Introduction With increasing demand of LCD panel for high color depth and resolution it is hard to design a buffer with high resolution. The buffer has to match the speed, resolution, voltage swing and power dissipation of an LCD driver’s to get high resolution. The resolution of the amplifier is dependent on the settling time the offset voltage and the …
Read More »Kamran Khan
AIDE—Aid for Heads Up Display Navigation
Introduction A head-up display or heads-up display—also known as a HUD—is a display which is transparent that displays information without taking users to look out from their usual vantage points. The name origins from the word pilot i.e. being able to get information with the head positioned “up” and calculating forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments[6][4]. AIDE …
Read More »Comprehensive Review on Wireless Sensor Networks
Introduction Wireless sensor network (WSN) is widely considered as one of the most important technology in the past decades. It has received tremendous attention from all over the world [1]. A WSN typically consists of a large number of low-cost, low-power, and multifunctional wireless sensor nodes, with sensing, wireless communications and computational capabilities. These sensor nodes communicate over short distance …
Read More »Classification Using the Compact Rule Generation
Introduction Data mining is the process to get the hidden information available within the database and it can lead to the knowledge discovery [1][2]. Various operations included in the data mining are the classification, prediction, association and the clustering. The association [3] is most useful application that is used to get the relationship between the elements of particular set. These …
Read More »DNA-Based Audio Steganography
Introduction The explosive growth of computer system and their interconnection via computer networks such as internet has led to a heightened need for information and data security. The growing use of internet has led to a continuous increase in the amount of data that is being exchanged and stored in various digital media [1]. In network it is very important …
Read More »An Over view on Content – Based Image Retrieval
Introduction The term “content-based image retrieval” seems to have originated in 1992 when it was used by T. Kato to describe experiments into automatic retrieval of images from a database, based on the colors and shapes present. Since then, the term has been used to describe the process of retrieving desired images from a large collection on the basis of syntactical …
Read More »Analysis of Cost Estimation Used in Query Optimization of Fuzzy Relational Databases Based on Sort-Merge Algorithm
Introduction The cost based query optimization technique searches the solution space to a problem for a solution that minimizes an objective (cost) function. The cost functions used in query optimization are estimates and not exact cost functions. So the optimization may select a query execution strategy that is not the optimal one. Evaluation of query execution is based on various …
Read More »Computer Applications in Dairy Industry
Introduction In many respects the dairy industry occupies a special position among the other sectors of agriculture. Milk is produced everyday and gives a regular income to the numerous small producers. Milk production is highly labor-intensive and provides a lot of employment. The dairy industry is the sector with the highest degree of protection due to the economically vulnerable position of small milk …
Read More »Providing File Surveillance to Actively Search for Files by Querying Structured Peer to Peer Overlay Systems
Introduction In a peer to peer system the “peers” are computer systems which are connected to each other via the Internet. Files can be shared directly between systems on the network without the need of a central server. Here each and every computer on a P2P network acts as a file server as well as a client. The requirements of …
Read More »A Comparative Study of Classification Techniques in Data Mining Algorithms
Introduction Classification techniques in data mining are capable of processing a large amount of data. It can be used to predict categorical class labels and classifies data based on training set and class labels and it can be used for classifying newly available data.The term could cover any context in which some decision or forecast is made on the basis of …
Read More »Big Data Solution by Divide and Conquer Technique in Parallel Distribution System Using Cloud Computing
Introduction Big Data: Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it’s difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. In most enterprise scenarios the data is too big or it moves too fast or it exceeds current processing capacity. Big data has …
Read More »Online Transport Monitoring System by the Integration of GPS and GIS
Introduction The Transport Management System (TMS) has developed integrated GPS/GIS for collecting on-road traffic data from a probe vehicle. This system has been further integrated with the engine management system of a vehicle to provide time-tagged data on GPS position and speed, distance travelled, acceleration, fuel consumption, engine performance, and air pollutant emissions on a second-by-second basis. All GPS/GIS tracking …
Read More »Neurofeedback Treatments for Depression Disorders- Review of Current Advances
Introduction It has been estimated that by the year 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Regarding the current prevalence and growth rates, depression is reported as the most important disease in the WHO’S global statistics for 2020. It affects up to 15% of the population of industrialized countries. The health and social impacts of depression are not …
Read More »Brain Computer Interface: Principles, Recent Advances and Clinical Challenges
