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A Novel Protocol  for Data Transmission Between Device-to-Device Communications in IEEE 802.11 Standards

Itfaq Ahmad Mir1 and Anwaar Ahmad Wani2

1ARIS, S. K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir,  J and K, India, 190025

2Department of Computer Application, Mewar University, Rajasthan, India.

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 03 Oct 21
Article Accepted on : 13 Oct 21
Article Published : 18 Oct 2021
Plagiarism Check: Yes
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Designed for multiple device-to-device clusters (D2DC) multicast communications is proposed in this research which is an efficient resource allocation scheme. To maximize the sum effective throughput the transmit power and the channel are apportioned to D2DC. Given that the nature of administration is rationed for cellular communications at a specific degree. Our examination details a channel assignment conspire utilizing fractional data of gadget areas. For this situation, we acquire the disturbance likelihood and viable throughput of D2DC communications incomparative outline. This process is carried by increasing the cluster size, code words and subcarriers. we proposed the algorithm here is a sensible channel allocation (CA) conspire utilizing partial information of device locations (CA-PIL). Consequently planned methodology can naturally lessen the measure of required framework overhead contrasted and the Channel Allocation (CA) conspire utilizing full information of device locations (CA-FIL).The forthcoming CA-PIL strategy accomplishes the close ideal aggregate Effective Throughput got by CA-FIL when an enormous number of D2D devices work in the clusters.

KEYWORDS: Device to Device communications; outage probability

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Mir I. A, Wani A. A. A Novel Protocol for Data Transmission Between Device-to-Device Communications in IEEE 802.11 Standards. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; 14(1,2,3).

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Mir I. A, Wani A. A. A Novel Protocol for Data Transmission Between Device-to-Device Communications in IEEE 802.11 Standards. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; 14(1,2,3).Available from:


To engage more users in cellular  networks keeping up high spectral efficiency, the device to-device (D2D) communication using spectrum resources, which are as of now authorize. To cell devices, was presented. As to-Device communications, the resource allocation  has been mostly read for Device-to-Device underlay cell networks in different aspects, for example, energy efficient maximization with joint force control of devices and generally total rate maximization for various D2D sets, for D2D groups and the vehicle to everything networks. From a viewpoint of the medium access control layer, content spread over blocked D2D networks was examined where energy-efficient methodologies utilizing game hypothesis were developed. Scrutinizing the interference between the ordinary cellular transmission and D2D multicast, CR is applied in D2D communications. Many studies have shown that the utilization of licensed spectrum is very low, and  as a promising technology CR plays to improve the utilization of licensed spectrum. Secondary users (SUs) sense the spectrum conditions and look to impart their signals by reusing the spectrum of primary users (PUs), which can improve the spectrum utilization. In ordinary D2D communications, D2D users only utilize the temporally idle spectrum to avoid collisions. It is natural to think that D2D with CR function is able to improve the spectrum resource utilization more effectively than conventional D2D technology by the dynamic establishment of the transmission links with the help of cognitive terminals. In this paper, we focus on multicast treated as a more general transmission mode and investigate the resource allocation algorithm for cognitive D2D underlay multicast and cellular communications.

Literature Review

L. Wang, H. Tang, H. Wu, and G. L. Stuber [4] studied on the D2D communications in order to allocate the resource to the cellular users.  They focused mainly on the heterogeneous networks for reducing noise in which the lowest position consists of the D2D cells. They considered both uplink and downlink conditions. This process increases performance by reducing interference. They follow the concept of using the frequency again and again by following some conditions, density of the user, transmitter density, switching frequency. But the obtained results proved that the number of users allocated for the cellular users are reduced.

Antonopoulos and C. Verikoukis [7] performed their studies on the D2D communications. They majorly concentrate on the sources which are active in nature. The main contribution of the paper is to minimize the lifetime of the battery and thereby to reduce energy consumption. They have designed a medium access control over the self-centred behaviour of nodes. This process involves the best outcomes at each terminal which uses the energy efficiently.

They also studied the gaming theory, which deals with the conservation energy and data the action or fact of spreading something. They formed two types of strategies which forms an equilibrium point on the conserved energy and the data. They are using the ad-hoc networks and coordinating the data in between the cells. In this process, they used network coding techniques in order to eliminate the control packets for the transformation of data. Though this procedure produces better results in the simulation environment, they do not produce the qualitative results in the real-time environment.

Existing Method

The exiting procedure is implemented based on the information obtained from the D2D user. The information may consist of full data or partial data. The full and partial is classified based on the location of the D2D user. The location or the distance of the user is considered as constant in partial data selection. In contrast, the location is considered different in the full information data selection.

