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Ontology Based Knowledge Grid in Semantic Web to Discover Knowledge in Distributed Environment

Muqeem Ahmed*, S.Z. Hussain and S.A.M. Rizvi

Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 110 025 (India).

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In spite of various current research and investigations the development of advenced information technology is not the key issue. The different information technologies available now days but the major issue is how to got more advantages and utilization of these technologies for academic purpose in distributed environment where faculty and students communicate with software technology rather than with individual. Knowledge Based Grid was introduced for publishing, managing, sharing and utilizing different amount of knowledge base resources on the semantic web in distributed environment. The Knowledge discovery from heterogeneous information sources available on knowledge Grid environment is a major challenging research and development issue. This paper mainly concerns all aspects of the knowledge discovery, sharing process and integrates grid data resource by ontology server for educational institutes and university in distributed environment to address these issues and challenge.

KEYWORDS: Knowledge grid; Discovery; Semantic; Ontology; data mining; Integration

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Ahmed M, Hussain S. Z, Rizvi S. A. M. Ontology Based Knowledge Grid in Semantic Web to Discover Knowledge in Distributed Environment. Orient. J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;4(2)

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Ahmed M, Hussain S. Z, Rizvi S. A. M. Ontology Based Knowledge Grid in Semantic Web to Discover Knowledge in Distributed Environment. Orient. J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;4(2). Available from:

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