Introduction A brain–computer interface (BCI), brain–machine interface (BMI), mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI) is a direct communication between the brain and an external device without any peripheral muscular activity. BCIs are often directed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. In BCI a subject sends commands to an electronic device through brain activity without any peripheral muscular activity(1-3). Such systems can help patients …
Read More »Two Level Parallelism Implementation to Classify Multi Class Large Data Sets
Introduction Databases have a lot of hidden information that is useful for making intelligent decisions. There are many methods that can be used to extract information from databases. Classification is an important technique for data analysis. Most algorithms assume a small data size, but recent database mining research has a large data set, therefore there is a need to develop …
Read More »Enhance the Interaction Between Mobile Users and Web Services Using Cloud Computing
Introduction Mobile clients are likely to upsurge progressively from current users. As cellular network infrastructures incessantly improve, their data broadcast develops gradually affordable and available, and thus they are becoming prevalent traditions to access the Internet Based Services, mainly the Web Services that are also available in the cloud computing. Today, mobile clients’ uses devices like Android, iPhone, and Black-berry, …
Read More »Implementing Divide and Conquer Technique for a Big-Data Traffic
Introduction Recent business trends suggest that, big data analysis is becoming indispensable for automatic discovering of intelligence that is involved in the frequently-occurring patterns and hidden rules but it takes more time to process, manipulate and update the data in the database. So in computer science, Divide and Conquer (D & C) is an important algorithm design paradigm based on …
Read More »Directive Access Control System
Introduction Automatic recognition of objects by using electromagnetic fields is the main objective of RFID technology. Radio frequency identification is reliable and cost effective technology used for the personal identification, asset management, secure access, inventory control and numbers of sophisticated applications. Due to quicker performance, lower implementation costs and developed emerging standards causes. RFID was first used in the World …
Read More »The Evidence for The Effectiveness of Active Learning
INTRODUCTION For many faculties there remain questions about what active learning is and how it differs from traditional engineering education, since this is already “active” through homework assignments and laboratories. Adding to the confusion, engineering faculty do not always understand how the common forms of active learning differ from each other and most engineering faculty are not inclined to comb …
Read More »An Application of Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD) Indicator on Selected Stocks Listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Introduction Today what every investor needs is a technological architecture that will assist him in taking calculated risks with minimal losses. With technological advancements the needs of investors have also multi-folded. Initially a stock broking firm used to advise based on the strong knowledge base they possessed. Nowadays even stock broking firms rely on various decision making tools to safeguard …
Read More »Role of Information Technology in Improvement of Current Scenario in Agriculture
Introduction Information and communication have always mattered in agriculture. People crops, raise livestock, and catch the fish has evolved since then, they have sought information from one another. What is the most effective strategy for planting on steep slopes? Where I buy improved seeds that can feed this year? How can I receive the title? Are paying the highest price …
Read More »Using Vectors of Features for Finite State Automata Dataset Reduction
Introduction The graph mining has been raped sudden increase in the data mining. Graph mining denotes a group of algorithms for mining the relational aspects of data represented as a graph.[1]. The graph depiction that set of nodes and links between nodes allow practice of mining algorithm. Graph-based data mining has two major approaches: frequent subgraph mining and graph relational …
Read More »A review and Analysis on Cyclomatic Complexity
Introduction Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric (measurement). It was developed by Thomas J. McCabe, Sr. in 1976 and is used to indicate the complexity of a program. It is a quantitative measure of the complexity of programming instructions. It directly measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program’s source code. It is one of the metric based on not program size but more …
Read More »Challenges and Opportunities for ICT Initiatives in Agricultural Marketing in India
Introduction Improved agricultural production is the major weapon in the fight against world hunger, improving rural livelihood and increasing economic growth. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of nation, and could benefit tremendously with the applications of ICTs especially in bringing changes to socio-economic conditions of poor in backward areas. Agriculture constitutes a major livelihoods sector and most …
Read More »Root to Fruit (2): An Evolutionary Approach for Sorting Algorithms
Introduction In spite of plentiful literature and research in sorting algorithmic domain there is mess found in documentation as far as credential concern [2]. Perhaps this problem found due to lack of coordination and unavailability of common platform or knowledge base in the same domain. Evolutionary study of sorting algorithm or sorting problem is foundation of futuristic knowledge base for …
Read More »Multi Node Recovery in Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
Introduction Recent years Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks are gaining growing interest because of their suitability for mission critical applications that require autonomous and intelligent interaction with the environment. Examples of these applications include forest fire monitoring, disaster management, search and rescue, security surveillance, battlefield reconnaissance, space exploration, coast and border protection, etc. WSANs consist of numerous miniaturized stationary sensors …
