Introduction India has leading farm output worldwide. Cropping systems vary among farms depending on available resources and constraints. Farmers encounter many questions on these cropping systems depending on climate, diseases on crops, place, and type of land etc.1 The quality of agricultural products has decreased due to the presence of pests and diseases. Poverty, food insecurity and mortality will increase …
Read More »Kamran Khan
Segmentation of Activated Sludge Filaments using Phase Contrast Microscopic Images
Introduction Wastewater treatment plants are commonly used in developed cities worldwide for purification of wastewater. One of the methods to purify water in the wastewater treatment plants is through the activated sludge process. For the normal operational requirements of the activated sludge process, it is necessary that the sludge in the wastewater settles properly. Under abnormal conditions the sludge cannot …
Read More »A Comparative Analysis of Classificaton methods for Diagnosis of Lower Back Pain
Introduction Classification has wide range of applications like credit approval, customer group identification as well as medical diagnosis.2 Lower Back Pain could be the pain due to so many causes. The causes include of wrong posture, weight lifting, stressful working environment, trauma, or even it includes some physiological disorders and even some abdominal problems like kidney stone. It mainly starts in …
Read More »Next Generation in Computing with Agent Oriented Distributed System: Protocols and Features
Introduction Mobile agents are collaboration of programmable code and variables which can pass on from one system to other on its own within a network environment. The agent performs processing at each host and decides when and where to move next and how it moves. The movements of mobile agent are evolved from remote procedure call (RPC) methods. In RPC …
Read More »Evaluating Performance of Hibernate ORM Based Applications Using HQL Query Optimization
Introduction On the temporary basis, filing and spreadsheets is used for storing massive data. However, commonly relational databases are used for the application and its availability. Relational databases require data to be stored in form of tables which is not sufficient. It does not work out with this fast emerging technical world and its needs. Since, now the time has …
Read More »Keyless Smart Home: An application of Home Security and Automation
Introduction Due to encroachment of smart phones in terms of powerful processors, larger storage, affluent entertainment functions and variety of communication techniques their users are amplifying swiftly. According to the Gartner Research, in the market of smartphone operating system, the Android has captured 81.7% (352 million) of the total market in the fourth quarter of 2016 and also grew its …
Read More »Effectiveness of Social Media in Monitoring Cadets’ Performance on Shipboard Training in Selected Maritime Schools Using System Quality Metrics
Introduction The Shipboard Training in the selected Maritime Institution uses a distributed documentation partially manual process in monitoring the performance of the cadets that most likely causes the delay and inconsistency of reports. Their Department uses Cloud Based Application Performance Monitoring System in assessing/validating the reports on the performance of the cadets. The Shipboard Training receives a summary of the …
Read More »Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Solving through Adaptive Sweep Based Clustering plus Swarm Intelligence based Route Optimization
Introduction Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial optimization task and has been widely studied since introduced by Dantzig and Ramser in 1959.1,6 VRP can be described as the problem of designing optimal delivery or collecting routes from one or several depots to a number of geographically scattered customers, subject to different constraints. Capacitated VRP (CVRP) is the most general …
Read More »Matching Forensic Sketches to Mug Shot Photos Using a Population of Sketches Generated by Combining Geometrical Facial Changes and Genetic Algorithms
Introduction Forensic science is to apply science for collecting, preserving, and analyzing scientific evidence during the course of a criminal investigation. One of its main applications is to help law enforcement agencies to detect the identity of criminals. Considering the advent of automated biometric identification, it is possible to determine the culprit’s identity using a variety of information taken from …
Read More »Machine Learning in Music Generation
The different computational advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have attracted the attention of researchers with all kinds of origins, background and motivations. From an interdisciplinary research field that sits at the intersection of the fields of AI, psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, anthropology and other human-centered sciences born the area of Computational Creativity (CC). CC can be defined …
Read More »Virtual Agent Organizations to Optimize Energy Consumption in Households
Sadly, not everyone agrees with this scientifically proven fact; there are many skeptics around the world who deny the very existence of global warming or the idea of humans being able to positively or negatively influence these changes. However, it has been proven that this undoubtedly complex problem can be resolved to a large degree if we individually take measures …
Read More »E-commerce in Developing Countries
