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Land Use or Land Cover and Geomorphological Characteristics Study Using Remotesensing and GIS: A Model Study from Arunachal Pradesh

S.S. Asadi1*, B.V.T. Vasantha Rao2, M.V. Raju3 and P. Neela Rani4

1Department of Civil Engineering, KL University, Green fields,Vaddeswaram - 522 502 (India).

2Department of Civil Engineering,p.v.p.siddhardha Institute of Technology,Kannure, Vijayawada (India).

3Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan University, Vadllamudi, Guntur (India).

4Research Scholer, J.N.T.University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (India).

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The demand for Natural resources is increasing day by day due to increasing population , rapid urbanization, industrial growth and agricultural utilization. The levels of Groundwater is decreasing over years due to all the above activities and decreasing of annual rainfall year by year due to climatic changes and increasing runoff due to urbanization and deforestation. Hence, it is necessary to increase the land and water resources levels for future demands. Keeping this in view, we have done a model study for Socio-Economic condition and mapping of Landuse/Land cover and geomorphology characteristics study . The Study area is situated at East siang district of Arunachalpradesh falling in SOI toposheet no. 83I/13,14,82L/5,10,11,14,16,82P/ 2,3,4,7,8,11,12,83M/1,5,9. The present study was carried out to delineate Landuse/Land cover and Geomorphology cares tics IRS-ID PAN and LISS-III geocoded data on 1:50000 scale. Geographical Information System was used to prepare database on the above layers, analysis of relationship and integrated map preparation. The study area has a complex geomorphology. On the basis of geomorphic characteristics. The study has focused the utility of remote sensing data in creation of socioeconomic condition data and identification of Land use/Land cover Geomorphology class even in a complex terrain like the study area. The result in the form of integrated map could be properly analyzed using the advantage of technology like GIS as the methodology, which includes analysis of many resources and their interpretation. In the final maps, identified different class of Land use/ Land cover and geomorphology in the study areas to meet future demand and proper utilization of resources.

KEYWORDS: Geomorphological Characteristics Study; Remote sensing; GIS

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Asadi S. S, Rao B. V. T. V, Raju M. V, Rani P. N. Land Use or Land Cover and Geomorphological Characteristics Study Using Remotesensing and GIS: A Model Study from Arunachal Pradesh. Orient. J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;4(2)

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Asadi S. S, Rao B. V. T. V, Raju M. V, Rani P. N. Land Use or Land Cover and Geomorphological Characteristics Study Using Remotesensing and GIS: A Model Study from Arunachal Pradesh. Orient. J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;4(2). Available from:

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