Read More »A Novel Secure Image Hiding on Indexed Images Using Pixel-Matching Technique
INTRODUCTION Steganography means covered or hidden writing [1, 3]. The goal of steganography is to send a message through some unsuspicious carrier. The message can be a text, an image or it can be an audio file. Steganography technique helps in hiding the fact that a secret message is being sent in original information. Digital steganography is a technology used …
Read More »Modern Class Room: A New Approach Towards Teaching and Learning
INTRODUCTION The public education system no longer considers the integration of technology as a debatable issue in the classroom. In fact, many schools have started to incorporate the technological use of computers and mobile devices in the classroom to further the academic performance of students. Computer application in the classroom has evolved beyond drill and practice programs. Today’s technology can …
Read More »Improving Network Attack Alarm System: A Proposed Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Model
INTRODUCTION Since the invention and advancement in technology, people have been finding ways of attacking the network through the development of software and other malicious acts. Over the past few years, these attacks have increased to the point where almost every computer and network is exposed to some form of attack. It might come as a shock to many that …
Read More »Computer Support for Dynamic Decision Making
Introduction How do managers take decisions?What do they depend on in making decisions? To understand the ideas behind the dynamic decision making it is essential to understand the process of making decisions. Utilizing information in a good way in organizations is considered the biggest bottleneck and more challenging than collecting it. The speed of change rate in online environments makes …
Read More »Artificial Intelligence Technique for Speech Recognition Based on Neural Networks
Introduction In this area, significant progress has been achieved, but the main problem of modern speech recognition is to achieve the robustness of the process. Unfortunately, programs that could show equivalent human quality speech recognition under any conditions, not yet created [2]. The immaturity of existing technologies is associated primarily with the issues of recognition of noisy and continuous speech. Known methods are various advantages such as good account of temporal structure of speech signal (shear strength), resistance to the variance signal resistance to noise, low resource consumption, size of the dictionary. but the problem is that for high-quality speech recognition to match these benefits in the same method of recognition …
Read More »On the Consequence of Variation Measure in K- Modes Clustering Algorithm
Introduction Advances in sensing and storage technology and dramatic growth in applications such as Internet search, digital imaging, and video surveillance have created many high-volume, and high dimensional data sets [1]. The widespread use of computer and information technology has made extensive data collection in business, manufacturing and medical organizations a routine task. This explosive growth in stored data has generated …
Read More »Building Data Mining For Phone Business
INTRODUCTION We are in an age often referred to as the information age because we believe that information leads to power and success, and thanks to sophisticated technologies such as computers, satellites, etc., we have been collecting tremendous amounts of information. Initially, with the advent of computers and means for mass digital storage, we started collecting and storing all sorts …
Read More »Domain Models Schemas: A Semantic Web Perspective
Introduction Domain Modeling is a difficult intellectual effort which requires thoughtful understanding of the domain modeled in several manners. Three widespread domain modeling schemes are adopted in several applications which are: taxonomy, thesaurus and ontology. We have compared these three schemes among others because they are of great interest to practitioners. Generally there is confusion as to how these schemes …
Read More »A New Mobile Based System to Detect Counterfeit Money
Introduction Counterfeit money is currency that is produced without the legal sanction of the state or government to resemble some official form of currency closely enough that it may be confused for genuine currency. Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud. Some of the ill-effects that counterfeit money has on society are: Reduction in the value of …
Read More »Multi Layer Security System for Cloud Computing
INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is well-known for its pay-as-you-go utility computing and provides applications with access to large-scale cluster resources initiated by Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon and National Science Foundation (NSF) etc[1]. It supplies an easy-deployment, low-energy and wide distributed computing environment. Cloud architectures are designs of software systems for enabling on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing …
Read More »Graphene and its Dopants used as A Transistor in VLSI Circuits
INTRODUCTION In recent years, the increase in power consumption associated with the spread of mobile information terminals and the progress in IT devices has become a concern. Societal demand for reduction of the power consumed by electronic information devices is increasing. Although attempts at reducing the power consumed by large-scale integrated circuits (LSIs) have been advanced, the conventional transistor structure is considered to have …
Read More »Key Management Using Dynamic Multicast Functionality of OMCT