Introduction Economic effects in the future. Internet commerce will change the face of business forever. The e-commerce has affected the global economy in many different ways. First of all, it has affected the information technology, and all the economic sectors, all and above e-commerce has enhanced the productivity growth worldwide and this impact will be discussed. What is E-Commerce? It …
Read More »Design and Development of University Admission Management System
Introduction The “University Admission Management System” is web-based database software application. Database is a storehouse of information and treated as a unit for information retrieval purpose. Database software is a set of one or more programs that enables users to create, maintain, organize, and retrieve data from database. It is widely used today in organization to maintain employee data, customer …
Read More »Fuzzy Rule based Quality of Service Provisioning in Cognitive Radio Network
Introduction The spectrum is a range of electromagnetic radiations that enables wireless communication and is managed by government. Day by day, the number of new wireless users and applications are increasing at a very rapid pace and particularly last decade has seen tremendous growth of both. Wireless users worldwide have reached 3.2 billion and were predicted to increase by 100 …
Read More »The Benefits of Implementation of Biometric Attendance System
Introduction An employee is being engaged by an organization as per requirement on substantial or contractual basis. He/She is monitored for his/her assignments by the officer in-charge. The bio metric machines read personal fingerprint, iris, hand shape or face shape and ensure that employees cannot punch in for one another, thus preventing employee time theft. The ease of operation and …
Read More »Mobile Agent based Workflow Management System (MAWFMS) for Information Flow and Business Processes
Introduction A mobile agent is an essential feature of program-logic and data that is capable of travelling between nodes in a network. Agent mobility scale states various properties for static and mobile agents. Mobility is one such orthogonal property which allows any agent to be movable within a fixed itinerary. If an agent is movable, i.e. it shows some hopping …
Read More »Quality of Service in Cognitive Radio Network: Issues and Challenges
Introduction The spectrum is a range of electromagnetic radiations that enables wireless communication and is managed by government. Day by day, the number of new wireless users and applications are increasing at a very rapid pace and particularly last decade has seen tremendous growth of both. Wireless users worldwide have reached 3.2 billion and were predicted to increase by 100 …
Read More »Flexible Channel Allocation for Better Traffic Management in Microcellular Mobile Communication System using Fuzzy logic
Introduction For the timely allocation of flexible channels the traffic intensity or the blocking probability is continuously measured at every cell site, so that the required cells are assigned to the cell in time when demand arises. The cells can be assigned to cell or released from the cell in accordance with the instant measurement of traffic density and the …
Read More »Image Compression by Wavelet Packets
Introduction Image compression is a data compression application that encodes the original image with a few bits. The aim of image compression is to reduce the frequency of image and store or transfer data in an effective format. It also reduces the time required for images to be processed in the specific system. Wavelet Packets The wavelet packets is the …
Read More »LAN-Based Vehicle Information System for Motor Vehicle Registration Office
Introduction Information systems are developed for the improvement of the necessities of a company and to provide solutions to their problems in data processing, data presentation, and record-keeping. It supports decision-making activities and statement of the progress of an organization. It produces reliable output by keeping track of records with minimum data redundancy, reduction of paper works, improved data quality, …
Read More »A New Model for Enhancing Computer Based Exam Authentication in KSA
Introduction By definition, the biometric authentication may be defined as a security aspect which relies on the unique biological characteristics in order to verify the real person. The mechanism of the Biometric authentication systems is done by comparing the biometric captured data to the stored one in a database. Basically, the biometric authentication is used for managing any access to …
Read More »Analysis of a Passive Memristor Crossbar
Introduction The memristor is an essential passive one-port element together with the resistor, inductor, and capacitor.1,2 The memristor is a nonlinear component.1,2,3 It relates the charge q and the magnetic flux linkage Ψ .1,2 The memristor element in accordance to symmetry considerations and the relations between the basic electric measures (current, voltage, electric charge and magnetic flux) was predicted by L. Chua in 1971.1 …
Read More »Blockchain for Democratic Voting: How Blockchain Could Cast off Voter Fraud
During a political elections campaign, citizens learn about candidates and decide who they support. Once this period is over, they go to vote for the candidate of their choice. However, we must question the reliability of our voting procedures and look at how technology can be used to make these procedures more secure. The application of Blockchain technology could prevent …
Read More »Data Mining using Neural Networks
Intrusion Detection and Prevention System using ACL
History & Future of Design Education: Importance of Design Education learning in India
Second Derivative Free Eighteenth Order Convergent Method for Solving Non-Linear Equations
