The enormous popularity of the World Wide Web has caused a tremendous increase in network traffic due to http requests. This has given rise to problems like user-perceived latency, Web server overload, and backbone link congestion. Web caching is one of the ways to alleviate these problems . Web caches can be deployed throughout the Internet, from browser caches, through proxy caches and backbone caches, through reverse proxy caches, to the Web server caches. In our work, we use trace-driven simulation for evaluating the performance of different caching policies for Web servers.
One might argue that the ever decreasing prices of RAM and disks renders the optimization or fine tuning of cache replacement policies a “moot point”. Such a conclusion is ill guided for several reasons. First, recent studies have shown that Web cache hit ratio (HR) and byte hit ratio (BHR) grow in a log-like fashion as a function of cache size5, 26, 27, 28. Thus, a better algorithm that increases hit ratios by several percentage points would be equivalent to a several-fold increase in cache size. Second, the growth rate of Web content is much higher than the rate with which memory sizes for Web caches are likely to grow. The only way to bridge this widening gap is through efficient cache management. Finally, the benefit of even a slight improvement in cache performance may have an appreciable effect on network traffic, especially when such gains are compounded through a hierarchy of caches6.
Cao and Irani have surveyed ten different policies and proposed a new algorithm, Greedy-Dual-Size (GDS) in5. The GDS algorithm uses document size, cost, and age in the replacement decision, and shows better performance compared to previous caching algorithms. In4 and12, frequency was incorporated in GDS, resulting in Greedy-Dual-Frequency-Size (GDSF) and Greedy-Dual-Frequency (GDF). While GDSF is attributed to having best hit ratio (HR), it is having a modest byte hit ratio (BHR). Conversely, GDF yields a best HR at the cost of worst BHR12.
We have proposed a new algorithm called Greedy-Dual-Frequency-Size#, (GDSF#), which allows augmenting or weakening the impact of size or frequency or both on HR and BHR13-17.
In this paper, we propose an extension to our algorithm GDSF#, called Intelligent Predictive Greedy-Dual-Frequency-Size#, (IPGDSF#). We compare IPGDSF# with algorithms like LRU, GDSF, and GDSF#. Our simulation study shows that IPGDSF# outperforms all other algorithms under consideration in terms of hit rate (HR) as well as byte hit rate (BHR).
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces IPGDSF#, a new algorithm for Web cache replacement. Section 3 describes the simulation model for the experiment. Section 4 describes the experimental design of our simulation while Section 5 presents the simulation results. We present our conclusions in Section 6.
IPGDSF# Algorithm
We extract future frequency from the Web server logs. Then it is used to extend our GDSF# policy. Our idea is similar to the work of Bonchi et al.18-19and Yang et al.,20. While the Web cachingalgorithm in 18,19 was designed to extend the LRU policy, Yang et al. [20] extended GDSF policy. We will be extending our policy GDSF# 13-17.
As pointed out early in caching research21, the power of caching is in accurately predicting the usage of objects in the near future. In earlier works, estimates for future accesses were mostly built on measures such as access frequency, object size and cost. Such measures cannot be used to accurately predict for objects that are likely to be popular but have not yet been popular at any given instant in time. For example, as Web users traverse.
Web space, there are documents that will become popular soon due to Web document topology, although these documents are not yet accessed often in the current time instant20. Our approach is based on predictive Web caching model described by Yang et al.20. However, there are many noteworthy differences. Firstly, we use simple statistical techniques to find future frequency while Yang et al. use sequential association rules to predict the future Web access behavior. Secondly, for simplicity we do not try to identify user sessions. We assume that a popular document, which is used by one user, is likely to be used by many other users, which normally is the case for popular documents. We demonstrate the applicability of the method empirically through increased hit rates and byte hit rates.
Similar to the approach by Bonchi et al.18,19, our algorithm is an intelligent one as it can adapt to changes in usage patterns as reflected by future frequency. This is because the parameter future frequency, which is used in assigning weight (keyvalue) to the document while storing in the cache, can be computed periodically in order to keep track of the recent past. This characteristic of adapting to the flow of requests in the historical data makes our policy intelligent. We call this innovative caching algorithm as Intelligent Predictive GDSF#, (IPGDSF#).
