Introduction Attendance is very indispensable aspect in any organization, small or big, public or private. Attendance is the main tool to monitor the punctuality of employees in any organization. The punctuality of employee is directly proportional to the discipline of an organization which results in better management of the processes within an organization. There have been different strategies to record …
Read More »Kamran Khan
Enhancing the Classification Accuracy of Noisy Dataset By Fusing Correlation Based Feature Selection with K-Nearest Neighbour
Introduction Data mining is a process of extracting knowledge from enormous data. Classification is the important data analysis technique among the other major component of data mining, in which data models are extracted that describes important data classes. These models are called classifiers, which predicts categorical class1 labels. Most of the real world data sources has to deal with the …
Read More »Cellular Automata Based Study of Spectral Signatures of Dal_Lake Infrared Imagery
Introduction The valley of Kashmir in the early history records has been discovered as a wide basin between the mountains as illustrated in the Figure 1. With time the shallower regions have converted to land mass. From the maximum waters, now the land has turned into this state of maximum land mass. The location of the Dal Lake in the …
Read More »Approximation Query Layer (AQLayer): Design and Architecture
Introduction In the modern software design, almost company try to isolate development layer and database layer by using some language similar to SQL or pattern to handle this isolation task, like Active Record and Microsoft LINQ. By using active record on relational databases, the object data is stored in-memory with functions to do main tasks on database (select, insert, update …
Read More »Trends of Manufacturing Systems with Distributed Computing
Introduction Manufacturing systems have been progressing through an evolutionary process in unison with advances in computing technology [1,2]. However, the recent advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has given new impetus to the design of manufacturing systems. There is an increasing demand for complex distributed systems capable of handling large-scale factory automation. Moreover, the dynamics of economic global recession …
Read More »Modeling and Simulation of Fiber Bragg Grating (Fbg) as A Strain Sensor
Introduction Over the past few years, there are various components related to the industries were developed for fiber optics sensing systems. The advantages of optical fiber sensors include high sensitivity, low power consumption, wider bandwidth, and immunity to electromagnetic radiations gives wide-ranging applications in places where conventional sensors are unable to operate appropriately or not suitable with the environment involved. …
Read More »Assessing the Effect of Participatory Approach for Delivering Agricultural Information Service (AIS) to Smallholder Farmers
Introduction India’s telephone subscriber base reached 1,058.86 million in March 2016 with close share of 57.6 per cent to 42.4 per cent of subscription base of urban and rural regions respectively (TRAI, IBEF). A rural population of 833 million (Census of India, 2011) implies that every second person in rural India owns a mobile phone. A recent study by NSSO …
Read More »Control Algorithm to The Semantic D ata Security in Computer Networks
A study of grain and particle sizes of 40%Ni-Fe, 50%Ni-Fe and 75%Ni-Fe nanopowder prepared by mechanical alloying
Introduction Ni-Fe alloys of varying compositions are extensively used in electromagnets due to their low hysterics loss, high permeability and high saturation flux density. Their mechanical properties can be improved using several techniques such as recrystallization,¹ solid state sintering,2 cyclic heat treatment3,4 formation of matrix pools,5 surface carburization,6 formation of irregular particle shape,7 and mechanical alloying.8 During the last few years …
Read More »Privacy Preservation and Data Security on Internet Using Mutual Ssl
Introduction In the current , the technologies have advanced so much that most of the people prefer using the internet as a medium to transfer data from one person to another person across the world. There are many possible ways to transmit data using the internet: via e-mails, chats, etc. The data transition is made very simple, fast and accurate …
Read More »Age Estimation Using OLPP Features
Introduction Security is a property which measures the degree of resisting some harmful attack on any vulnerable entity. The entity can represent anything that exists in the nature. It can represent some human being, object, company, country, etc. All these are associated with security in order to achieve their goals and objectives. Any entity can be vulnerable to any kind …
Read More »Comparative Analysis of Clustering Techniques for Various Models of Node Deployment Strategies
Introduction With the rise of technology, there has emerged a need for automating the jobs of humans. From finding out where the car is parked to a car that can drive by itself, we find ourselves in a situation where we are more and more dependent on technology. Wireless sensors are a kind of sensor that have their own computing …
Read More »A Comparative Review on Different Methods of Face Recognition
Introduction Security is a major concern in day to day life. Biometrics systems are providing an aid to solve this problem. Among the various biometrics available, face recognition is a well-accepted biometric software application capable of identifying faces and verifying faces from a given set of database. Face recognition can be used from anything like a frame from a video …
