaknesses in order to establish a quality metric for passwords. Finally we related the process to human senses which enables us to propose a constitutional scheme for the process of password. The basic proposition is to exploit relationship between human senses and password to ensure improvement in authentication while keeping it an enjoyable activity.

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Comparative Analysis on Speckle Noise Reduction Techniques on Computed Tomographic Images

Pages : 261-264

Hitesh H. Vandra and H.N. Pandya

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Reduction of speckle noise is one of the most important processes to increase the quality of computed topographic images. Image variances or speckle is a granular noise that inherently exists in and degrades the quality of CT images. Before using CT images for diagnosis purpose, the very first step is to reduce the effect of Speckle noise. Most of speckle reduction techniques have been studied by researchers; however, there is no comprehensive method that takes all the constraints into consideration. Filtering is one of the common method which is used to reduce the speckle noises. This paper compares different speckle reduction filters and presents the performance analysis for reducing speckle noise in computed topographic images in terms of the assessment parameters PSNR and MSE. 

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Identifying Some Problems with Selection of Software Testing Techniques

Pages : 265-268

Sheikh Umar Farooq and S.M.K. Quadri

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Testing techniques refer to different methods or ways of testing particular features of a computer program, system or product. Presently there are so many different software testing techniques that we can use. Whether we decide to automate or just execute tests manually, there is a selection of testing techniques to choose from. We have to make sure that we select technique(s) that will help to ensure the most efficient and effective testing of the system. The fundamental problem in software testing thus throws an open question, as to what would be the techniques that we should adopt for an efficient and effective testing. Thus, the selection of right testing techniques at the right time for right problem will make the software testing efficient and effective. In this paper we discuss how should testing techniques be compared with one another and why do we face a problem in making appropriate testing technique selection.

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Some Notable Reliability Techniques for Disk File Systems

Pages : 269-271

Wasim Ahmad Bhat and S.M.K. Quadri

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File system operations include data operations and metadata operations. Data operations act upon actual user data while metadata operations modify the structure of the file system, like creating, deleting, or renaming files, directories, etc. During a metadata operation, the system must ensure that data are written to disk in such a way that the file system can be recovered to a consistent state after a system crash. In this paper we look at some most notable techniques which ensure reliability of disk file systems against system crashes and failures.

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A New Intelligent Predictive Caching Algorithm for Internet Web Servers

Pages : 283-290

B.V. Pawar¹ and J.B. Patil²

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Web caching is used to improve the performance of the Internet Web servers. Document caching is used to reduce the time it takes Web server to respond to client requests by keeping and reusing Web objects that are likely to be used in the near future in the main memory of the Web server, and by reducing the volume of data transfer between Web server and secondary storage. The heart of a caching system is its page replacement policy, which needs to make good replacement decisions when its cache is full and a new document needs to be stored. The latest and most popular replacement policies like GDSF and GDSF# use the file size, access frequency, and age in the decision process. The effectiveness of any replacement policy can be evaluated using two metrics: hit ratio (HR) and byte hit ratio (BHR). There is always a trade-off between HR and BHR [1]. In this paper, using three different Web server logs, we use trace driven analysis to evaluate the effects of different replacement policies on the performance of a Web server. We propose a modification of GDSF# policy, IPGDSF#. Our simulation results show that our proposed replacement policy IPGDSF# performs better than several policies proposed in the literature in terms of hit rate as well as byte hit rate.

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IRIS Template Classification Using Selective Sub Bands of Wavelets

Pages : 273-282

Ch.V. Narayana¹, P.S.R. Chandra Murty² and E. Sreenivasa Reddy³

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Considering multiple biometric templates per user account by biometric authentication systems for high acceptance rate leads to large storage space and computational overheads. Classification of these templates into significant sub groups will reduce the above overheads. Iris templates carry very distinctive texture information such as brightness, shape, size, uniformity, directionality, regularity etc .Iris texture classification based on wavelet pattern analysis is one of the most effective existing methods. However using all frequency sub-bands in decomposition for classification may increase space and time complexity of classification algorithms. In this paper sub-bands with high energy and entropy are only considered for classification to reduce the overheads due to space and time. Fractal dimensions are used to select significant sub-bands for decomposition at each level. Further statistical features of these significant sub-bands are used for classification. This paper describes iris texture classification using selective sub-bands of wavelets based on fractal dimensions and its results are compared with the other classification methods using conventional features.