Introduction It is well known that a wide class of problems, which arises in diverse disciplines of mathematical and engineering science can be studied by the nonlinear equation of the form f (x) = 0 (1.1) Where f : D ⊂ R → R is a scalar function on an open interval D and f (x) may be algebraic, transcendental …
Read More »Fibonacci Cordial Labeling of Some Special Graphs
Introduction The idea of Fibonacci cordial labeling was given by A. H. Rokad and G. V. Ghodasara.1 The graphs which i considered here are Simple, undirected, connected and finite. Here V(G) and E(G) denotes the set of vertices and set of edges of a graph G respectively. For different graph theoretic symbols and nomenclature i refer Gross and Yellen.3 A …
Read More »Steganography Based on Human Perception
Introduction In the field of Data Communication, security-issues have got the top priority. So, of late the degree of security provided by a security tool has become the main evolutionary criteria of it. Classical cryptography is one of the ways to secure plain text messages. Along with that at the time of data transmission, security is also implemented by introducing …
Read More »Analyzing Varieties of Agricultural Data Using Big Data Tools Pig
Introduction Nowadays, data is growing very speedy. Analysis of the data is necessity for the many organization. As per recent survey data generated in last 2 years is more than the data created in entire previous history of human. Data created in different form and in diversified manner. It can be structured, it can be semi-structured, or it can be …
Read More »Realisation of Cognitive Radio: Issues and Challenges
Introduction The spectrum is a valuable electromagnetic resource that is controlled by government in order to manage complex issues. Presently, spectrum is allocated to service providers by adopting the policy of fixed allocation in which transmission power is regulated and different frequency bands are assigned for different services and applications. There has been tremendous growth of wireless users and applications …
Read More »Requirement Based Testability Estimation Model of Object Oriented Software
Introduction One of the major issues that are considered in the current era of software development is to provide quality software; the reason behind it can be defined as human life is depending upon the correct functioning of computer and to get competitive advancement. Object oriented technique is widely accepted and preferred way of development in large-scale software development.8,32 This …
Read More »A Comparative Analysis of Classification Algorithms on Weather Dataset Using Data Mining Tool
Introduction Data mining is that the method to extract or mine data from immense volume of information. Broadly data processing will be outlined because the task of extracting implicit, antecedent unknown potential helpful data from knowledge in giant databases. Data mining tasks are classified as descriptive which discover interesting patterns or relationships describing the data and predictive task which predicts or classifies the behavior of the model supported obtainable information. It’s a content field with a general goal of predicting outcomes and uncovering relationships. Some of the data …
Read More »Quality of Service Provisioning in Cognitive Radio Network
Introduction The utilization report provided by Federal Communications Commission (FCC)1 spectrum task force indicates that utilization of the allocated spectrum varies between 15% to 85%. Mitola2,3 is considered to be the pioneer of the idea of cognitive radio (CR). CR4 is a smart device having the capability to sense the entire spectrum in order to find the idle channels and …
Read More »Comparision Between Accuracy and MSE,RMSE by Using Proposed Method with Imputation Technique
Introduction Missing data imputation techniques can be used to improve the data quality. Missing data imputation techniques replace missing values of a dataset so that data analysis methods can be applied to complete dataset.1 In this research work, student dataset is taken contains marks of four different subjects in engineering college. Mean, Mode, Median Imputation were used to deal with …
Read More »Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey
Introduction The spectrum is a precious electromagnetic resource and is regulated by governmental agencies in order to manage complex issues. Presently, spectrum is allocated by fixed allocation policy in which transmission power is regulated and different frequency bands are assigned for different services and applications. There has been tremendous growth of wireless users and applications over the last decade. The …
Read More »Android Based Student Reminder System
Introduction Now a day’s smart phone usage is very wider because of the advanced mobile operating system with features suitable for mobile, handheld use. They are capable of running downloaded applications (apps).1-4 Smart phone apps are easy to use and are time saving applications. Most of the popular operating systems used in smart phones are Blackberry, iOS, Windows, and Android. …
Read More »Re-UCP Effort Estimation for Web Application Development
Introduction The implementation of software application have become so ubiquitous that all the organisation have switched their work environment on online media. For software development companies the most critical and challenging aspect is that there is no standardized measure to approximate software efforts for a software development project. This issue has put the cutting edge software development organizations in a …
Read More »Dimensional Modeling Using Star Schema for Data Warehouse Creation
