Prakash R. Kolhe and Pradip P. Kolhe
Officer In charge, AKMU, Dr BSKKV , Dapoli, Assistant Professor ,Dr PDKV Akola
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Article Published : 05 Apr 2016
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Henry David said “Men Have Become the Tools of Their Tools.” In this era all the developing technology begin from calculation influenced by the computer programming ICT-tool. Today energy is main problem, by utilizing sun light energy(solar energy) problem can be minimize. Sun drying is still the most common method used to preserve agricultural products in most tropical and subtropical countries. However, being unprotected from rain, wind-borne dirt and dust, infestation by insects, rodents and other animal, products may be seriously degraded to the extent that sometimes become inedible and the resulted loss of food quality in the dried products may have adverse economic effects on domestics and international markets. The conditions in tropical countries make the use of solar energy for drying food practically attractive and environmentally sound. Dryers have been developed and used to dry agricultural products in order to improve shelf life. Solar drying facilities are economical for small holders, especially under favourable meteorological conditions.
This paper discuss to design to calculate design of solar dryer. In this different parameters are determined i.e Moisture removed, Water activity, Equilibrium Relative humidity, Total Heat Needed, Enthalpy, Average Drying rate, Drying time, Collector area, Length of air vent, Velocity required. The calculator was developed using C language Version 3.0 Turbo c++ copyright (c)1990, 1992 by Borland International was developed.
ICT tool; Solar Dryer; drying rate; velocity
Copy the following to cite this article:
Kolhe P. R, Kolhe P. P. ICT tool - Development of Calculator for Design of Solar Dryer. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;9(1)
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Kolhe P. R, Kolhe P. P. ICT tool - Development of Calculator for Design of Solar Dryer. Orient. J. Comp. Sci. and Technol;9(1). Available from:
Henry David said “Men Have Become the Tools of Their Tools.” In this era all the developing technology begin from calculation influenced by the ICT-tool. Today energy is main problem, by utilizing sun light energy problem can be minimize. Sun drying is still the most common method used to preserve agricultural products in most tropical and subtropical countries. However, being unprotected from rain, wind-borne dirt and dust, infestation by insects, rodents and other animal, products may be seriously degraded to the extent that sometimes become inedible and the resulted loss of food quality in the dried products may have adverse economic effects on domestics and international markets. The conditions in tropical countries make the use of solar energy for drying food practically attractive and environmentally sound.Dryers have been developed and used to dry agricultural products in order to improve shelf life. Solar drying facilities are economical for small holders, especially under favorable meteorological conditions.
This paper discuss to Calculator for Design of Solar Dryer. In this different parameters are determined i.e Moisture removed, Water activity, Equillibrium Relative humidity, Total Heat Needed , Enthalpy, Average Drying rate, Drying time, Collector area, Length of air vent , Velocity required. The calculator was developed using C language Version 3.0 Turbo C++ copyright (c)1990, 1992 by Borland International was developed.
Materials and Methods
With the design of soar dryer. It includes different formulae and theoretical considerations those are used while developing the calculator. It also encapsulates the configuration of the system and information about the used to develop calculator.
Configuration of the System
Desktop System :- Intel® Pentium® 4, 2.0 GHz , 1 GB DDR 2-RAM , Intel 845 Series Motherboard, Microsoft®WindowsTM XP Professional
About the platform
ICT tool – Development of Calculator for Design of Solar Dryer using C language Version 3.0 Turbo c++ copyright (c)1990, 1992 by Borland International, Inc. following different formulae are used.
Design Features of the Dryer
Solar Dryer Design Considerations, Design procedure, Design Calculations. To carry out design calculations and size of the dryer, the design conditions applicable.