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Secure and Auditable Agent-Based Communication Protocol for E-Health System Framework

Pages : 291-298

M. Aramudhan¹ and K. Mohan²

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Security is essential for e-health system as it provides highly sensitive distributed medical data and exchanged among the healthcare professionals, customers and providers over Internet. Internet is an open access system that allows anyone to participate and access the data. Hence, it is necessary to protect the data, service from the unauthorized visibility, use and also maintain a high degree of accessibility. It is achieved using suitable access control policies and techniques that enforce differentiated levels of service visibility and access to the users. This paper introduces a Secure and Auditable Agent- based Communication Protocol (SAACP) which performs on key exchange mechanism with mobile agents to reduce the delay in communication. Intelligent mobile agents are proposed for dynamically negotiating the policy of the users. This protocol offers user friendly, privacy and safe communication through well-built secure mechanism that gives confident to the users and healthcare professional to access the e-health system.

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Key Management With Cryptography

Pages : 299-300

Syed Minhaj Ali¹, Satish V Reve¹, Roohi Ali²* and Sana Iqbal³

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In this paper, we present an idea of adopting certificateless public key encryption (CL-PKE) schemes over mobile ad hoc network (MANET), which has not been explored before. In current literature, essentially there exists two main approaches, namely the public key cryptography and identity-based(IDbased)cryptography .Unfortunately, they both have some inherent drawbacks. In the public key cryptography system, a certificate authority (CA) is required to issue certificates between users’ public keys and private key stoen sure their authenticity, whilst in an ID-based cryptography system, users’ private keys are generated by a key generation center (KGC), which means the KGC knows every users’ keys (the key escrow problem). To avoid these obstacles, Al-Riyami and Paterson proposed certificateless cryptography systems where the public keys do not need to be certified and the KGC does not know users’ keys. Essentially, certificateless cryptography relies between the public key cryptography and ID-based cryptography. In this work, we adopt this system’s advantage over MANET .To implement CL-PKE over MANET and to make it practical ,we incorporate the idea of Shamir’s secret sharing scheme. The master secret keys are shared among some or all the MANET nodes. This makes the system self-organized once the network has been initiated. In order to provide more flexibility, we consider both a full distribution system and a partial distribution system. Furthermore, we carry out two simulations to support our schemes. We firstly simulate our scheme to calculate our encryption, decryption and key distribution efficiency. Then we also simulate our scheme with AODV to test the network efficiency. The simulations are performed over OPNET.

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A Novel Approach to Construct Decision Tree Using Quick C4.5 Algorithm

Pages : 305-310

Deepti Juneja, Sachin Sharma, Anupriya Jain and Seema Sharma

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With the rapid growth in size and number of available databases in commercial, industrial, administrative and other applications, it is necessary and interesting to examine how to extract knowledge from huge amount of data. There are several mining algorithms available to solve diverse data mining problems. One of the knowledge and discovery in databases operations is the problem of inducing decision trees. C4.5 is one of the most important algorithms in Decision Tree Induction. In this paper the limitations of the existing C4.5 algorithm are discussed and an enhancement technique for improving its efficiency is proposed.

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Multiple Classifiers System for Medical Diagnosis

Pages : 311-316

M. Solomon Pushparaj¹ and P.J. Kulkarni²

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Data mining helps in decision making. Due to the peculiar feature of the medical profession, physician desperately needs a helping tool to take an efficient and intelligent decision. Good performance, the ability to appropriately deal with missing data and with noisy data (errors in data), the transparency of diagnostic knowledge, the ability to explain decisions, and the ability of the algorithm to reduce the number of tests necessary to obtain reliable diagnosis are the various features desired from the machine learning classifier to solve the medical diagnostic task. Every machine learning method has its own features and no single method can provide all the desired features. We solved this problem by using multiple machine learning methods. In this paper we developed multiple classifiers system which helps the physician in the time of decision making process. Backpropagation algorithm (ANN), K-NN Algorithm (CBR) and Modified towing splitting rule algorithm (CT) are used in this system. We tested the system with three different disease datasets like diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer. It showed better results in reliability and performance which two are most desired features in the medical diagnostic task.

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Rule Based Approach for English to Sanskrit Machine Translation and Synthesizer System

Pages : 317-322

D.T. Mane¹, P.R. Devale¹ and S.D. Suryawanshi²

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The area of Artificial Intelligence is very useful in providing people with a machine, which understands diverse languages spoken by the common man. It presents the user with an interface, with which he feels more comfortable. Since, there are many different languages spoken in this world, we are constantly in need for translators to enable people speaking different languages to share ideas and communicate with one another. English is the global language .The most of the information is available in English. The India is a country which has several regional languages. Sanskrit is the mother of all native language of India. A great storage of knowledge with subjects like medicine, mathematics, Geography, Geology, Astronomy, philosophy and many others is kept alive and fresh Sanskrit lore for thousands of years.English to sanskrit translator and Synthesizer is very useful to people in India , sentence in English is translated in to sanskrit using rule based approach and from sanskrit it is easier to transform in to native languages.