In GDSF#, the key value of document i is computed as follows [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]:
Hi=L+ (fiλ ×ci/siδ
where λ and δ are rational numbers, L is the inflation factor, ci is the estimated cost of the document i, fi is the access frequency of the document i, and si is the document size.
We now consider how to find future frequency, ffi for document i from the Web logs. We mine the preprocessed Web log files. We extract the unique documents from the logs. Then we arrange these documents in the temporal order. Now for each unique document, we extract the number of future occurrences of that document. We call this parameter as future frequency, ff.
With this parameter, we can now extend GDSF# by calculating Hi, the key value of document i as follows:
Hi = L+ (fi + ffi)λ × ci/siδ
Here we add fi and ffi together, which implies that the key value of a document i is determined not only by its past occurrence frequency fi, but also by its future frequency ffi. By considering both the past occurrence frequency and future frequency, we can enhance the priority i.e. the key value of those objects that may not have been accessed frequently enough in the past, but will be in the near future according to the future frequency. The more likely it occurs in the future, the greater the key value will be. This will promote objects that are potentially popular objects in the near future even though they are not yet popular in the past. Thus, we look ahead in time in the request stream and adjust the replacement policy.
Finally, we make the policy intelligent by periodically updating future frequency when some condition becomes false, e.g. at fixed time intervals or when there is a degradation in the cache performance.
Now we present the IPGDSF# algorithm as shown in Figure 1:
Initialize L = 0
Find future frequency ffi
loop forever {
do {
Process each request document in turn:
let current requested document be i
if i is already in cache
Hi = L+ (fi + ffi)λ × ci/siδ
while there is not enough room in cache for i { let L = min(Hi), for all i in cache
evict i such that Hi = L
load i into cache
} while (condition) update (future frequency)
Figure 1: IPGDSF# algorithm
Simulation Model for the Experiment
In case of Web Servers, a very simple Web server is assumed with a single-level file cache. When a request is received by the Web server, it looks for the requested file in its file cache. A cache hit occurs if the copy of the requested document isfound in the file cache. If the document is not found in the file cache (a cache miss), the document must be retrieved from the local disk or from the secondary storage. On getting the file, it stores the copy in its file cache so that further requests to the same document can be serviced from the cache. If the cache is already full when a file needs to be stored, it triggers a replacement policy.
Our model also assumes file-level caching. Only complete documents are cached; when a file is added to the cache, the whole file is added, and when a file is removed from the cache, the entire file is removed.
For simplicity, our simulation model completely ignores the issues of cache consistency (i.e., making sure that the cache has the most up-to-date version of the document, compared to the master copy version at the original Web server, which may change at any time).
Lastly, caching can only work with static files, dynamic files that have become more and more popular within the past few years, cannot be cached.
Workload Traces
In this study, logs from three different Web servers are used: a Web server from an academic institute, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, India; a Web server from a manufacturing company, Thermax, Pune, India, and a Web server for an E-Shopping site in UK,
Experimental Design
This section describes the design of the performance study of cache replacement policies. The discussion begins with the factors and levels used for the simulation. Next, we present the performance metrics used to evaluate the performance of each replacement policy used in the study.
Factors and Levels
There are two main factors used in the in the trace-driven simulation experiments: cache size and cache replacement policy. This section describes each of these factors and the associated levels.
Cache Size
The first factor in this study is the size of the cache. For the Web server logs, we have used seven levels from 1 MB to 64 MB. Similar cache sizes are used by many researchers3,18,19,22-25. The upper bounds represent the Total Unique Mbytes in the trace, which is essentially equivalent to having an infinite size cache29. An infinite cache is one that is so large that no file in the given trace, once brought into the cache, need ever be evicted25, 28. It allows us to determine the maximum achievable cache hit ratio and byte hit ratio, and to determine the performance of a smaller cache size to be compared to that of an infinite cache.
Replacement Policy
We show the simulation results of LRU, GDSF, GDSF#, and IPGDSF# for the Web server traces for hit rate, and byte hit rate. For the last three algorithms, we consider the cost function as one. In GDSF# and IPGDSF#, we use the best combination of λ= 2 and δ = 0.9 in the equation for Hi. Since we have already demonstrated that GDSF# is the champion of all the algorithms in terms of both hit rate and byte hit rate13,14,15,16,17, we have not chosen other algorithms for the comparison. LRU is chosen as a baseline algorithm.
