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Revisiting the “An Improved Remote User Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement”

Yalin Chen1 and Jue-Sam Chou*2 and I - Chiung Liao3

1Institute of information systems and applications, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

2Department of Information Management, Nanhua University, Taiwan.

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 06-12-2018
Article Accepted on : 07-01-2019
Article Published : 08 Jan 2019
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Recently, Kumari et al., pointed out that Chang et al.’s scheme “Untraceable dynamic-identity-based remote user authentication scheme with verifiable password update” has several drawbacks and does not provide any session key agreement. Hence, they proposed an improved remote user authentication scheme with key agreement based on Chang et al.’s protocol. They claimed that the improved method is secure. However, we found that their improvement still has both anonymity breach and smart card loss password guessing attack which cannot be violated in the ten basic requirements advocated for a secure identity authentication using smart card by Liao et al. Thus, we modify their protocol to encompass these security functionalities which are needed in a user authentication system using smart card.

KEYWORDS: Anonymity; Cryptanalysis; Dynamic Identity; Key Agreement; Password Change; Remote User Authentication; Smart Card; Untraceable; User Authentication

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Chen Y, Chou J. S, Liao I – C. Revisiting the “An Improved Remote User Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement”. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;11(4)

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Chen Y, Chou J. S, Liao I – C. Revisiting the “An Improved Remote User Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement”. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;11(4). Available from:


There have been many cryptographic scientists working within the field of remote user authentication using smart card system design.1-22 A user authentication system using smart card contains two roles: the user and the server; and three protocols: registration, login and authentication, and password change. In the design principle, the user’s identity cannot be revealed to a third party to ensure the login privacy. In 2014,Kumari et al.,14 found that Chang et al.,s scheme15 has some shortcoming, including (1) offline password guessing attack, (2) impersonation attacks, (3) insider attack, (4) anonymity violation when the smart card is obtained by a legal user, (5) suffering the denial of service attack, and (6) doesn’t provide session key agreement. Hence, they overcome the security weaknesses by proposing a new one. It possesses user anonymity property and mutual authentication, and offers a secure password change, without demanding any database kept on the server. They claimed that the proposed scheme resists various attacks, including those existed in Chang et al.s’, and outperforms the other six related schemes in the aspect of security demands. Yet, upon a closer examination, we discovered that it suffers from the security weaknesses of (1) anonymity violation, and (2)the password guessing attack when the smart card is lost, still. To enhance, we modified their scheme to include these features. We will demonstrate the enhancement in this article.

Besides, In 2018, Gupta et al.,22 propose a lightweight anonymous user authentication and key establishment scheme for wearable devices, which is a good design; however, we found the scheme needs to store a verifier table on the server’s side. This violates one of the ten security requirements for an authentication scheme advocated by Liao et al. In addition, the two parameters MGIDi, MSIDi keep unchanged forever, which might incur some malicious attempts. Meanwhile, each GWNcan launch an offline Xser (the server’s secret) guessing attack, because ei equals to h (MIu∥Xser) ⊕ h (MPu∥XGWNi).

The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly introduce Kumari et al.’s Scheme. Section 3 analyzes the weaknesses of the scheme. The modifications and the security issues are demonstrated and discussed in Section 4 and 5, respectively. Finally, we give a conclusion in Section 6.

Review of Kumari et al.’s Scheme

Kumari et al.’s improved protocol is based on Chang et al.’s protocol.15 It also consists of two roles: the user and remote server; and three phases: registration, login, authentication, and password change phase. They claimed that their scheme not only eliminates all security vulnerabilities in Chang et al.’s scheme, but also introduces the session key agreement. In this article, we only review the registration phase, and login and authentication phase to illustrate their weaknesses. As for the definitions of use notations, please refer to the original article.

Registration Phase

When user Ui registers at server Si, both sides perform the followings.

  1. The user Ui picks his identity IDi, password PWi, and selects a random nonce b. He then calculates RPW= h(b∥PWi) and transmits the registration message {IDi, RPWi} over a secure channel to Si.
  2. After acquirig the registration message sent by Ui, Si randomly chooses a number yi, which is different from the other users’.
  3. Si counts the value Ni = h (IDi∥x) ⊕ RPWi, Yi = yi ⊕ h (IDi||x), Di = h (IDi||yi||RPwi) and Ei = yi ⊕ h (y||x)
  4. Si deposits the values {Yi, Di, Ei, h(.)} into Ui’s smart card SCi and delivers {SCi and Ni}to Ui through a safe passage.
  5. After obtaining the message from SCi, Ui calculates Ai = (IDi||Pwi) ⊕ b, Mi = Ni ⊕ b, and stores Ai, Mi into SCi which now contains the parameters {Yi, Di, Ei, h (.), Ai and Mi} in its storage. After that, Ui needs not bear in mind the random number b anymore.