INTRODUCTION A MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) is a characterized by the deficiency of any fixed infrastructure, so there is no fixed topology in communication networks. The multicast services are developed constantly from last decade. Multicast transmission is an efficient communication method for group oriented applications, such as video conference, interactive multiparty games, software distribution and secures group key distribution. …
Read More »Fuzzy Expert System For Malaria Diagnosis
INTRODUCTION Malaria (meaning “bad air”) is an infectious and life-threatening disease caused by a parasite (plasmodium) which is transmitted from human to human by the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes, usually found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions (WHO, 2011). When the culprit mosquito sinks its sting into a person’s skin, the parasite is injected and circulated in the blood …
Read More »Iris Identification using two Activation Function Wavelet Networks
INTRODUCTION Bio metrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body The term Bio metrics relates to the measurement (metric) of characteristics of a living (Bio) thing in order to identify a person. Bio metrics uses various physiological or behavioral characteristics. Common physiological bio metric measurements include fingerprints, hand geometry, retina, iris, facial images …
Read More »Computational Fluid Dynamics for Predicting Performance Through Ansys.Cfx In Hydrocyclone
Introduction Cyclone separators are devices that utilize centrifugal force to separate material of different densities, size and shape. The hydro cyclone as a subcategory of cyclone – is a cyclone separators used for separation of particles in immiscible droplets from liquid. The separation action of hydro cyclone is based on the effect of centrifugal force created within the cyclone body. …
Read More »Improve Fingerprint Recognition Using both Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Method
Introduction The fingerprints have been used as a mean for identifying individual for a longtime because the finger prints are unique and stay unchanged throughout an individual life time. The chance of two people—even identical twins—having the same finger print is probably less than one in a billion. Finger print comparison is the most widely used method of biometric authentication …
Read More »Speeding Up Edge Segment Based Moving Object Detection Using Background Subtraction in Video Surveillance System
Introduction Moving object detection in a video is the process of identifying different object regions which are moving with respect to the background and in motion tracking method the movements of objects are constrained by environments[1]. detecting and tracking moving objects are widely used as low-level tasks of computer vision applications, such as video surveillance, In the case of motion …
Read More »A Computerised Approach of Statistical Inference
INTRODUCTION Computers are changing our language, our habits, our environment and in general, our lives. No longer are computer experts the only people who interact with computers each and everyday. Even, advances in information processing technology are responses to the growing need to find better, faster, cheaper, and more reliable methods of handling data, as well as searching for better …
Read More »Key Success Factors for Data Warehouse Implimentation:Analysis
INTRODUCTION Data Warehouse (DWH) is a technique for properly storing and managing data from different data sources for the purpose of business performance analysis. Decision support system (DSS) is an area of the information systems (IS) discipline that focuses on supporting and improving managerial decision making. In terms of contemporary professional practice, DSS includes personal decision support systems (PDSS), group …
Read More »Analytic Study for Constructing A network Emergency System
Introduction A “mobile adhoc network” (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile routers (and associated hosts) connected by wireless links, the union of which forms an arbitrary graph. The routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. Such a network may operate in a standalone fashion, or may …
Read More »A New Approach To Solve Knapsack Problem
Introduction Many people wants to fill up his knapsack, selecting among various objects. Each object has a particular weight and obtains a particular profit. The knapsack can be filled up to a given maximum weight. How can he choose objects to fill the knapsack maximizing the obtained profit? A naïve approach to solve the problem could be the following Select …
Read More »Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Diagnosis Using Neuro-Fuzzy Expert System
Introduction Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence have led to the emergence of expert systems for medical applications. Moreover, in the last few decades computational tools have been designed to improve the experiences and abilities of physicians for making decisions about their patients. Major initiatives to improve the quality, accuracy and timelines of healthcare data and information are …
Read More »Applications of Graph Labeling in Communication Networks
INTRODUCTION‘A graph is a pair G = (V, E); where V is the set of all vertices and E the set of all edges; and the elements of E are subsets of V containing exactly 2 elements’.G is called a labeled graph if each edge e=UV is given the value f (UV) = f (u)*f (v), where * is a binary operation. In literature …
Read More »Implementation of Artificial Neural Network Training Data in Micro-Controller Based Embedded System
INTRODUCTION Neural networks are employed in various areas, but their effective use in real-world applications requires efficient hardware implementations. As compared to analog implementations, digital realizations of neural networks can provide advantageous features such as dynamic range, accuracy, modularity, scalability, and programmability. From the architecture design view, digital implementations of neural networks can be classified into three general categories: custom implementations …
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