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Fibonacci Cordial Labeling of Some Special Graphs

A. H. Rokad

School of Engineering, RK. University, Rajkot - 360020, Gujarat - India

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 9-11-2017
Article Accepted on : 17-11-2017
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An injective function g:V(G)→{F0,F1,F2,...,Fn+1},where Fjis the jth Fibonacci number(j=0,1,...,n+1), is said to be Fibonacci cordial labeling if the induced functiong∗: E(G) →{0,1}defined by g ∗(xy)=(f(x)+f(y)) (mod2) satisfies the condition |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1. A graph having Fibonacci cordial labeling is called Fibonacci cordialgraph. In this paper, i inspect the existence of Fibonacci Cordial Labeling of DS(Pn),DS(DFn),EdgeduplicationinK1, n,Jointsum ofGl(n),DFn⊕K1,nand ring sum of star graph with cycle with one chord and cycle with two chords respectively.

KEYWORDS: Degree Splitting; Edge duplication; Fibonacci Cordial Labeling; Joint sum; Ring sum

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The idea of Fibonacci cordial labeling was given by A. H. Rokad and G. V. Ghodasara.1 The graphs which i considered here are Simple, undirected, connected and finite. Here V(G) and E(G) denotes the set of vertices and set of edges of a graph G respectively. For different graph theoretic symbols and nomenclature i refer Gross and Yellen.3 A dynamic survey of labeling of graphs is released and modified every year by Gallian.4

Definition 1

Let G = (V(G), E(G)) be a graph with V = X1∪X2∪X3∪. . . Xi∪Y

where each X i is a set of vertices having at least two vertices of the same degree

and Y=V\∪Xi.The degree splitting graph of G designated by DS (G) is acquired from G by adding vertices z1,z2, z3,. . . , zy and joining to each vertex of xi for i £[1, t].

Definition 2

The double fan DFn comprises of two fan graph that have a common path. In other words DFn = Pn+ K2

Definition 3

The duplication of an edge e= xy of graph G produces a new graph G’by adding an edge e’= x’y ’such that N(x’)=N(x)∪{y’}−{y}and N(y’)=N(y)∪{x’}−{x}.

Definition 4

The graph obtained by connecting a vertex of first copy of a graph G with a vertex of second copy of a graph G is called joint sum of two copies of G.

Definition 5

A globe is a graph obtained from two isolated vertex are joined by n paths of length two.It is denoted by Gl(n).

Definition 6

Ring sum G1⊕ G2of two graphs G1= (V1, E1) and G2= (V2, E2) is the graph G1⊕ G2= (V1∪ V2, (E1∪ E2) − (E1∩ E2)).


Theorem 1

DS (Pn) is Fibonacci cordial.

Proof 1

Consider Pn with V (Pn) = {vi: i [1, n]}. Here V (Pn) = X1∪ X2, where X1= {xi: 2 [2, n-1]} and X2= {x1, xn}. To get DS(Pn) from G we add w1 and w2 corresponding to Xand X2. Then

|V(DS (Pn))|=n+2 and E(DS (Pn))={X1w2, X2w2} ∪ {w1xi:i [2,n–1]}. So,|E(DS(Pn))|=−1 + 2n.

I determine labeling function g: V(G) → {F0, F1, F2, . . . , Fn+2} as below:

g(w1)= F1,

g (w2)= Fn+1,

g(x1)= F0,

g(xi) = Fi, 2 ≤ i ≤ n.

Therefore, |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Therefore, DS (Pn) is a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Example 1

Fibonacci cordial labeling of DS (P7) can be seen in Figure 1.


Figure 1

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Theorem 2

DS (DFn) is a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Proof 2

Let G= Dfn be the double fan. Let x1, x 2,…, x be the path vertices of Dfn and x and y be two apex vertices. To get DS(Dfn) from G,we add w1, w2 corresponding to X1, X2,where

X1={xi: i [1, n] }and X2= {x, y}.Then|V(DS(Dfn))| = 4+ n&E(DS(Dfn)) ={xw2, y w2}∪{xiw1: i [1, n] }. So,|E(DS(Dfn))|= 1+ 4n.

I determine labeling function g:V(G)→{F0,F1,F2,…,Fn+4},as below.

For all 1 ≤ i ≤n.

g  (w1) = F3,

g(w2) = F2.

g(x) = F0,

g (y) = F1,

g(xi) = Fi+3.

Therefore |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Therefore, DS(DFn) is Fibonacci cordial.

Example 2

Fibonacci cordial labeling of DS(DF5) can be seen in Figure 2

Figure 2

Figure 2

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Theorem 3

The graph obtained by duplication of an edge in K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Proof 3

Let x0 be the apex vertex and x 1, x 2,…, x be the consecutive pendant vertices of K1, n.Let G be the graph obtained by duplication of the edge e= x 0n by an e wedge e’= x0’xn’. There for e in G,deg(x0) = n,deg(x0’) = n,deg(vn) = 1, deg(xn’) = 1 and deg(xi) = 2,∀ i∈{1,2,…n}. Then|V(K1, n)| =n+3 and E(K1, n) =2n.

I determine labeling function g: V(G) → {F0, F1, F2, . . . , Fn+3}, as below.

g(x0)= F1,

g (x1) = F2,




g(xi)=Fi+3, i [2,n],in−1.

