Shinde Mahadu Manoharrao1 Madhav Raghunathrao Patil1 and Munjewar Subhadra Amrat2*
1College of Dairy Technology, Udgir Dist. Latur Maharastra, India 413517
2Swami Vivekan and College of Information Technology, Udgir Dist. Latur Maharastra, India 413517
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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 24 Sep 2021
Article Accepted on : 11 Feb 2022
Article Published : 05 Mar 2022
Plagiarism Check: Yes
Reviewed by: Dr. Harishchander Anandaram
Second Review by: Dr. Sanghita De
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The term information electronic library it’s need and importance and takes a stock of some notable efforts being made to initiate information electronic library activities in different parts the world.
The aim of electronic library is to explorer and to collect useful knowledge over above faster coping. Search and to distribute. So present paper discuses in electronic library services. It’s meaning, feature, feature, roll of librarians, services of e-libraries, advantages, disadvantages, and objective etc..
E-library and E-services
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Manoharrao S. M, Patil M. R, Amrat M. S. Role of Librarian in Electronic Libraries. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; 13(2,3,4).
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Manoharrao S. M, Patil M. R, Amrat M. S. Role of Librarian in Electronic Libraries. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; 13(2,3,4). Available from:
The information and knowledge from library which is in the form of electronic and digital sources are called e-library. Those libraries in which the information and knowledge are comprised in the form of electronic devices or digital equipments are called electronic libraries.
following terms are used for above respective themes electronic library.
Electronic Libraries
Paperless Libraries
Virtual Libraries
Online Libraries
The reading material in e-library is in abstract form. We cannot be seen on meant that to need this material we need electronic equipment.
E-Journals 7 periodical
Online database
Meaning of electronic Library
“The impact of information technology on libraries and more so on thedepartment libraries is bound to be drastic if not detrimental. “The print material is forced to beat a retreat.” The libraries of future will be called electronic libraries instead of books; these will have optical disk, pen drives, portable SSD. Which can use anywhere through a small portable electronic reader. “Computer applications to library and information field increase the efficiency of the day to day library work.” Electronic library is thus the high-tech net-enabled subset is a great education resource for the distance higher education of distributed learning. “An electronic computer network connecting of computers all over the world is the internet. Further enhance it capabilities.” “Which is providing new dimensions to the way libraries acquire process, store and disseminate information?”
Objective of E-Library
To save the time while communication.
To convey information to group of people at a time.
To transformation of knowledge is very fast.
To exchange ideas and experiences.
To discuss and solve problems.
To come to acceptable decisions.
To learn and to train.
Current information we can get.
Role of librarian in electronic libraries
In a network and e-information environment, libraries role become “more expanse and complete because of technology advance in information handle as well as information users demands for more efficiency and complete information de-livery. In addition to the traditional library services based on the print and Audio Video resources, librarian is now information professional managing, referring, analyzing, organizing and serving networked information to information consumes. In an information driven society. “Librarian must assumption a leadership role in education the community about the impanel of information communication and network technology on teaching learning, effectual working and productive living in an information age.
Information and communication technology has changed the complete scenario in libraries.” Now a days, library has become the centre point of resources based learning and the role of librarian is changing radically with shifts or education paradigms. “They have to look more too online and other electronic sources to meet the information needs. Acquisitions and selection criteria take on entirely new meaning when considering access to electronic services. They must accept that it’s are best education and knowledge manage. “Today librarians are really in the most favorable position to be the leaders in developing an information literate community.”
To undertake this core activity effectively the librarians needs to be:
Strongly committed from the intuition the library administration.
Educate and reeducate those saves and acquire knowledge skills and competences.
Make a library staff proficient in instruction and to work effectively with faculty.
Services of electronic libraries
The electronic libraries have been
apprising more useful them the social institution as electronic equipment
providing the information in new accepts. Then the tradisnal are it has been
appreciated. The present electronic services are as.
Internet services
Newspaper clipping services
Electronic reference services
Inter library lone services
Internet services
Internet means such a network which billion of computers connected with each other we can publish or search any information from every corner of the world with the help of hyper link we can search suitable reader.