Moisture removed
mw = mp(Mi – Mf) / (100- Mf)
Final or Equilibrium Relative Humidity
aw = 1- exp[-exp(0.914+0.5639lnM)]
Quantity of Heat Needed to Evaporate the H2O
Q = mw x hfg (4)
hfg = 4.186*103(597-0.56(Tpr)) (5)
h = 1006.9T +w[2512131.0 +1552.4T]
Average Drying Rate
mdr = mw/ td
m`= mdr / [wf –wi]
AcIη = E = m` (hf -hi)td
Air vent dimensions
Av = Va/Vw
Bv = Av/Lv
Required pressure
Velocity = Va/A
‘C’ program-Source Code for Solar Dryer Calculator
// program was developed by Dr P R kolhe , Dr BSKKV Dapoli, Pradip p kolhe Dr PDKV akola
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
floatmw,mp,mi,mf , aw,m ,ln, ERH , hfg,Tpr , Q,mdr ,wf,wi,td,E,hf,hi , Ac,I,n , Av,Va,Vw; float Lv,Bv , V;
intkk, choice =0 ;
while (choice!=13)
printf(“\n\t\t\t**** DEPARTMENT OF EOES***\n”);
printf(“\tDevelopment of Solar Dryer \n\n”);
printf(“\tA.To calculate Design of Dryer for mango slice \n”);
printf(“\t\t 1.moisture removed \n”);
printf(“\t\t 2.water activity \n”);
printf(“\t\t 3.equillibrium relative humidity\n”);
printf(“\t\t 4.latent heat of evaporation \n\n”);
printf(“\t\t 5.quantity of heat needed \n”);
printf(“\t\t 6.average drying rate \n”);
printf(“\t\t 7. drying time\n”);
printf(“\t\t 8.Total heat energy \n”);
printf(“\t\t 9. collector area\n”);
printf(“\t\t 10.air vent area \n”);
printf(“\t\t 11. length of air vent\n”);
printf(“\t\t 12. velocity\n”);
printf(“\t\t 13.EXIT \n”);
printf(“\n\t ENTER YOUR CHOICE <1 -13>”);
switch (choice)
case 1: /* moisture removed*/
printf(“\n\t\t **** 1.moisture removed ***\n\ “);
printf(“\t\t\tEnter value of final moisture content(m) \ mf=”);
printf(“\t\t\tEnter value of mass of product(m) \mp=”);
mw= mp*(mi-mf)/(100-mf);
printf(” moisture removed =%5.2f”,mw);
break; }
case 2 : /* water activity*/
printf(“\n\t\t **** 2.water activit ***\n\ “);
aw=1-exp(-exp(0.914+0.5639*ln* (m))) ;
printf(” water activity =%5.2f”,aw);
/*For print press print key*/
break; }
case 3 : /* equillibrium relative humidity*/
ERH = aw*100 ;
printf(“equillibrium relative humidit =%5.2f”,ERH);
/*For print press print key*/
getch(); break; }
case 4 : /* latent heat of evaporation*/
printf(“\n\t\t **** 4.latent heat of evaporation ***\n\ “);
hfg=4.186*103 *(597-(0.56*(Tpr)));
printf(“latent heat of evaporation =%5.2f”, hfg);
/*For print press print key*/
getch(); break;
case 5 : /* quantity of heat needed*/
printf(“\n\t\t **** 5.quantity of heat needed ***\n\ “);
scanf(“%f”,& mw);
printf(” quantity of heat needed =%5.2f”, Q);
/*For print press print key*/
getch();break; }
case 6 : /* average drying rate*/
printf(“\n\t\t **** 6.average drying rate ***\n\ “);
scanf(“%f”,& m);
printf(” average drying rate =%5.2f”,mdr);
/*For print press print key*/
getch();break; }
case 7 : /* drying time*/
printf(“\n\t\t ****7 . drying time ***\n\ “);
scanf(“%f”,& mw);
printf(” drying time =%5.2f”,td);
/*For print press print key*/
getch();break; }
case 8 : /* total heat energy*/
printf(“\n\t\t ****8 .total heat energy ***\n\ “);
scanf(“%f”,& hi);
scanf(“%f”,& td);
/*For print press print key*/
getch();break; }
case 9 : /* collector area*/
printf(“\n\t\t ****9 .collector area ***\n\ “);
scanf(“%f”,& E);
scanf(“%f”,& I);
scanf(“%f”,& n);
Ac=E/( I*n);
/*For print press print key*/
getch();break; }
Results and Discussion
This deals with the guideline to use ICT tool – Development of Calculator for Design of Solar Dryer. The programme is prepared in the C language Version 3.0 Turbo c++.
How to use:
Enter the option from 1 to 13 for which you want to estimate the flow.
- Give the input values.
- After pressing enter key, output will be displayed.
- Again press the enter key to switch over to the main page.
- Follow the same procedure to calculate the flow of any other devices those are included on the main page.
The programme is tested for representative values of inputs for all fourteen structures. Results obtained are as follows:
Output screen for Calculator
- System is platform independent.
- This is calculated to design of solar dryer.
- Calculator is user friendly.
- Calculated values were found nearest to that of on-paper calculations.
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