Performance Metrics
The performance metrics used to evaluate the various replacement policies used in this simulation are Hit Rate and Byte Hit Rate.
Hit Rate (HR)
Hit rate (HR) is the ratio of the number of requests met in the cache to the total number of requests.
Byte Hit Rate (BHR)
Byte hit rate (BHR) is concerned with how many bytes are saved. This is the ratio of the number of bytes satisfied from the cache to the total bytes requested.
In this section, we present and discuss simulation results for Thermax, Wonderfulbuys, and Symbiosis Web servers.
Simulation Results for Thermax
From Figure 2, it can be seen that the performance of IPGDSF# does not show any appreciable improvement over GDSF# in terms of hit rate for the Thermax data. Still the performance is better than LRU and comparable with GDSF and GDSF#.
However, IPGDSF# outperforms all other algorithms in terms of byte hit rate for the Thermax data. For a cache size of 4MB, there is a performance gain of 7.75% (from 73.89% to 81.64%) over LRU, 3.54% (from 78.10% to 81.64%) over GDSF and 1.85% (from 79.79% to 81.64%) over GDSF#. The graphs, as expected, converge as the cache size grows.
Simulation Results for Wonderfulbuys
Figure 3 gives the comparison of IPGDSF# with other algorithms.
Results similar to that of Thermax data can be seen in case of Wonderfulbuys data. From Figure 3, it can be seen that the performance of IPGDSF# does not show any appreciable improvement over GDSF# in terms of hit rate for the Wonderfulbuys data. Still the performance is better than LRU and comparable with GDSF and GDSF#.
However, IPGDSF# outperforms all other algorithms in terms of byte hit rate for the Wonderfulbuys data. For a cache size of 4MB, there is a performance gain of 0.79% (from 97.75% to 98.54%) over LRU, 0.28% (from 98.26% to 98.54%) over GDSF, and 0.17% (from 98.37% to 98.54%) over GDSF#. The graphs, as expected, converge as the cache size grows.
Simulation Results for Symbiosis
Figure 4 gives the comparison of IPGDSF# with other algorithms.
From Figure 4, it can be seen that IPGDSF# outperforms all other algorithms in terms of hit rate as well as byte hit rate for the Symbiosis data. In case of hit rate, for a cache size of 4MB, there is a performance gain of 0.14% (from 98.02% to 98.16%) over LRU, and 0.01% (from 98.15% to 98.16%) over GDSF and GDSF#. The graphs, as expected, converge as the cache size grows.
In case of byte hit rate, for a cache size of 4MB, there is a performance gain of 1.0% (from 94.54% to 95.54%) over LRU, and 0.39% (from 95.15% to 95.54%) over GDSF and GDSF#. The graphs, as expected, converge as the cache size grows.
In this paper, we have proposed an Intelligent Predictive Web caching algorithm, IPGDSF#, capable of adapting its behavior based on access statistics. This algorithm is based on the GDSF# algorithm, which we proposed in [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. IPGDSF# considers future frequency in calculating the key value of the document, i.e. we look ahead in time in the request stream and adjust the replacement policy. The future frequency is mined from Web server logs using the simple statistical techniques. We make the policy intelligent by periodically updating future frequency when some condition becomes false.
We compare IPGDSF# with cache replacement policies like LRU, GDSF, and GDSF# for Web servers using a trace-driven simulation approach. We conduct several experiments using three Web server traces. We use metrics like Hit Ratio (HR) and Byte Hit Ratio (BHR) to measure and compare performance of these algorithms.
Our study shows that IPGDSF# outperforms all other algorithms in terms of hit rate as well as byte hit rate except in case of Thermax and Wonderfulbuys data. GDSF# has improved performance in case of both HR and BHR. Now IPGDSF# has further improved both the metrics. Thus, we find that our approach gives much better performance than the other algorithms, in the quantitative measures such as hit ratios and byte hit ratios of accessed documents. We believe that use of future frequency coupled with the adaptiveness is indeed the reason that makes our approach preferable to any other caching algorithm.
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