Read More »Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand
Introduction Bike sharing systems are innovative ways of renting bicycles for use without the onus of ownership . A pay per use system, the bike sharing model is either works in two modes: users can get a membership for cheaper rates or they can pay for the bicycles on an ad-hoc basis. The users of bike sharing systems can pick …
Read More »Ambulance Tracking System Using Restful Api
Introduction Ambulance Tracking System, a new and a great experience in the world of hospital. This is a web based application which helps the user to find the nearby ambulance and the nearby hospital based on their location. It helps the user to book the ambulance or call it to the place of emergency so that the patient can be …
Read More »Churn Analysis in Telecommunication Using Logistic Regression
Introduction There are a number of telecommunication networks that are available and we have the luxury to choose the one we want based on our requirements. The increased number of telecoms are a challenge to the telecom companies and many companies are facing huge revenue losses , to keep the customers many companies invest a huge revenue in the beginning …
Read More »Performance Investigation of Antivirus – A Comparative Analysis
Introduction The explosion with World Wide Web is always prone to the interaction of unknown threat which can ruin the computer. Antivirus software plays an active role towards the prevention of hidden threats in web which can affect the computer. The infection can be of different types such as Droppers, Trojans, root-kits, worms, viruses, and so on. Antivirus is security …
Read More »Improved fair Scheduling Algorithm for Hadoop Clustering
Introduction to Hadoop Hadoop is a distributed framework for large amount of data. It is a solution for big data which deals with complexities of high volume, velocity and wide variety of data. Hadoop has a set of open source projects to provide common services. Hadoop is fundamentally infrastructure and software for storing and processing large amount of data which …
Read More »Predictive Analytics – The Cognitive Analysis
Introduction Predictive Analytics is a division of data mining that deals with the analysis of existing data to perceive the concealed trends, patterns and the relationship between these to predict the future probabilities and patterns [1]. It incorporates concepts of statistics, data mining and machine learning that analyses the historic and existing data to predict future events [2]. The notable …
Read More »Z-Dijkstra’s Algorithm to solve Shortest Path Problem in a Z-Graph
Introduction In graph theory, the Shortest Path Problem (SPP) is one of the most famous problems studied and being studied by researchers. The SPP is the problem of finding a path between two vertices (or nodes) in a digraph such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized. Thus the core problem is to find the shortest path from a source vertex S to a single …
Read More »Comparative Study of Routing Protocols in MANET
Introduction MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) is collection of mobile nodes which having the Autonomous Self -configuring network.In MANET, the nodes can flow freely and at any time it can connect to different nodes. Mobile nodes having the bandwidth restricted,dynamic topologies, Energy limited operation, variable infrastructure & capacity links. Routing protocol performs an essential function in any network [1]. Routing …
Read More »Evaluation of Object Utilization Through Statistical Model in Software Development Process
Introduction Statistical method test is an important step in developing and maintaining any application software and embedded software before implementation. Although, different statistical method is used to enhance the performance through the past decades. Moreover, the final objective of statistical method has been remained standard over the years. In any software system implementation, objects determine the size and time to …
Read More »A Novel Blind Digital Watermarking Based on SVD and Extreme Learning Machine
Introduction With the invention and expansion of internet, data in digital form is distributed and copied easily worldwide. But with the distribution, protection or security of data is equally important. Watermarking is an emerging technique for the security of data. Watermarking is the process that embeds data called a watermark, tag or label into a multimedia object such that watermark …
Read More »Comparison of Viola-Jones and Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Face Detection Algorithms
Introduction Face detection is a computer technology that identifies human faces in digital pictures. Face detection may also refer to the mental process by which humans locate visual scenes in real life. Face detection is a particular case of class-object detection. In class-object detection, the main task is to look for the sizes and locations of all objects in a …
Read More »Eighteenth Order Convergent Method for Solving Non-Linear Equations
Introduction We consider finding the zero’s of a nonlinear equation f(x)=0 (1) Where f: D c R→R is a scalar function on an open interval D and f(x) may be algebraic, transcendental or combined of both. The most widely used algorithm for solving (1.1) by the use of value of the function and its derivative is the well known …
Read More »Virtual Reality Treatments for Specific Phobias: A Review
Introduction Virtual Reality provides a level of machine and human interaction in which the users become a part of the three-dimensional virtual world. These virtual worlds provide a means of total immersion thus providing a sense of presence for the participant which provides a great leap in comparison to the traditional computer graphics. The participant is subjected to a computer-designed …