Login Phase

This phase is to enable Ui access the needed resources from a server. Firstly, Ui plugs in his SCi into a card reader and infiltrates his username IDi and password PWi. SCi then verifies its real owner with the secret data it stored by using the following steps.

  1. First, computes b = Ai ⊕ (IDi||Pwi), RPwi = h(b||Pwi), h(IDi||x) = Mi ⊕ RPwi ⊕ b, and yi = Yi ⊕ h (IDi||x), then calculates Di*= h (IDi||yi||RPwi).
  2. Examines whether the equation Di*= Di holds, if it does not hold, SCi drops the session. Ui then needs to enter PUK (Private Unblocking Key) to re-initialize his SCi
  3. If Di*= Di holds, SCi reckons Bi = Ni ⊕ RPwi =h (IDi||x), h (y||x) = yi ⊕ Ei, Ni = Mi ⊕b, CIDi = IDi ⊕ h (Ni||yi||Ti), Ni’ = Ni ⊕ h(yi||Ti), Ci = h (Ni||yi||Bi||Ti), and Fi = yi ⊕ (h(y||x)||Ti), where Ti is the system’s current timestamp Ti.
  4. SCi transfers the login postulate {CIDi, Ni’, Ci, Fi, Ti} to Si.

Authentication Phase

After receiving the login request, Si and Ui together perform the following steps to authenticate each other:

  1. Si verifies to see whether (Ts – Ti) <△T holds, where Ts is the current timestamp of Si. If it does, Si accesses yi = Fi ⊕ (h(y||x)||Ti), Ni = Ni’ ⊕ h (yi||Ti), and IDi = CIDi ⊕ h (Ni||yi||Ti). It then counts Bi*= h (IDi||x), Ci*= h (Ni||yi||Bi*||Ti) and contrasts Ci* with Ci.
  2. If Ci*=Ci holds, Si confirms the legality of Ui. It then calculates a = h (Bi*||yi||Tss) and issues {a, Tss} to SCi, where Tss is the server’s current timestamp.
  3. On acquiring {a, Tss}, SCi examines Tss to see if it is fresh. If Tss is latest, SCi counts a*= h (Bi||yi||Tss) and checks to see whether a*= a holds. If it holds, SCi confirms the legality of the server.
  4. After completing mutual authentication, Ui and Si both calculate the common session key as Sessku = h (Bi||yi||Ti||Tss||h(y||x)) and Sessks= h (Bi*||yi||Ti||Tss||h(y||x)), respectively.

Weakness of the Scheme

Due to the parameters {Yi, Di, Ei, h(.), Ai and Mi} are stored in the smart card and Ui himself may compute RPwi = h (b||Pwi), b = Ai ⊕ (IDi||Pwi), h(IDi||x)= Mi ⊕ RPwi ⊕ b, and yi = Yi ⊕ h (IDi||x), an insider can compute his own h(y||x)= yi ⊕ Ei. That is, each user can know the value h(y||x). Under this situation, we can see that their scheme has two weaknesses: (1) Anonymity gap, and (2)The password guessing attack when the smart card is lost. We describe them below.

The Insider Attacks on the Protocol’s Anonymity Property

If a user Bob’s login requisition {CIDi, Ni’, Ci, Fi, Ti} sent to Si is intercepted by an insider attacker Alice, Alice can know Bob’s yi by calculating y= Fi⊕ (h(y||x)||Ti) and then computing IDi = CIDi ⊕ h(Ni||yi||Ti). That is, Alice can get the user’s identity IDi which now is Bob. Therefore, the anonymity property is violated.

The Smart Card Loss Password Guessing Attack

From the collected login postulating messages {CIDi, Ni’, Ci, Fi, Ti}, and from the equations yi=F⊕ (h(y||x)||Ti) and h(y||x) = yi⊕Ei, an insider Alice can calculate the corresponding Eis of each login request by computing Ei = yi ⊕h(y||x). Therefore, once Bob, who has ever logged into the server, loses his smart card and obtained by Alice, then by comparing the value Ei stored in the lost card with the calculated corresponding Eis. Alice canidentify which login request intercepted is Bob’s. After obtaining the knowledge of Bob’s IDi, and the stored values Ai, Di, Alice can successfully launch a smart card loss password guessing attack as follows.

She first guesses the lost card owner’s password as pwi’, then computes RPwi’= h (b’||pwi’), b’ = Ai⊕(IDi||pwi’), and Di’ = h (IDi||yi||RPwi’). Obviously, we can see that if Di’= Di, then pwi’ is Bob’s password. Therefore, the attack succeeds.


From the weaknesses found in Section 3, we note that the key point is the insider can obtain the value h(y||x). To disguise it, we modify the messages in the registration phase and the login and authentication phases as follows.

