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Packet Drop Attack Detection and Prevention Using Rank Base Data Routing in MANET

Rajan Patel1*,Sumaiya Vhora2 and Nimisha Patel1

1Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, S.P. University, Visnagar, India, 384351

2Salesforce Developer, Finilite Technologies, Ahmedabad, India


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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : January 07-2017
Article Accepted on : February 15, 2017
Article Published : 16 Feb 2017
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Packet drop (grayhole/blackhole) attack is occurs at a network layer to discard the packets in MANET. It is essential to detent and prevent this attack for improving performance of network. This article provides the packet drop attack detection and prevention using RBDR (Rank Based Data Routing) for AOMDV routing protocol. The fields of RBDR are generated with routing information and analysis behavior of network for detecting the malicious paths. The scheme is to identify the malicious paths for preventing the packet drop attack and also able to find the trusted multiple disjoint loop free routes for data delivery in MANET. The simulation is conducted in NS2 using AOMDV reactive routing protocol and analyze with packet loss delivery, average end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio. The proposed technique can reduce the effect of packet drop attack.

KEYWORDS: AOMDV; Blackhole/Grayhole attack; Rank base data routing; Malicious path

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Patel R, Vhora S, Patel N. Packet Drop Attack Detection and Prevention Using Rank Base Data Routing in MANET. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;10(1)

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Patel R, Vhora S, Patel N. Packet Drop Attack Detection and Prevention Using Rank Base Data Routing in MANET. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;10(1). Available from:


In MANET, various attacks are possible at different layers. Among them some attacks are possible because of malicious and/or selfish behavior of nodes [1]. At network layer, behavior of malevolent joins like they are claiming itself having a best path (attracting to source node by claiming maximum destination sequence number, minimum hop count etc). Thus sender node may select to send data all via that malevolent node and according to property of malevolent node, they may discards the traffic: if the node discard the all traffic (data) called blackhole attack while in grayhole attack malicious threads  discards some of them routing packets[2].  As per the behavior of blackhole or grayhole attack, these attacks are may belong the under the category of packet drop attacks. This article provides the packet drop attack detection and prevention using RBDR (Rank Based Data Routing) for AOMDV [3] routing protocol.

The article is structured as follows: section 2 presents the comparison of a variety of proposed techniques describing the correlated work of preventing and detecting the packet drop attack. Section 3 discusses about proposed scheme based on RBDR. Section 4 represents the simulated results. Finally, concluded in last section.

Related Work

With the literature review, table I [5] represents the comparison based on detection ratio, used tools/simulator, specific technique/method for blackhole / grayhole attack detection and prevention and used routing protocol.

Proposed Work based on RBDR

In our previous paper we have identify RBDR scheme [5] and in this article we have simulate the proposed work using RBDR. RBDR record is used to analysis of malicious behavior in network. RBDR contains five fields illustrated in table II: routing paths, destination sequence number, hop count, route rank and timer. Routing paths field represents the set of paths which claims that it contains route to destination. Destination sequence number is the value which is return with RREP (Route Reply) packet as a destination sequence number of specific route. Hop count field indicates a specific number which is taken by a route to reach at destination. Route Rank field has a digit value which indicates the rank of each path according to constant unchanged destination sequence number and lower value of hop count. It has a value N=1, 2, 3…, n. The less ranked route, assign more priority. As shown in figure 1, S (Source node) wants to communicate with node D (Destination node). M, N and O the figure 1, S (Source node) wants to communicate with node D (Destination node). M, N and O the .

Table 1. Packet Drop Attack Detection / Prevention Techniques

Table 1: Packet Drop Attack Detection / Prevention Techniques 

Click here to View Table


intermediate neighbor nodes for A to deliver and find the route to reach the node D. The B node is malicious node in the path S-M-B-D. After getting first routing reply of AOMDV packet for route requested AOMDV packet by node A, every possible multiple disjoint loop free paths is store for destination at the field of routing path in RBDR record. All destination sequence number related to path is recorded in field of destination sequence number of RBDR record.

Suppose Destination sequence numbers are 580, 200,300 with routing paths S-M-B-D, S-N-P-D, S-O-R-D respectively as shown in table II. Again propagate AOMDV RREQ with a higher number of destination sequence number (include a value greater than all received destination sequence number). If any route claims greater value than previous destination sequence number it is clear that the particular route having malicious node. According to lower hop count and constant unchanged destination sequence number assign ranks to every routes which are in RBDR record. The complete flow of proposed work is illustrated in figure 2 which will be implemented in NS2 [28] using AOMDV routing protocol.

Table 2: RBDR

Routing Path

Destination Sequence Number

Hop Count

Route Rank

















Figure 1 - Routing Scenario

Figure 1: Routing Scenario 

Click here to View figure


Figure - 2 Detecting and Preventing of Packet Drop Attack

Figure 2: Detecting and Preventing of Packet Drop Attack 

Click here to View figure



This proposed scheme is used NS2 using AOMDV reactive routing protocol to analyze the packet drop attack detection and prevention. According to table 3, the network is analyze with Packet loss delivery, average end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio with considering the number of nodes  with area of 1000m × 1000m.

Table 3: Simulation Parameters




NS-2(Version 2.35)

Channel type


Radio-propagation model


Network interface type


MAC Type


Interface queue Type


Link layer type


Antenna model


Topography dimension


Max packet in ifq


Traffic Type


Routing Protocols



The analysis is conducted using three performance metrics and according to results, the detection ratio is good and also improve the packet delivery ratio. Figure 3 shows the simulation environment with presence of attacker nodes where node 2 is the source node, 7 is the destination node and 5 is an attacker node. Figure 4(a) illustrated reduction of end-to- end delay because of ignoring the malicious path, figure 4(b) also represents improvement of packet loss and figure 4(c) shows the improvement of packet delivery ratio with considering the RBDR in proposed scheme and without RBDR configuration in AOMDV routing protocol.

Figure 3- Simulator Environment

Figure 3: Simulator Environment 

Click here to View figure


Figure 4(a) - End-to-End Delay

Figure 4(a): End-to-End Delay 

Click here to View figure


Figure. 4(b) Packet Delivery Ratio

Figure 4(b): Packet Delivery Ratio


Click here to View figure


Figure. 4(c) Packet Loss Ratio

Figure 4(c): Packet Loss Ratio 

Click here to View figure



Due to nature of packet drop attack at network layer, drop attacks are either blackhole attack or grayhole attack. With the help of RBDR based scheme, the network behaviour can detect and prevent packet drop attack at network layer for MANET. Hence the network performance and security are increase in MANET. The proposed solution is able to find the trusted path for data delivery. The proposed work is implemented in network simulator NS2 with AOMDV routing protocol with the metrics such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay and packet loss.


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