Read More »RFID Security Issues in IoT: A Comparative Study
Introduction Basic IoT Concept and the Widespread of IoT The Internet of Things(IoT) is a concept that came into being in 1999. It consists of a variety of objects that are interconnected and that can communicate with each other by sending and receiving relevant data. With the size of devices getting smaller and smaller, the Internet of Thing has been …
Read More »Fuzzy Logic based Stock Value Prediction using Fundamental Analysis
Introduction Recently there is lots of technical work have been updated in the research area of prediction1. Stock prediction is the field where stock price is considered as the means of profit. In this business money is input as well as output. According to the Ben Graham, the investment operation is nothing but to maintain surety of the stock as …
Read More »Phoneme Segmentation of Tamil Speech Signals Using Spectral Transition Measure
Introduction In Natural Languages, speech is considered as the sequential link of phonemes. The automatic segmentation of speech using only the phoneme sequence is an important task, especially if manually pre-segmented sentences are not available for training. The availability of segmented speech databases is useful for many purposes, mainly for the training of phoneme-based speech recognizers[1]. Such an automatic segmentation …
Read More »Noise Removal and Filtering Techniques Used in Medical Images
Introduction Noise is caused due to various sources which include many external causes in transmission system and environmental factors which includes noise like Gaussian, Poisson , Blurred , Speckle and salt-and-pepper noise. Noise removing method has become an important factor in medical imaging applications and the most commonly used filters are Median filter, Gaussian filter, Weiner filter which gives the …
Read More »Security Enhancement of AODV Protocol using Fuzzy based Trust Computation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Introduction Wireless local area networks (WLAN) present unique and global way of networking with mobile nodes. WLAN were based on IEEE standards 802.11 a,b,g standards [1]. But, in most of the configurations of WLAN, only the last link is connected with access point thereby acting as wireless. Access point itself may be considered as bottleneck because of its limited range. …
Read More »A New 8T SRAM Circuit with Low Leakage and High Data Stability Idle Mode at 70nm Technology
Introduction It has always been a great challenge to fabricate a circuit using transistors. To design a big circuit the size of transistor is becoming small [1]. SRAM utilizes minimum sized transistors to fulfill the requirement of high packing density. SRAM is facing severe difficulties after scaling the dimensions of transistor, such as degraded data stability and increased power consumption …
Read More »Security with Respect to MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) and IoT (Internet of Things)
Introduction Now six billions people around the world access internet by any of field area network like 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, wifi, Wimax, Mobile Broadband, wired, etc.. They use the FAN for browsing the web, sending and receiving emails, accessing multimedia content, playing games, social networking and other tasks, so more peoples come to in connect to share global information …
Read More »An Integer solution in Intuitionistic Transportation Problem with Application in Agriculture
Introduction Transportation problem is a spectial kind of linear programming problem in which goods are transported from a set of source to the set of destination subject to the supply and demands of the source and destinations. Hitchcock (1941) firstly introduced the Transportation Problem and after that it presented by Koopmans (1947). The first mathematical formulation of fuzziness was pioneered …
Read More »Training Neural Network Elements Created From Long Shot Term Memory
Introduction An artificial neuron (ANe) is a simplified model of biological neurons (BNe) characteristic of the kind of relatively higher levels of development of life. The artificial neural network (ANN) is structured from the ANe’s. Since the method for creating term structure depends on the type of network ie. classification networks. We discuss the two types of networks according to …
Read More »An Emerging Trend of Big Data for High Volume and Varieties of Data to Search of Agricultural Data
Introduction In the past, the types of information available were limited. Approach to technology has a well-defined set Information management. But in today’s world, our world has been the explosion of data volumes. It is Terabytes and petabytes. The large existing data from different databases relational data stored in Big Data. It means a collection of large data sets is …
Read More »A Flexible Conceptual Framework for Supporting Collaborative Work
Introduction For the last century, there has been a substantial growth in e-business systems and applications. Yet there has not been a similar growth in applications that facilitate connectivity among employees [1]. Many researchers in this field are promoting the activity-based collaboration as an effective way to transfer productive knowledge [2]. Running an activity-based session at the online environment is …
Read More »A Novel Approach to Group Research Proposal and Allocate the Research Reviewer by Using Text-Mining and Clustering
