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An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in AMA Olongapo Campus

Froilan D. Mobo* and Gesswein O. Sabado

AMA Computer College, Philippines

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 04/06/2019
Article Accepted on : 01/08/2019
Article Published : 01 Aug 2019
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E-learning system is designed to aid students build their comprehension towards their respected academic subjects to make their experience in learning more nourishing and engaging. The researchers decided to conduct this study to be au fait the benefits of online education and how the students accept the change this innovation gave. A survey questionnaire was distributed to the enrolled college students of AMA Computer College Year 2018-2019 to make the research more reliable, accurate and at the same time tackle the benefits of the said innovated education system. The said research was a success in defining what helps the students in their education as well as the improvement it can do in terms of catering different subjects and assessing the learners’ competency. The researchers recommend the future researchers to further expand and elaborate the topic in order to enhance the study. To further extend the scope and distribute further information regarding the tackled study.

KEYWORDS: Assessment; E-Learning

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Mobo F. D, Sabado G. O. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in AMA Olongapo Campus. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;12(2).

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Mobo F. D, Sabado G. O. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in AMA Olongapo Campus. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;12(2). Available from:


The advancement of technology today has activated vast changes by the way we get to, expend, talk about, and offer substance. AMA Olongapo Campus is the only IT Academic Institutions that offers E-learning program that integrates with blended learning and face to face method of delivery. Normally, learning is sticking to this same pattern. Whereas numerous need learning at a state of need, numerous learn during evening and at weekends.

By giving a contrasting option to the paper-based learning and testing of customary classrooms, e-learning is a successful route for associations to essentially lessen their carbon impression. On one hand, it is noticed that e-learning is at any rate as viable as customary instructional techniques (Rosenberg, Graduate and Matear, 2003), and that there are no significant contrasts in scholastic execution between the more conventional and more innovation arranged methods of guideline (Cavanaugh, 2001). Then again, many

surveys go further, mirroring a primarily inspirational state of mind towards the effect of e-learning (Mayer, 2003). When we measure the students’ performance using e-learning, it gives quantifiable information followed continuously all through every period of learning. This information can be utilized to enhance their learning technique. The researchers want to assess the effectiveness of the e-learning in AMA Computer College Olongapo Campus.

Statement of the Problem

The study will focus on the Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning of AMA Olongapo Campus.

Specifically, the research study sought to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents when group according to:

• age;

• sex;

• course?

2. What criteria are appropriate for the Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning Tools to the students?

3. What are the e-learning materials available to Students for curriculum completion?

4. What are the strategies for improving the use of e-learning materials in AMA Olongapo Campus?

Significance of the Study

The study of Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning can be a learning paradigm in the tertiary schools by enhancing the students’ knowledge and skills as well of AMA Computer College Olongapo City, Philippines. The goal of the study is to determine what students needs to learn before the eLearning course, though summative assessment gauges knowledge mastery after the eLearning course. Research works are left upon with a view to broadening the wilderness of information. The present investigation was accordingly completed with this same goal, particularly in the field of e-learning. It has along these lines, added to the augmentation of the wilderness of information in the accompanying ways.

To begin with, the examination has demonstrated the prescient energy of the chose factors, particularly

Scope and Delimitation

The target users of the study are the Senior High School and Collegiate students who are currently enrolled in AMA Olongapo Campus. The student models of learning were recognized on the premise of a particular example including those under e-learning study show and those under the conventional examination display. Also, the hypothetical idea of this investigation constrains its immediate pertinence for the instructive praxis. Along these lines, it is trusted that future research may moreover concentrate on how understudy perceptions about learning are affected with regards to ordinary learning conditions. The outcomes could empower instructive professionals to support the appropriation of understudy learning models which summon a profound arranged and self-controlled examination procedure.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning Tools among studemts of AMa computer College

Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Frameworks

The input is consisting of conducted researches, available resources from the books and internet, interviews, survey and suggestions from the expert. Wlhile, the second component is a self-administered questionnaire to collect data was given to and retrieved from the respondents and data were gathered then processed and treated statistically. Lastly. Assessed the Effectiveness of E-Learning tools to AMA Olongapo Campus Students were the output of this study.