Newspaper clipping services
Reader we can see or read any newspaper publishing on net for it we joint need the address of web. There are main aspects on homepage of newspaper, we modal curser on main accept them. It would turn into the shape of hand. It mean are cannot with hyper link librarian can do such collection on conducting through traditional internet.
Online searching and presentation.
Search and broadcasting.
Electronic reference services
According to Dr. S.R.Rangnathan, the work is useful to readers to get information about study and research a library literature material is used for that personal help is given which is called as reference service.
Online services include telephone, e-mail. Whatsapp, facebook, telegram, online service provider etc…
Inter library lone services
In the new readers largest requirement there all type of requirements like essential reference books or other books every time cannot be fulfill by library in such ceases the library where we can available these books. We can get grom that such type of give and take of books between two libraries is called “Inter library lone”
In the early period when there was formation of novels no powerful medium was used for knowledge representation. After some period pen and ink was used. Knowledge representation is an art. The mediums used today in our day to day life are paper printing technology, photography, moving films, video films, micrograph, optical and magnetic mediums such as computers and digital mediums are used commonly.
Among them the medium that is supposed to be fast by the writers view and the medium that is cost effective from library and readers view is the “electronic publication”
Electronic publications are a material that is created in an electronic medium and read with the help of computer. There are various types of electronic publication. for example,
E-Database etc…
E-books are published electronically and accessed through internet. It can be described that the entire flow of information from author to reader is in machine-readable form. Full text of the books will be available mainly for reading and coping of the same will be possible only for a few pages of some books as per the right given by the publishers. The e-books are available either fee based or free of cost.
E-journal is in electronic form that is the machine-readable form. E-journals are available both in internet and CD-ROM. During the early 90’s some periodicals were available online and then the number has moved to grow rapidly. E-journals are more feasible for the publishers of abstract journal in the early years because they handly small text of information. In the recent years, full-text of electronic journal has also become easier.
Online E-Journals
These types of e-journal are available through online hosts such as DIALOG, etc..
CD-ROM E-Journals
CD-ROM based e-journal is usual full text of specially or collect journal in truth of subjects. They are mostly electronic versions of existing printed journal
Network E-Journal
Network based are based on mailing software or client/server computer application include WWW and gopher. First generation of e-journals is as ASCLL text files with simple file Structure and small file size.
The basic of information professional would be acquiring storing, processing and disseminating information. Databases are nothing but collection of similar records with relationship between the records.
“Database can be defined as a group of inter related data stored together without harm or unnecessarily redundant to serve one or more application in an optimal fashionable.”
OPAC (Online public access catalogue
“OPAC is a systematic document of the keeping of a collection. It purpose is to enable a user of the collection to find out the physical location of the information in the collection, it is an access and resource guide to the collection of a library or libraries which provides bibliography data in machine readable form, facilities search interactively on computer terminal by a user.”
Feature of electronic library
It serves the information.
We can communicate throughout the world with the help of internet.
It doesn’t need large space of the order to read material.
To handle and read this material we need technical equipment.
With the help of technical equipment than sources can be used from the distant.
There is time saving activity in teaching of process.
The reading materials which are subscribed or donated used available for readers at free of cost.
Reader may have his own search for other reading material.
Advantages of electronic library
Minimum Expenses.
Time savings
Instant Reply.
For best result.
Good Competition.
Online advertising is the best of all because there are no expenses.
It is to track user get easily aware from progresses.
Users easily handle research available on the internet and link with related resources.
Disadvantages of electronic library
Training is revered for both and student.
Online tutoring can more time consuming than face to face communication.
Learning is a social process and many people enjoy face to face communication.
Many people find it difficulties especially of first time handling.
User must library e- services for his/her knowledge. Institutes provide many more e- services but the users haven’t accepted the sad thing. Online journal and e- education use should increase due user knowledge. Institute should be setup workshop & training for user’s knowledge and research. The teacher should be research and said research kept at internet for user’s usefulness.
Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interest.
Funding Sources
There is no funding sources.
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