Table of Contents - Volume 9 Number 2

Evaluation of Proposed Algorithm with Preceding GMT for Fraudulence Diagnosis

Pages : 57-65

Navneet Kr. Kashyap

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Formerly existing graph mining algorithms regularly accept that database is generally static. To defeat that we proposed another algorithm which manages extensive database including the components which catches the properties of the graph in a couple of parameters and check the relationship among them in both left and additionally right course, in this way embracing DFS and in addition BFS approach. It furthermore discovers the subgraph by traversing the graph and removing the planned routine. The proposed calculation is utilized for identification of wrongdoing as a part of BANK & Financial organization by catching the properties and distinguishing the relationship and affiliations that may exist between the individual required in that wrongdoing which keep a few violations that may happen in future. We have utilized the Neo-ECLIPSE for the execution of proposed calculation and Neo4j is the graph database utilized for evaluation.

On the off chance that a man  endeavoring to confer fraud or engage in some kind of illicit movement, they will endeavor to pass on their activities as near authentic activities as could reasonably be expected. Here in this paper, we are giving the data that a man who is in beginning the phase of the fraud, what co-related wrongdoings or illicit exercises he can do in future. The future exercises that can be performed by the individual can be ceased by demonstrating the associations with the entries saved in the database.

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Development of Online Student Course Registration System

Pages : 66-72

Rattan Singh, Ravinder Singh, Harpreet Kaur and O. P. Gupta

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With the advent of Information Technology in the last decade, the major focus has shifted from manual systems to computerised systems. Various systems viz. railway reservation, hospital management etc. involving manual work have been automated efficiently. Student course registration process in colleges involve filling registration forms manually, getting it signed by respective subject teachers, and then getting the documents acknowledged from the concerned Advisors, College Deans and Accounts Officers respectively. Finally the registration forms are submitted in the Administrative Branch. As is evident, this process is very laborious and time consuming. An Online Student Course Registration System has been developed to simplify the current manual procedure.This system has been developed using PHP, jQuery, Apache and MySQL. The front-end is designed using PHP with excerpts of code written using jQuery and back-end is designed and managed through MySQL. This system software is more secured, user-friendly and less time-consuming.

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Congestion Avoidance in Packet Networks using Network Simulator-3 (NS-3)

Pages : 73-80

Guneet Kaur Walia, O. P. Gupta and Sunil Kumar*

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With the growth of internet, the user’s requirements in terms of scale, functionality of network and performance of internet also increases. It becomes very important to guarantee the efficiency, stability and performance of a given network as per the user’s requirements. There are many management techniques that need to be taken care of, so as to ensure network stability. These include queue management, queue scheduling, congestion control etc. But the most fundamental and foremost amongst these is congestion control, as it’s not possible to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) with a congested network. To avoid congestion, many algorithms are available; the most basic of them is Random Early Detection (RED). This paper implements RED and its enhancement Adaptive RED (ARED) in NS-3 simulator and comparative analysis of both the algorithms has been carried out.

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Analysis of Pattern Identification Using Graph Database for Fraud Detection

Pages : 81-91

Navneet Kr. Kashyap*, B. K. Pandey and H. L. Mandoria

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Internet is the main tool for e-business. E-transaction is made faster by Internet. With the increase of e-transaction internet fraud or e-business fraud is increasing. Credit fraud in the banking sector is a growing concern. Few sort of card (debit/credit) fraud is decreasing by providing detection and prevention system from banks and government. But card-not-present fraud losses are increasing at higher rate because of online transaction as there is no chance to use Chip and PIN as well as card is not used face-to-face. Card-not-present fraud losses are growing in an un-protective and un-detective way. This paper seeks to investigate the current debate regarding the fraud in the banking sector and vulnerabilities in online banking and to study some possible remedial actions to detect and prevent credit fraud. The research also reveals lots of channels of fraud in online banking which are increasing day by day. These kinds of fraud are the main barriers for the e-business in the banking sector. This paper devised a new approach for fraud detection in these sector with help of graph database & by matching pattern of previous frauds.

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Identification of Abnormal Masses in Digital Mammogram Using Statistical Decision Making

Pages : 92-103

Sangita Bhattacharjee1, Indra K Maitra2 and Samir K Bandyopadhyay1

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The increasing threat of breast cancer in developing countries may not only be handled by the existing medical setup as well as insufficient number of medical workforces. To handle the increasing volume of data produced by diagnostic imaging that can be efficiently managed by computer aided detection/diagnosis (CAD) to assist medical practitioners in image interpretation to detect structural abnormalities like tumour. Mammography has been proven to be the most reliable and cost-effective methodology for early breast tumor detection. In this paper, an abnormality detection methodology has been proposed alongwith preparation and pre-processing steps. The accuracy of CAD to detect abnormalities on medical image analysis depends on a robust segmentation algorithm. Here two types of segmentation mechanism have been implemented i.e. edge-based and region-based. Finally, a proposed statistical decision-making system is used to extract the abnormal region(s) based on intensity distribution. Applying the proposed method on CR and DR mammographic images produces the quantitative measures accuracy, sensitivity and specificity as 96%, 97.6% and 88.6% respectively which is comparable with other contemporary research works.