Registration Phase

When a user Ui registers to the service provider server Si, both sides cooperatively perform the following steps:

  1. The user Ui picks his identifier IDi, passphrase PWi, and randomly selects a nonce b. He then calculates RPWi= h(b∥PWi) and sends {IDi, RPWi} to Si over a safe route.
  2. After obtaing the registration message from Ui, Si picks two random numbers ri, yi, which are different from the other users’.
  3. Si counts the values Hi = y⊕ h (y|| ri), G= r⊕ h (x), Ei = yi ⊕ h (y||x||yi), Wi = yi ⊕ RPWi, Ni = h (IDi∥x) ⊕ RPWi, Yi = yi ⊕ h (IDi||x), and Di = h (IDi||yi||RPwi)
  4. Si deposits the values { Gi, Hi, Wi, Yi, Di, Ei, h(.)} to Ui’s smart card SCi and delivers {SCi and Ni} to Ui through a secure path.
  5. After getting the message from SCi, Ui calculates Ai = (IDi||Pwi) ⊕ b, Mi = Ni ⊕ b, and saves Ai, Mi into the storage of SCi, which now contains the parameters {Gi, Hi, Wi, Yi, Di, Ei, h(.), Ai and Mi}. After that, Ui needs not keep in mind the random number b anymore.

From the above-mentioned, we know that we add three values Gi, Hi,Wi and replace Ei with y⊕ h (y||x|| yi). The others are the same as the original scheme.

Login and Authentication Phase

This phase is to enable a user Ui access the needed resources from a server. Ui plugs in his SCi into a card reader and infiltrates his username IDi and password PWi. SCi then verifies its real owner with the secret data stored by using the following steps.

  1. First, SCi computes b = Ai ⊕ (IDi||Pwi), RPwi = h (b||Pwi), h (IDi||x)= M⊕ RPw⊕ b, and yi = Yi ⊕ h (IDi||x). It then reckons Di*= h (IDi||yi||RPwi)
  2. SCi checks whether the equation Di*= Di holds, if it does not hold, drops the session. After that, Ui needs to enter PUK (Private Unblocking Key) to re-activate his SCi
  3. In the case of Di*= Di holds, SCi computes yi = Wi ⊕ RPwi, h (y||x||yi)= yi ⊕ Ei, Ni = Mi ⊕b, CIDi = IDi ⊕ h (Ni||yi||Ti), Ni’ = Ni ⊕ h (yi||Ti), Bi = Ni ⊕ RPwi =h (IDi||x), Ci = h (Ni||yi||Bi||Ti) and Fi = yi ⊕ (h(y||x||yi)||Ti), where Ti is the system’s current timestamp Ti.
  4. SCi transfers the login requisition { Gi, Hi, CIDi, Ni’, Ci, Fi, Ti} to the server Si.

Authentication Phase

After obtaining the login demand, Si and Ui together exercise the following steps to authenticate each other:

  1. Si verifies to see whether (Ts – Ti) <△T holds, where Ts is the server’s current timestamp. If it does, Si computes ri = Gi ⊕ h(x), yi = Hi⊕h(y|| ri). Then, calculates h(y||x||yi) to retrieve yi = Fi ⊕ (h(y||x||yi)||Ti), Ni = Ni’ ⊕ h(yi||Ti) and IDi = CIDi ⊕ h (Ni||yi||Ti). It then calculates Bi*= h (IDi||x), Ci*= h (Ni||yi||Bi*||Ti) and contrasts Ci* with Ci.
  2. If Ci*=Ci holds, Si confirms the legality of Ui. It then counts a = h (Bi*||yi||Tss) and transfers {a, Tss} to SCi, where Tss is the server’s current timestamp.
  3. After getting {a, Tss}, SCi dertermines Tss‘s freshness. If Tss is latest, SCi computes a*= h (Bi||yi||Tss) and examines to see whether a*= a holds. If it holds, SCi confirms the legality of the server.
  4. After completing mutual authentication, Ui and Si both calculate the common session key Sessku = h (Bi||yi||Ti||Tss||h(y||x)) and Sessks= h (Bi*||yi||Ti||Tss||h(y||x)), respectively.

Security Analysis

After the above modification, we can see that without the knowledge of server’s secrets x and y, an insider cannot calculate the value of h(y||x||yi) due to the one-way hash and the unknown value of yi. Hence, the insider attack fails. About the lost card password guessing attack, even if an insider obtains a lost card and knows all the parameters stored, however, without the knowledge of y, yi, b and IDi, he cannot launch a password guessing attack. Therefore, both attacks in the original article have been resolved.


In this article, we showed that Kumari et al.’s scheme is flawed, because it suffers from (1) The smart card loss password guessing attack, and (2) Anonymity breach. We, therefore, modify the scheme to avoid these weaknesses. From the analysis shown in Section 5, we see that we have corrected the security issues.


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