Introduction Research Project Selection is very important aspect in process of selection the research project selection. For that before we select any of the research proposals it needs to be grouped for the better project selection. So in this paper we introduce one technique for grouping of the research proposals and assign this group to the related reviewers [1]. Figure …
Read More »Empirically Implementation Adaboost to Solve Ambiguity
Introduction One of natural language processing applications is word sense disambiguation. There are two main ways to identify meaning of word correctly: Supervised Approach Where along with the algorithm context is used to train system to identify word correctly. Adaboost, is theoretical approach for learning model called probably Approximately correct (PAC). Adaptive Boosting constructs a strong classifier by taking a …
Read More »An Incentive-Based Peer-to-Peer Grid Scheduling
Enabling New Generation Security Paradigm With Quantum Cryptography
Introduction In our modern age of telecommunications and the Internet, information has become a precious commodity. There are many features and applications to secure the data, commerce and payments to private communications and protecting passwords. The essential feature for secure communications is that of cryptography, which not only protects data from stealing or modification, but it can also be used …
Read More »Website Injection for Fraudulent Activities and Ways to Combat
Introduction With the Internet becoming the governing network for advertising and marketing, online advertisements are more and more used for illegal purposes such as scamming, propagating malware, click frauds, etc. Malware, in short the malicious software, is any type of software that is used to interrupt computer operation, provide access to private computer systems, or gather sensitive information. [1] Malware …
Read More »Various Techniques of DDoS Attacks Detection & Prevention at Cloud: A Survey
Introduction Cloud Computing is an evolving paradigm that is growing rapidly and is a modern model that is intended to provide suitable, on-demand, network access to a common group of configurable computing resources “as a service” on the Internet for fulfilling computing demands of the users. Services on the Cloud are delivered by the Internet. Due to this security and …
Read More »New Era of Effective Web Designing Technology Using HTML 5
Introcution Basically the HTML is standard markup language. It was developed for the designing a web page. In January 1997, HTML 3.2 was published as a W3C Recommendation. It was the first version developed and standardized exclusively by the W3C[1]. The HTML 4.0 was release in mid of 1998 and it comes with strict, transitional and frameset. Later on many …
Read More »A Robust DCT Based Digital Image Watermarking Using Fusion of Computational Intelligence Techniques
Introduction In this world of digital, we can easily share pictures, video and text through the Internet which become most used resource. Due to the increased availability of digital data the transmission of multimedia data became daily routine nowadays. Therefore there is a pressing need to manage and protect the illegal duplication of data. Copyright protection or authentication of multimedia …
Read More »Computational Approach in Complex Structure Prediction for Drug Design Activity
Introcution In drug design activities, computational methods are used to predict how a particular compound interact with a given protein target. They can be used to assist in building hypotheses about desirable chemical properties when designing the drug and they can be used to refine and modify drug candidates. Computational Methods can also be used to automate repetitive tasks such …
Read More »Traceability of Implementation to Design and Requirements Specifications: A Formal Technical Review Method (Reverse Engineering Tool)
Introduction A technical review (TR) is the most effective filter from a quality control standpoint. Conducted by software engineers (and others) for software engineers, the TR (Technical Review) is an effective means for uncovering errors and improving software quality. [1] Formal techniques are not necessarily mathematical specification languages, but can be graphical techniques as well, provided that the syntax and …
Read More »Root to Fruit (3): A Framework to Manage Knowledge About Sorting Algorithms
Introduction The Evolutionary study of the sorting algorithms consist not only algorithms and related theory but also consist of method of doing research; difficulties and problems occurred during research and how did inventor solved these problems.[3] It inspires other researchers and motivates to continue with their efforts.[4] Since from the dawn of computing numerous sorting algorithms were found[5] however, some …
Read More »Traffic Sign Symbol Recognition Using Single Dimension PCA
Introduction If the vehicle have these technologies, then we save the life of driver as well as we can have great potential to save precious life of a driver. Now a days every vehicle are embedded with these kind of technologies for the safer drive. For the driver to assist in the high ways. The traffic sign symbols are installed …
Read More »Analysis of Uk’s Retail Industry Via Online Editorial Media
IntroductionThe UK retail sector covered all businesses that sold goods to the public i.e. large chains, department stores, independent stores, virtual stores. The UK retail sector was a leader in innovation. Various retail formats were Hypermarkets & Supermarkets, Small super-stores, Convenience stores, Discounters, Departmental stores/local stores/specialty stores and online. E-commerce and self-service were reshaping the shopping experience across the world …
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