Introduction Data Warehouses are difficult to manufacture. Their plan requires a state of mind that is quite recently inverse to way in which conventional PC frameworks are produced. Their development requires radical rebuilding of tremendous measures of information, regularly of questionable or conflicting quality, drawn from various heterogeneous sources. Effective Data Warehouses are worked for only one reason: to answer …
Read More »Methods and Algorithms of Speech Signals Processing and Compression and Their Implementation in Computer Systems
Introduction The increased interest to the progress of the computer engineering, computer and telecommunication networks can be observed lately. This caused the creation of large information resources, which are to be stored, processed and transferred. Therefore the tasks of protecting computer-based information become of great importance. These tasks are generally solved by means of deriving information by performing a cryptographic …
Read More »Performance Analysis of Heterogenous WSN for Application in IoT
Introduction IoT includes three major components for seamless communication between the source and end user. The first is the hardware which is comprised of sensors or actuators and entrenched communicating hardware like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), etc. The second is a middleware which performs on-demand storage and computing tools for data analytics. The last part of …
Read More »Fdm Cloud Based Application Performance Monitoring System of the Cadets While on Board Ship Training for the Philippine Merchant Marine Academyin San Narciso Zambales
Introduction Technology nowadays is overwhelming that it has results change faster from a stand-alone system to a web based technology which is capable of supporting almost all of the computerized transactions using an open source mobile applet and Content Management Systems. Most of the organizations have embraced technology and have developed exceptional online programs that provide easy access and massive …
Read More »A New Framework For Identifying the Missed Pilgrims In Hajj and Umrah
Introduction Mainly, Islam has five main pillars to believe in. Hajj to Mecca is the fifth pillar. Hajj is an annual Islamic physical religious journey to Mecca which is obligatory once in life time for the Muslim believers who are physically and financially capable perform it. Furthermore, Umrah is another physical religious journey to Mecca which can be performed at …
Read More »What Causes to Tune a Condition of Exactly Identical Fault-Masks Behaviors in an LFSR based BIST Methodology
Introduction n recent years, numerous Built-In Self-Test (BIST) systems have been proposed just because of its gaining acceptance in the VLSI industry due to its popular enormous advantages1–6. With BIST methodology, there is no need to use external test equipment since a self-testable circuitry is built on the chip itself. The BIST technique usually combines a built-in Pseudo-Random Test-Sequence (PRTS) …
Read More »Blade Runner 2049 and the Quest for Industry 4.0
Yes, I am a huge Sci-Fi and noir fan, but I also know where my feet are. As R&D people, we must discuss emerging technology, standards and ethics fueled by this not so futuristic film. Industry 4.0 (formerly known as Industrie 4.0) is a subset of the Internet of Things with some industrial things added devised by the German industry …
Read More »Performance Analysis of Data Compression Using Lossless Run Length Encoding
Introduction Data compression methods will compress the original file such as text, image, audio or video into different file which is called compressed file. It is a technique used for decreasing the requirements of storage space in different storage media. It also requires less bandwidth for data transmission over the network. It also reduces the time for displaying and loading …
Read More »Performance Analysis , Comparative Survey of Various Classification Techniques in Spam Mail Filtering
Introduction With the most preferred communication method e-mails have become part of day to day life. Spams which are also called unwanted, junk ,unsolicited mail is one of the major problem in using the emails. There are basically two things that are confused with each other that are one is Paper junk mail and spam mail, these two are usually …
Read More »Role of ICT in Agriculture: Policy Implications
Introduction Agriculture is a gigantic sector of the Indian economy as its share to gross domestic product (GDP) is almost 17 per cent. The increased demand for food grains can be met only with sincere efforts in agricultural research and extension. In spite of a large of Indian economy, agriculture is lagging behind many aspects and characterised by poor connectivity …
Read More »A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Maturity Stages of Tomatoes
Introduction Agriculture in India constitutes the major part of the economy. Tomato is globally cultivated as protective fruit because of its better nutritive value. So, farmers are compensated only for the good quality fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes are consumed directly as raw vegetables or used in a number of processed products like ketch-up, juices, soup, paste, etc. Therefore, maturity checking …
Read More »Exploring Computing Environment Possibilities for Risk Oriented Testing
Introduction Software testing requires selective and careful planning because it can not be done exhaustively. To increase the test effectiveness proper selection of test cases for testing is mandatory. As we know that risky scenarios requires proper identification because of very limited resources ,lack of time for not complete testing of system we need more focus on the areas where …
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