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Text Localization and Extraction From Still Images Using Fast Bounding Box Algorithm

Pages : 104-108

Sonal Paliwal, Rajesh Shyam Singh and H. L. Mandoria

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Text Extraction and Localization from images is a very challenging task because of noise, blurriness and complex color background of the images. Digital Images are subjected to blurring due to many hardware limitations such as atmospheric disturbance, device noise and poor focus quality. In order to remove textual information from images it is necessary to remove blurriness and restore the image for the text extraction. Thus in this paper Fast Bounding Box algorithm is applied for localization and extraction of the text from images in an efficient manner by dividing the image into two halves and then find the dissimilar region i.e. text.

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Study and Analysis of Multilingual Handwritten Characters Recognition using SVM Classifier

Pages : 109-114

Ujwal  Singh Vohra, ShriPrakash Dwivedi and  H. L. Mandoria

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Day by day the researchers are trying to make such characters recognition system  that can be able to detect the writing and languages of individuals, for this multilingual handwritten characters recognition is such system that playing a vital role for recognizing the characters written in different languages and in different styles. The research work presented in this thesis aims to do the study and analysis to recognize the multilingual handwritten characters with a high level of accuracy and for this purpose the classifier that we are using is support vector machine. Here in this work we have used the languages like Hindi and English and along with this we have taken special characters and numerals and tried to recognize them with our system.

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Moodle (Electronic Learning System) Community

Pages : 115-132

Shathaghazal  and Raina Salkhlailah

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Moodle(Electronic learning system )   is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. You can download the software onto web server .

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Fdi (Foreign Direct Investment) in India ; the Major Monetary Source for Economic Development With Special Emphasis on Computer Sector

Pages : 133-139

Bushra Sarwar

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Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment in a business by an investor from another country for which the foreign investor has control over the company purchased. The need for foreign capital for a developing country like India could arise on account of the following reasons reasons. Foreign capital is usually essential atleast as temporary measure during the period of development. Foreign capital  usually  brings with it with other scarce productive factors like technical know how. Domestic capital is inadequate for purpose of the economic growth and it is necessary to invite foreign capital as per the requirement. At many times, domestic capital and entrepreneurship may not flow into certain lines of production. Foreign capital can show the way for domestic capital. There can be potential savings in a developing economy like India but this may come forward only at a higher level of economic activity. Therefore it is necessary that foreign capital should help in speeding up economic activity in the initial phase of development.

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Application of Multi-Angle Imaging Spectro Radiometer in Agricultural in Middle Gujarat for Wheat Crop

Pages : 140-145

H. K. AHIR and B. M. Mote

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The present analysis was carried out using the satellite image from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro Radiometer (MISR) was acquired over Middle Gujarat on 9 and 18 February 2015. The MISR is one of the five instruments on board the EOS/ Terra spacecraft. The Rahaman-Pinty-Verstraete inversion and Forward semi-empirical three parameters leaf reflectance shape (rho0), the curve convexity (k) and the dominant forward scattering (Ɵ) model were used to simulate angular patterns of BRF for wheat on 18 February 2015. The potential of the RPV model to represent the BRF of leaves in the 400-1100 nm spectral range was investigated in this study. The results revealed that the variety of tests are shown in order to document and analyse software performance against simulated BRF fields by RPV anis view model as well as against actual MISR-derived satellite BRF was blue, green and red good match with each but mismatched with NIR and all MISR band blue, green and red and NIR for mature wheat.

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Load Balancing the Network Traffic in the Nth Mode of IP Tables

Pages : 146-152

Anupama*1 and O. P. Gupta2

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In this paper, we present the network load balancing to optimize the network interfaces that are present in the cluster. We know, everything belongs to internet now a days. With the increase in the popularity of the web, network traffic increases and need for fast access to the internet is also on demand. For smooth services, redundancy of the servers is required. As a result, load balancing has become a very critical job. A single server is not able handle all the traffic which results into a server crash. Network is divided into different paths on which the transmission of packets is done. They are distributed on all the interfaces simultaneously. We investigate the performance of per-packet load balancing in different servers. Simulation results reveal that it is always beneficial to use load balancing and backup of other servers are always present in case of any failure in network.

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