Download Pre-submission Checklist
Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology (OJCST) is an International, peer-reviewed quarterly publication. OJCST publishes review papers, original research reports in the field of Computer Science.
OJCST requires authors to submit the manuscripts that are not published earlier and that are not submitted elsewhere to be published.
Authors can submit manuscript and copyright form online (Link) or by email, along with copyright form. The format of the manuscript can either be in Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign. Experts and Referees will review the papers submitted to OJCST, and so the papers must report original research.
The submitted manuscripts are required to have:
- Validity of the data
- Clarity
- Conciseness of the material
- Reproducibility of the results;
- Compliance with typescript requirements
- Conclusion of the novelty of the material
The following points are to be kept in mind while preparing papers for submission. Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology Journal considers manuscripts for research articles that are divided in the following sections: title page, abstract with keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, references, tables, and legends to figures.
Upon submitting an article to OJCST, it is assumed that the involved author(s) have approved the final version of the manuscript and that the input of each author has been duly acknowledged. The identity of the person who will be dealing with the correspondence concerning the manuscript should be clarified on the Cover Letter.
The format should be double-spaced without any hyphenation or automatic word wrap. The text must be typed consistently, carefully distinguishing confusing words like ‘1’ (the number one) and ‘l’ (lower-case L) etc. Manuscripts lacking linguistic clarity will not be considered for publication.
The title page must carry a short title of at most 45 characters. As mentioned above, it should include the name, affiliations and address of the author(s) with whom all the future correspondences will be made. Details like phone numbers and email address should also be given. The footnote must have addresses of all the authors.
Add all author names Including Department, academic qualifications and job titles of all authors, as well as email address of the author for correspondence along with mentioning corresponding author with *, and the author are numbered accordingly by making number superscript.
Principal Author1*, First Author2
and Second Author1,2
[First Name Middle Name Last Name]
1*Department, University Name, City, Country, Pincode, orcid id.
2Department, University Name, City, Country, Pincode, orcid id
Corresponding Author E-mail: Corresponding
Orcid ID: 0000-000X-XXXX-XXXX
If you do not have an ORCID ID, please register for an ORCID ID at so that you can have a unique identifier which will tie you to your work and distinguish you from other researchers. It is easy, free and will come useful or any manuscript or grant submissions.
The abstract should be concise and fulfill the following purposes:
- To elicit a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the paper in order for readers to determine if the full text will be of particular interest to them;
- To provide key words and phrases for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes.
All the abbreviations must be spelled out fully when first mentioned in the abstract of the report.
Right after the abstract, the authors must provide up to 6 keywords for indexing purposes. Only established abbreviations may be proposed as keywords.
The article title should be concise but informative. Authors are required to put a running title as well.
In this part, there should be a concise review of the problem, the relevant methodologies and a clear establishment of the goal(s) of the study.
This section consists of elaboration of the objective of the study, and step-by-step details of the experiment.
The following are to be specified:
- The original names of instruments and reagents
- Manufacturer’s name (company, country)
- Source from which the particular strain has been obtained
The results and discussion section should have a brief account of the so-obtained experimental data, along with tables and figures. The tables should be submitted on a separate sheet, marked with a number and a title. The figures’ captions must be submitted on a separate page. Figure/Photos submitted must be of high resolution. Proper reference must be given for the figures and photos.
The section should be completed with a fulfilling conclusion, addressing the questions and problems raised in the Introduction section.
All the tables within the experiment must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text in a serial number manner. Table titles should be brief and informative. Tables should be presented individually on separate pages.
The illustrations are to be submitted using one of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, PDF, WMF, EPS (resolution independent files).
This section must appear before References. The Acknowledgments should contain the names of individuals, organizations and funding agencies that aided in underwriting and reporting the particular work.
All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including honorarium, grants, membership, employment, ownership of stock or any other interest or non‐financial interest such as personal or professional relation, affiliation and knowledge of the research topic.
Funding Source
Please provide the source of financial support if any.
Statement of Informed Consent
All papers submitted to our Journal should declare agreement with the following ‘statement of informed consent’. No paper lacking it, will be considered for publication.
Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. All information which could contribute to identify patients, including patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, etc., unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives explicit written informed consent for publication. For this purpose the manuscript should be shown to the patient before publication and specific and explicit informed consent should be obtained. Furthermore, individuals who provide writing assistance should be identified by the authors, and they must disclose the funding source for this assistance. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. However, since complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, informed consent should be obtained from each patient involved, if there is any doubt. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning, and editors will note that.
Papers describing any experimental work with humans should include a statement that the Ethical Committee of the institution in which the work was done has approved it, and that the subjects gave informed consent to the work.
Experiments with animals should be done in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. Papers should include details of the procedures and of anesthetics used. The Editors will not accept papers where the ethical aspects are, in their opinion, open to doubt.
The references must not appear alphabetically or date-wise. Rather, they should be indexed in the order in which they appeared in the text.
Reference Format:
For journals:
Halpern S. D., Ubel P. A., Caplan A. L. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002;347(4):284-7. |
It is to be ensured that every reference cited in the text is present in the reference list, and vice versa
The proofs will be emailed to the author that should be returned within seven days after the receipt of the same. Authors must be particular with the time limit of submitting the corrections since late corrections will not be accepted.
The article processing charges are US $150 per article for foreign authors and Rs 4000/- for India. Authors are requested to arrange payment which can be invoiced to company/institute/University once the papers is accepted for publication.
The author(s) reserve(s) all proprietary rights such as patent rights and the right to use all or part of the article in future works. As an open access journal we follow Creative Commons License.
Papers based on experimental work with humans should contain a firm approval by the Ethical Committee of the institution as well as a proper consent by the subject.
Papers based on experimental work with animals should clarify that the experiment was conducted in accordance with the legal guidelines of the concerning authority. Information regarding the details of the experiment and the usage of anesthetics (if any) should be provided.
Any suspicion regarding the fulfillment of the ethical aspects at the Editors’ part will result in the non-acceptance of the paper.