This allocation is based on the Hungarian algorithm. The Hungarian algorithm is explained in the following way:

The Hungarian algorithm

The Hungarian algorithm is considered as the best algorithm for allocating the resource without any interference. This algorithm is explained in a stepwise manner. In that, the first two steps are determined and executed in as per the procedure then the next steps are repeated until the fine results are obtained. The condition is that the matrix on which the algorithm is applied should contain the non- negative numbers.

Step 1: Subtracting the row minima

In the first step, the procedure is to follow is to find the lowest value in the row of the matrix. Then remove this minimum value from all the rows.

Step 2: Subtracting column minima

The second step also is the same as the step in the above process. But in this process, the minimum value is obtained from the column and to minimize this value from all the elements in the column.

Step 3: Covering all zeros with a minimum number of lines

This procedure is implemented until all the lines that are rows and columns in the matrix should be zero free. If this size of the matrix is enough to next process, then we stop the process here; otherwise, the fourth step will start.

Step 4: Creating additional zeros

In this step, the element which is very small is obtained then again the same procedure is carried on until the required size if the matrix is obtained to continue the next process.

Then based on the power allocation and the number of transmitting antennas, the effective throughput is calculated.

Drawbacks of existing method

The minimum number of cellular users and D2D users are considered with consideration of less transmission area.

The throughput is less; thereby, the interference may increase.

Proposed Method

The heuristic dynamic clustering method of [16] is constructed based on the above-mentioned procedure. By using this algorithm, all the D2D users are divided into different inner cells in the way such that where the interference is less. Let us consider L are the total number of D2D users. The total number of cellular users can be indicated as the D. Each D2D user is equipped with the cellular user and uses the channel by using the reuse concept. The concept of frequency reuse is used in the way of utilizing the spectrum effectively.

In order to reduce the optimization problem, this Hungarian algorithm is utilized in a better way for the D2D user allocation and channel allocation.

The proposed method is clearly explained in the following block diagram

Figure 1: Block Diagram of the Proposed Method

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In the proposed method, the number of inner cells is increased.

By increasing these inner cells, the more number of D2D users can be allocated.

Cellular users are also increased in the same cell radius.

The code words which are used to transmit the data from transmitter and receiver without interference are also increased.

This process involves the Hungarian algorithm for resource allocation.

This process involves the parameters like power allocation for calculating the throughput.

Advantages of the proposed method

The sum efficient throughput (ET) is augment over the cellular link, which guarantees a certain level of Quality of Service (QoS).

The proposed system becomes very efficient as the number of DRxs supported by D2DC increase.

Higher max sum ET is provided because it allows higher transmit power of DTxs.


In 5G networks.

D2D communications regarding public safety applications such as search and rescue missions, coverage extension, and road safety. In search and rescue missions, the discovery of devices in impacted areas can be achieved by other devices that have access to the cellular network.

One of the most valid applications of D2D communication is Mission critical application. The possibility of the network may be narrow or non-existent. D2D communication will permit users to link the nearest devices and collaborates each other even if there is no mobile network.

For Smart Clouds and Low Power Mesh Networking, D2D communication can be enabled in IoT applications.

Simulation and Results

The simulation result for the algorithm of channel allocation with partial information of the device locations is shown below. That algorithm is simulated using  MATLAB tool.

Figure 2: Cellular networks

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The Construction of the cellular network simulation output is shown in above fig:2.Inthat, we consider the horizontal and vertical areas in the entire Cellular Networks.

Figure 3: Average sum throughput versus D2D Cluster radius

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The comparison of throughputs of the simulation result is shown above. In that CA-FIL is represents the Channel Allocation Scheme with Full Information of Device locations and CA-PIL represents the Channel Allocation Scheme with Partial Information of Device Locations.

Figure 4: Maximum ET per active D2DC of CA-FIL and CA-PIL with respect to M.

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The above simulation result represents the variation of effective throughput with an increased number of clusters. 

Figure 5: Maximum sum effective throughput Vs Nm

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Comparison of Analytical and Actual ET values of CA-FII. With this simulation results, we can say that both analytical and actual ET values of CA-FIL are approximately the same.

Figure 6: Maximum Sum effective throughput Vs Outage probability.

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The above simulation result represents the ET versus Outage Probability for different radii. By varying the radius, we can analyze the changes in the ET and  Outage Probability


In this Paper, We depicts a realistically efficient resource allocation scheme for numerous D2DC multicast communications underlay cellular networks to maximize the sum ET. From simulation results, it is proved that  As the increment in the number of cellular users in the base station transmission area is more useful and efficient in practice.

Conflict of interest

There are no conflict of interest

Funding Sources

There are no funding Source


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