Review of Related Literature

Zare, Sarikhani, Salari and Mansouri quotes Levy’s definition of e-learning as a system based on technology, organization, and management which bestows upon the students the ability to learn via internet and facilitates their learning. Additionally, Zare, et al., stated that the use of electronic technologies has led to the development of educational opportunities and helps students develop their skills.1 According to Guragain e-learning systems are the storehouses of information, trainings and knowledge. He also stated that one may find it difficult at times to learn new ideas and that e-learning system provide the possibility for students to learn the same material repeatedly until they are satisfied. In addition, e-learning is usually a cost-efficient way of learning for most students as they can choose from a large range of courses and make the selection depending on their needs. Furthermore, Guragain explained that in the long run, e-learning is usually a cheaper option but still for the first time it might prove too expensive for some institutions.2 Goyal quotes Brandon Hall’s article that the online learners enjoy an efficiency advantage in being able to cover the same material in approximately half the time of a traditional class. Moreover, E-learning has a velocity advantage by being able to reach a large number of learners in a shorter time.3 In addition, Goyal postulates that the learning is mostly a socio-cognitive activity, not every student will find E-learning suitable for his or her learning style.3 Agarwal and Pandey stated that E-learning is superior to traditional learning when it comes to reduction of training time, cost and having better effect. E-learning has endorsed student knowledge and improved the process of education training. Also, they claimed that e-learning is the most convenient way to pursue a degree in higher education.4 Shehabat and Mahdi stated that online learning should be an active, not passive, experience. They stated that delivering an effective e-learning module must confirm to two major development guidelines: The first depends on a classical principle of learning, namely, learning by doing and the second guideline is that man early efforts at e-learning suffered a high rate of dissatisfaction from the students. Moreover, Shehabat and Mahdi stated that making the e-learning course more social will guarantee its acceptance and success by both students and teachers.5 Alday and Pascual postulates that electronic communication has reduced the world into a global village. Additionally, e-learning empower both learners and teachers thus providing opportunities for superior learning experiences.6 Aforesaid, Espinosa stated that investing on e-learning will benefit both teachers and students. Teachers can disseminate their lessons and assignments with ease, and students can work on their lessons at home. Also, he stated that technological advances had greatly changed the education landscape in that teaching is no longer confined to the traditional face-to-face delivery of lessons.7 Capili and Manuel postulates that e-learning is essentially the network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge, refers to use electronic applications and processes to learn.8 Mercado quotes Wentling’s definition of e-Learning: it is the acquisition and use of knowledge distributed and facilitated primarily by electronic means. Furthermore, Teaching in an online course involves more than replicating classroom strategies in a different form.9 MST News stated the growing availability of the Internet to a wider population; plus, the developments in multimedia technologies such as better platforms and cheaper gadgets, are the prime movers of e-learning. Aforesaid, e-learning can take place anywhere other than a classroom. It can be taken self-paced, individually or in a group, with or without interaction from an instructor. E-learning provides many other features which enable both the educator and the learner to attain educational goals more easily. In the study, maximizing the usage of e-learning tools helps the students to be more effective in terms of scholastic skills; allowing them to be more flexible by giving them necessary time to read, learn and to practice their subjects that may result to a better academic performance. Withal, the resources are not limited and accessible thus providing them more chance to explore their subjects.10


Research Design

The researchers will be using a descriptive research design approach as part of a logical strategy which includes watching and depicting the conduct of a subject without affecting it in any capacity. Also, the researchers will be using Quantitative research approach because it can produce numerical information and as a rule looks to set up easygoing connections between at least two factors, utilizing measurable techniques to test the quality and importance of the connections. Quantitative research utilizing strategies that takes into consideration the estimation of factors inside a gathering of individuals or gatherings and bringing about numerical information exposed to factual investigation. It is the investigation of specific questions by methods for numeric portrayals and factual examination. The fundamental objective of this exploration is to gauge, characterize and make a write about the connection of specific components.

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The researchers utilized a helpful arbitrary examining system. The researchers focus on a specific quality of a population that are of intrigue, which best empowered to answer the specific questions

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study are the Senior High School and Collegiate students of AMA Olongapo Campus.