Therefore |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Therefore,the graph obtained by duplication of an edge in K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Example 3

A Fibonacci cordial labeling of the graph obtained by duplication of an edge e in K1, 8 can be seen in the Figure 3.

Figure 3

Figure 3

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Theorem 4

The graph obtained by joint sum of two copies of Globe Gl(n) is Fibonacci cordial.

Proof 4

Let G be the joint sum of two copies of Gl (n).Let{x, x’, x1, x 2,…, x n} and

{y, y ’, y1, y 2,…, y n} be the vertices of first and second copy of Gl(n)respectively.

I determine labeling function g: V(G) → {F0, F1, F2, . . . , F2n+4}, as below.

g(x) = F0,

g(x’)= F1,

g(xi)=Fi+3,i [1, n].


g(y’)= F3,

g(yi) = Fn+i+3, i [1, n].

From the above labeling pattern i have eg   (0)=n+1 and eg(1)=n.

Therefore |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Thus, the graph obtained by joint sum of two copies of Globe G l(n)is Fibonacci cordial.

Example 4

Fibonacci cordial labeling of the joint sum of two copies of Globe Gl(7) can be seen in Figure 4

Figure 4

Figure 4

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Theorem 5

The graph DFn⊕ K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph for every n ∈ N .

Proof 5

Assume V(DFn⊕K1, n)= X1∪ X 2, where X1={x,w, x 1, x 2,…, x n} be the vertex set of DFn and X2={y=w, y 1, y 2,…, y n} is the vertex set of K1, n. Here v is the apex vertex  &   y 1, y 2,…, y n are pendant vertices of K1, n.

Also |V (DFn ⊕ K1,n)| = 2n + 2, |E(DFn ⊕ K1,n)| = 4n − 1.

I determine labeling function g:V(DFn⊕K1, n)→{F0,F1,F2,…,F2n+2},as below.

For all 1≤i≤n.

g (x)=F0,

g (w)=F1,

g(xi) = Fi+1,

g     (yi) = Fn+i+1,

From the above labeling pattern i have eg(0) = 2n and eg(1) = 2n−1.

Therefore||e g(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Thus, the graph DFn⊕ K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph for every n ∈ N .

Example 5

Fibonacci cordial labeling of DF5⊕ K1, 5 can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5

Figure 5

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Theorem 6

The graph G ⊕ K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph for all n ≥4, n∈N,where G is the cycle Cn with one chord forming a triangle with two edges of Cn.

Proof 6

Let G be the cycle Cwith one chord. Let V (G ⊕ K1, n) = X1∪ X 2, where X is the vertex set of G & Xis the vertex set of K1, n. Let x 1, x 2,…, x be the successive vertices of Cn and e= x 2 xn be the chord of Cn. The vertices x1, x 2, x n forma triangle with the chorde. Here v is the a pex vertex  &   y 1, y 2,…, y are pendant vertices of K1, n.

I determine labeling function g: V (G ⊕K1, n) → {F0, F1,F2,. . . , F2n}, as below.

Case I: n≡0(mod3).

For all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

g (xi) =Fi.

g(yi) = Fn+i.

Case II:n≡1(mod3).

g (xi) = Fi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

g (y1) = F0,

g(yi) = Fn+i−1, 2 ≤ i ≤ n.

From the above labeling pattern i have eg(0)=n and eg(1)=n+1.

Therefore |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Thus, the graph G ⊕ K1, nis a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Example 6

A Fibonacci cordial labeling of ring sum of Cwith one chord and

K1, 7 can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6

Figure 6

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Theorem 7

The graph G ⊕ K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph for all n ≥5, n∈N,where G is the cycle with twin chords forming two triangles and another cycle Cn−2 with the edges of Cn.

Proof 7

Let G be the cycle Cn with twin chords,where chords form two triangles and one cycle Cn−2. Let V(G⊕K1, n)= X1∪ X 2. X1={x1, x 2,…, x n} is the vertex set of Cn, e1= xn xand e2= xn x3 are the chords of Cn. X2={y= x1, y1, y2,…, yn} is the vertex set of K1, n,where y1, y2,…, yn are pendant vertices and y= xis the apex vertex of K1, n. Also|V(G⊕K1, n)|=2n, |E(G ⊕ K1, n)| = 2n + 2.

Take y= x 1.Also|V(G⊕K1, n)|=2n, |E(G ⊕ K1,n)| = 2n + 1.

I determine labeling function g: V(G ⊕K1, n) → {F0, F1,F2,. . . , F2n}, as below.

g (x1)= F1,

g(x2)= F2,

g (x3)= F3,

g (xn) = F4,

g (xi) = Fi+1, 4 ≤ i ≤ n − 1.

g (yi) = Fn+i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

From the above labeling pattern i have eg (0)=eg(1)=n+1.

Therefore |eg(1)−eg(0)|≤1.

Thus, The graph G ⊕ K1, n is a Fibonacci cordial graph.

Example 7

A Fibonacci cordial labeling of ring sum of C9 with twin chords and K1, 9 can be seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7

Figure 7

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In this paper i investigate seven new graph which admits Fibonacci cordial labeling.


The authors are highly thankful to the anonymous referee for kind comments and constructive suggestions.


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