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Boundary Value Analysis for Non-Numerical Variables: Strings

Pages : 323-330

Anupriya Jain, Sachin Sharma, Seema Sharma and Deepti Juneja

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The purpose of boundary value analysis is to concentrate effort on error prone area by accurately pinpointing the boundaries of condition. Boundary value analysis produces test inputs near each sub domain’s to find failure cause by incorrect implementation of boundary. The major limitation of boundary value analysis is that it fails to test non-numerical variables. This paper focuses on as an antidote to enter the string values.

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Detecting Terror- Related Activities on the Web Using Neural Network

Pages : 331-336

Deepak Tinguriya and Binod Kumar

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Terrorist Detection System (TDS) is aimed at detecting suspicious users on the Internet by the content of information they access. TDS consists of two main modules: a training module activated in batch mode, and an on-line detection module. The training module is provided with web pages that include terror related content and learns the typical interests of terrorists by applying data mining algorithms to the training data. The detection module performs real-time monitoring on users" traffic and analyzes the content of the pages they access. An alarm is issued upon detection of a user whose content of accessed pages is "too" similar to typical terrorist content. TDS feasibility was tested in a network environment. Its detection rate was better than the rate of a state of the art Intrusion Detection System based on anomaly detection. In this Paper we present an Neural based Self organization map algorithm in TDS, where the detection algorithm was enhanced to improve the detection and reduce the false alarms in Terrorist Detection System.

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Establishment of Evaluation Scheme of Model Driven Architecture

Pages : 337-341

R. Vinodani Katiyar¹ and Rohit Chandra²

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Model Driven Architecture serving to those who are mainly interested in building platform independent software architecture. At the same time it is quite interesting to see and calculate its performance on an overall basis. However no such scheme or matrices are available to us to do the same. This white paper is an attempt to come forward and start with some fruitful scheme that can help us to do the same.

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Application of Cloud Computing for the Better E-Governance in Developing Countries

Pages : 343-348

Ashish Rastogi

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Cloud Computing is the latest Information Technology revolution that helps developing countries to implement their E-governance services at a very low cost and provide better services to their citizens. These changes naturally should reflect the way government functions in terms of the organization of the government, its relationship with its citizens, institutions and businesses and cooperation with other governments. The critical problem (Rastogi 2010) discussed for the developing countries is the necessary infrastructure to implement the E-services. In this paper we try to research that how the ‘cloud computing’ architecture helps the developing countries to overcome the various problems and which will ultimately lead to development and an overall economic progress of countries.

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Analysis of Routing Attacks in Peer to Peer Overlay Networks

Pages : 349-353

Anil Saroliya¹ and Vishal Shrivastava²

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Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are distributed systems in which nodes act as peers, such systems are becoming very popular in applications like file sharing. In this kind of architecture, security in each transaction is fundamental requirements. The aim of a Distributed hash tables provides the method for locating resources (generally files) within a P2P network. In this paper our target is to analyze the routing attacks on existing protocols of such networks. Chord is preferred as the target DHT protocol for various causes which will be discussed in the paper. Routing attacks analysis finds the vulnerabilities of existing protocols and anticipates a defense mechanism which is discussed herewith.

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Security Management System for Oilfield Based on Embedded Wireless Communications: A Design Approach

Pages : 359-363

Syed Minhaj Ali¹, Satish V Reve¹, Roohi Ali²* and Sana Iqbal³


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This paper is concerned with the security management system for oilfield based on Embedded wireless communication. The site of oil-well is distributed dispersedly, but distribution area is wide. Oil exhauster continuous working for 24 hours. Regional of Perambulation for the site of oil-well is very vast, meanwhile, as for the problem of petroleum being stolen, transmission line being stolen, transformer being stolen, which has been one of the important objective condition restriction of geographical environment, the implementation of safe management for oilfield is very difficult. We overcome these difficulties, which management works. With Consideration of the comes from geographical environment. The cost is not only high if the fiber cable would be lay between working station in the several tens of square kilometers, but also need to put into a lot of human and material resources with line maintenance and guard against theft. It is a perfect scheme that remote wireless monitoring and control system is established.

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User Interface Modeling

Pages : 365-368

Ravinder G. Reddy

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This paper focuses on the present user interface modeling techniques for capturing the user needs to perform in order to reach his goals. Newly conceived HCl modeling languages need to foresee their role as members of the family of languages that constitute the UML representations for software design, due to their wide acceptance by both researchers and practitioners. This paper extends one such modeling language (MoLIC) and presents an overview & comparison of the trends in user interface modeling in UMLi.

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