 Research Instruments

The researcher constructed and used questionnaire that had determined the perception of the Senior High School and Collegiate students of AMA Olongapo Campus. Polls have points of interest over some different kinds of overviews in that they are shoddy, don’t require as much exertion from the examiner as verbal or phone studies, and frequently have institutionalized answers that make it easy to order information. Be that as it may, such institutionalized answers may baffle clients. Surveys are additionally forcefully restricted by the way that respondents must have the capacity to peruse the inquiries and react to them. In this manner, for some statistic bunches leading a study by survey may not be commonsense. As a kind of review, surveys additionally have a large number of similar issues identifying with inquiry development and wording that exist in different sorts of supposition surveys. The substance of the survey depended on readings and clear circumstance inside the said establishment. The substance of the instrument was exposed to the expert assessment and analysis by those with important information in regards to the field of study. Their remarks and proposal were used to make the poll legitimate and the investigation progressively significant

Data Collection or Data Gathering Procedure

After permission was granted from the School Director of AMA Olongapo Campus to conduct and administer questionnaires to Senior High School and Collegiate Students, the researchers personally asked the assistance of the Dean in identifying the respondents and distribution of the questionnaires. During the retrieval of the questionnaires, the researchers personally collected the questionnaires and conducted the interviews to clarify information. Their feedback criticisms and suggestions were together noted and considered for the improvement of the E-Learning Tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To answer the specific questions raised in the statement, data gathered from the questionnaire were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Figure 1

Figure 1

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Figure 2

Figure 2

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Figure 3

Figure 3

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Figure 4

Figure 4

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Figure 5

Figure 5

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Figure 6

Figure 6

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Figure 7

Figure 7

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Figure 8

Figure 8

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Figure 9

Figure 9

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Figure 10

Figure 10

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Figure 11

Figure 11

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Conclusion and Recommendation

This indicates the conclusion of the study that was conducted, and the recommendation of the researchers in order to further improve the study.


The analysis that was made by the researchers provided a definitive and elaborated study based on the results of the data gathered, wherein the majority of the respondents thinks that e-learning education is very good in terms of giving the students time to be flexible, allowing them to study and do other chores or even work. In addition, the platform itself is a well-designed and a user-friendly web page which makes it easy to study and to answer online activities. Although the abundance of students wasn’t entirely certain and had doubts to their answer, as most of the respondents also answered fair when it comes to the aid that the e-learning could give to them when answering quizzes and exams, the alignment of the discussed subjects and courses and the order of the discussion. The level of their decisiveness conquered their dubiety to preferring online modules rather than reference books. The researchers conclude that even the e-learning education system promotes a high productivity and enhances learners’ effectivity in learning it still needs improvement and more upgrades.


The study that was conducted limits itself from situations related to the problem stated, this do not tackle the IQ level of the students which separates a lot of aspects in terms of knowledge capabilities, also the researchers only picked enrolled college students of AMA Computer College-Olongapo.

The researchers recommend the future researchers to further expand and elaborate the topic in order to enhance the study. To further extend the scope and distribute further information regarding the tackled study

Based on the assessment it was found out the study is really recommendable.


This research was supported by AMA Computer College-Olongapo City, Philippines.

We are deeply grateful to the School Director, Mrs. Catherine Ortiguerra-Alop, Dean Paul Corsina and Faculty Members of AMA Computer College Olongapo City for their understanding during the process of developing this research.

Conflict of Interest

The authors do not have any conflict of interest.


  1. Zare, M., Sarikhani, R., Salari, M. and Mansouri, V. (2019). The Impact of E-learning on University Students’ Academic Achievement and Creativity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  2. Guragain, N. (2019). E-Learning Benefits and Applications. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  3. Goyal, S. (2012). E-Learning: Future of Education. Journal of Education and Learning. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  4. Agarwal, H. and Pandey, G. (2013). Impact of E-learning in education. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2(12), pp.146-147. [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018]
  5. Shehabat, I. and Mahdi, S. (2009). E-Learning and its Impact to the Educational System in the Arab World.. [ebook] IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering., pp.220-225. Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  6. Alday, R. and Pascual M. (2019). To be or not to be: E-teaching in Graduate school in Philippine Perspective.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  7. Espinosa, J.P. (2016) Learning with the help of Technology. [online] [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018]
  8. Manila Standard. (2019). E-Learning: The next paradigm shift in education. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  9. Capili, A. and Manuel, K. (2014). Development of E-Learning System for Philippine Literature Subject of College of Arts and Science in Cavite State University. [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018]
  10. Mercado, C. (2019). Readiness Assessment Tool for An eLearning Environment … -MAFIADOC.COM. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
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